So after awhile we get tired and we just storm inside to see whats going on. What we see-- about 2 dozen new hires, all in blue vest, unloading and loading. Again we go what the the
is this? We signed up for the day sort and you pass us over to give those hours to new hires and seasonals!? For real!? At UPS where seniority is supposed to get first bite of the pie!? Where the steward at? This looks like a text book case for a grievance right here, am I right?
Furen, ... I hate to be the one to break it to you, but WE HAVE NO UNION. They've all been bought and paid for or coerced into siding with the company.
It's peak season and you have seniority and want to work. You make more money so the company doesn't want you. We get it. We all get it, and we feel for you.
Sadly, seniority doesn't mean much in some areas. The company does what it wants and hardly ever honors the contract. Again, I hate to be the one to break this news to you. You fight back and they retaliate.
In order to get our union back on track we MUST vote out the corruptness. Several big locals just cleaned house and it's time to do the same in your local and then force these new slates to REPRESENT the members 100% and THEN SOME.
Please go talk to your stewards and after you get different opinions, prune out the obvious dead beats and write them off. Never talk to them again on union issues. Find the good reps and recommend them to fellow workers. Expose the bad ones for what they are.