By the standard of forums on BC, perhaps. Then again, there's a lot less management than non-management to begin with. Not only that, but a number of topics regarding UPS that I'd love to be able to discuss anonymously are topics that aren't necessarily appropriate for a public forum. Or perhaps things that could be appropriate for a public forum, but the post won't really do any good anywhere... like, why do flex pt supervisors exist? Who thought they were a good idea? Didn't anyone think how much more valuable tues-sat pt sups would be? Didn't anyone consider that we could probably pay an existing pt supervisor a 6-punch for Saturday in a lot of cases and have it be way cheaper than a flex if cost is the issue (especially given no additional benefits owed or any other similar expenses like there would be for additional employees...)? Did anyone even consider that flex supervisors result in significant overstaffing on Saturday? Each center at my HUB has 2 flex PTPCSes for Saturday, for example. Combined, every center runs about HALF the total number of drivers on Saturday as just 1 center does Mon-Fri. So why can't we just have 2 (1 AM and 1 PM) for every package center, especially since we run Saturday all out of 1 office anyway, meaning all of the flex PTPCSes are sitting in there together, etc... Especially since we've established based on flex ptpcs call-ins that any 1 of those flex ptpcses can handle every center combined, on their own, anyway. And with the number of duplicated on-roads among the centers on Saturday... you could honestly just have salaried employees do everything and have ZERO flex PTPCSes. They don't need to exist. The waste is insane. But is a thread about flex supervisors really worth posting? Not really, IMO. Now if someone here thinks flex supervisors are a good well-executed idea on the part of UPS, please start a topic, cause I'd love to see what you have to say in support of that.
So good topics are a bit more limited.
Back on topic...
But by the standard of a UPSers Connect community, the partners forum is extraordinarily active. So there's that. Of course, the epic failure of UPSers Connect isn't a very good topic either, though.