I used to be a part time admin at an air function. Me and one full timer were the only administrative staff in the morning/day shift. I had hoped to go full time when she retired, but instead they got rid of the position, and I moved to a full time job in another building. One of our responsibilities at the airport was paying the fuel invoices. When I left, I asked the fuel company to remove me from the email list that received invoices, but it never happened. (7 years later and I still get them) About a year after leaving, someone from the company emailed me directly asking me what is going on. The bills hadn't been paid in months and no one was answering the emails. I found someone to take care of it, but it made me wonder what else wasn't being done properly. Things that could get UPS fined by the FAA? Apparently all of our responsibilities, and the duties of the two full time night admins, were divvied up between one part time admin and the supervisors when all of us retired/moved to another location. It's too bad because I really enjoyed working there and would still be there if they had given me full time. Make people do more with less, sigh.