Well-Known Member
I'm all for goatee's, but I guess that makes us EVIL lookingI had to laugh when I saw this thread title because at the same time Smiling Bob and the penial enlargement commercial was on TV. The thought of someone posting the following then came to mind.
Folks, it's just a matter of time before we see this!
BTW: I'm just looking forward to the day when I retire that I don't have to cut my hair anymore. Ah, my return to chest length hair I've not seen since the 70's. To bad this time it'll be gray but at least I still have it all!

Wkmac, Had a four hour WOODY the other day that smiling Bob would have been proud of (as well as my girlfriend)(I know, TMI). But the AD says to call the Doc after experiencing that...We ended up calling Chinese take out and having a smoke. Speaking of the 70's ..Grateful Dead now playing on Siruius 32. Makes me wanna wear tie dye t-shirts as undershirts for work.