Do we get to grow beards in new contract?


Well-Known Member
I had to laugh when I saw this thread title because at the same time Smiling Bob and the penial enlargement commercial was on TV. The thought of someone posting the following then came to mind.


Folks, it's just a matter of time before we see this!

BTW: I'm just looking forward to the day when I retire that I don't have to cut my hair anymore. Ah, my return to chest length hair I've not seen since the 70's. To bad this time it'll be gray but at least I still have it all!
I'm all for goatee's, but I guess that makes us EVIL looking:confused:1
Wkmac, Had a four hour WOODY the other day that smiling Bob would have been proud of (as well as my girlfriend)(I know, TMI). But the AD says to call the Doc after experiencing that...We ended up calling Chinese take out and having a smoke. Speaking of the 70's ..Grateful Dead now playing on Siruius 32. Makes me wanna wear tie dye t-shirts as undershirts for work.


No reason we should not be allowed in IS to wear beards. I had an orange haired girl with a nose ring in my orientation meetings. I had to shave my beard of 20 years to work here. All my customers are online or in China. I give 100% everyday. I don't think a beard would cause any trouble. UPS advertises whiteboard commercials with a guy who's hair you could braid. But we can't have a beard?


Well-Known Member
I had to shave my face for 27 yrs on the road and I hated it. The day I retired was the day I stopped shaving(except for my neck and facial cheeks). I still don't wear it much longer than an inch. I never understood why you couldn't wear a short beard. If they can tell you how long to wear your hair, they could tell you how long the beard could be. Customers were always surprised when I told them that I couldn't wear one. Mailmen can wear them as well.
When I first started in 1975, we couldn't even wear them inside. We came back from strike and some of the fulltimers inside had them. Management told me they don't want beards, can ask you to shave, but if you don't they can't do anything about it. I was the first part timer in our building to grow one. They asked, I told them I'd think about it and others grew theirs too. It was funny because they didn't care how long out hair was or how we dressed, but they were concerned about beards.

doctor brown 688

Active Member
Funny thread,LMAO at frombluetobrown. I don't think a well groomed beard would hurt anything,but then again what do I know. I just wish the company had the same 1940's moral standards to go along with the appearance standards.


I dont think the no beards thing is so bad... what I do wish they would allow is sweatshirts with the UPS logo instead of the polyester jackets they provide... and maybe even regular cotton T-shirts for the summer time when its supremely hot out.... some guys in my center had T-shirts made.. but depending on who you are, not everyone gets away with it.... some get read the riot act about it and others dont... I just stick to the provided uniforms to avoid issue... Im sure its a security issue for them more than anything else


Well-Known Member
I'll bet if a woman with facial hair problems showed up with some beard-age they wouldn't say shee-ite.
On the other side, every postal worker I see with a beard has some kind of crap that goes to his chest and that just looks stupid and I think that is why we can't have beards. Some people would be idiots about it.
just do like i do, i have a velcro beard when i leave the center i put it on and jus pull it off when you return,:happy-very:,... but for real we have 1 guy thats exempt from this rule,if you just gotta have a beard just go to a dermatology doctor and get a note that shaving everyday irritates your skin.b i belive the maximun lenght cant be over 1/4 myself im glad we cant have beards, mine always looked like a dog with the mange......:happy2:


Well-Known Member
Every DHL guy I've seen with one looks pretty scuzzy. The problem with letting us grow a beard is some guys would grow one just because they could, not because they should! Some guys just look like they should be on a segment of "Cops" or "Americas Most Wanted" with a beard. Myself? I can't grow a good one anyway, my cheeks never come in full. I can though, grow a decent looking gotee. Or maybe I should go with the fu-man-chu look. Or maybe I could use those little razors to make swirly designs in my beard. Or maybe........:osama:
Here's my it too big? I get hassled about it regularly.


On the lighter side of contract talks, I'll ask the ever present question, "when do we get to grow some beards around here?" Do we have some language in this new contract about facial hair. Seriously people, its 2007 not 1937, I don't think a customer is going to get scared if the ups guy has a goatee or even a beard. I'm not asking for a ZZ TOP kinda beard either just something well maintained on my face other than a mustache. Give me some feedback on this please!

Beards go in 2009.

5 years or less seniority - long sideburns

More then 5 less then 20 years - goatee

Once you reach 20 years seniority you can grow a full beard.
Beard must be neatly trimmed and combed free of food particles at all times. :happy-very:

Company was also able to gain some concessions on the issue of body hair.

Arm pit and hair originating from the shoulder areas or chest region can not be visible at any time. :happy-very:

eyebrows can not connect and can not hang below the crest of the eye socket.

ear hair may not extend past the ear lobe surface

Leg hair has to be uniform in appearance and consistent in thickness over the entire leg or it has to be clean shaven.

inner thigh hair can not appear to extend from the inside of your shorts. :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
On the lighter side of contract talks, I'll ask the ever present question, "when do we get to grow some beards around here?" Do we have some language in this new contract about facial hair. Seriously people, its 2007 not 1937, I don't think a customer is going to get scared if the ups guy has a goatee or even a beard. I'm not asking for a ZZ TOP kinda beard either just something well maintained on my face other than a mustache. Give me some feedback on this please!

I may sound like a jerk, but I do not care at this point. The first thing that came to my mind while reading your post is the following: "Did this person vote on the contract? I hope not, because he obviously did not read it before he voted."

You brought up the lighter side of contract talks. How could you possibly not know if this language is in the proposed contract? Please tell me that you did not vote. If this is the case, I would believe you are in a right to work state and are just asking an innocent question because you are not a member.

If I have jumped to a conclusion, then shame on me.
Then shame on you, you take too much to heart. I really doubt anyone would vote for or against the contract based on facial hair issues.


Well-Known Member
Then shame on you, you take too much to heart. I really doubt anyone would vote for or against the contract based on facial hair issues.

Take too much to heart? Maybe you did not understand my premise. Do you not agree that no one should vote on a contract without reading what you are voting on? I was simply trying to show that if this person does not know whether the contract changed for facial hair, then he could not have read the contract he was voting on. If he is not a member, then fine, ask away.

This type of question is no different than asking how much our raises are. How could anyone ask such a question and vote on this contract that is the beginning of the end ofr us as Teamsters.

All I was stating is that if this question is being asked by a voting member, then no wonder this contract passed. Hey, if he was asking a question that is in the grey area, that is, not understood, then ask away, but to ask about facial hair and any changes? This type of question by a voting member makes me sick.

Their was no response as to whether he was a member and if he voted or not.
There are plenty of threads on this forum that are on serious discussions about the contract. Can't there be just one, that's for fun? Some people just no sense of humor.:whiteflag: