Do we get to grow beards in new contract?


Nine Lives
my sister is a UPS part-time sup and she's 4 months pregnant and they forced her to take disability she just wanted to make a "light duty" request and save her 6 mo disability for later so that she didn't have to rush immediately back to work or risk being unpaid but now they forced her to take a disability leave stating that she was unable to lift 70 pounds is that fair or more importantly legal

Did she have a beard or was it a mustache?


On the lighter side of contract talks, I'll ask the ever present question, "when do we get to grow some beards around here?" Do we have some language in this new contract about facial hair. Seriously people, its 2007 not 1937, I don't think a customer is going to get scared if the ups guy has a goatee or even a beard. I'm not asking for a ZZ TOP kinda beard either just something well maintained on my face other than a mustache. Give me some feedback on this please!
I couldn't find anyxthing in the National Contract, but the New England Supplemental does address this issue. Article 49, Uniforms and Personal Appearance, paragraph 4
It is agreed that employees must strictly comply with Eployer's regulations concerning personal grooming and appearance and the wearing of uniforms and accessories.

The company used to provide posters in each center detailing how mustaches and hair was to be groomed and or cut. I did hear once that a muslim driver contested the policy of no beards, but don't know how it turned out. Amyone esle here about that case, and maybe the results.

I'm sure if you check your local agreement it will be there. No leeway in the grooming standards.
We have numerous drivers in our center who have full beards. Not goatees; full blown beards. They have notes from their doctors saying they have sensitive skin and cannot shave.


Well-Known Member
And there should be some kind of warning when threads that are two years old are resurrected. The thread should be in some kind of different color or something.


dilligaf, you asked for it....

Here's the full beard


And then the Goatee
Yes I did and I still like it.


On the lighter side of contract talks, I'll ask the ever present question, "when do we get to grow some beards around here?" Do we have some language in this new contract about facial hair. Seriously people, its 2007 not 1937, I don't think a customer is going to get scared if the ups guy has a goatee or even a beard. I'm not asking for a ZZ TOP kinda beard either just something well maintained on my face other than a mustache. Give me some feedback on this please!

Ask Dizzee, he has a "beard" and he is a driver.

(I can't fight him with pictures, I can only do it with words)

City Driver

Well-Known Member
its weird i just saw this thread yesterday, and today i heard 2 road drivers saying UPSF is gonna require all drivers to shave there beads, and they werent joking
Because they want you to look like a professional appearing representative for the UPS family of companies, not like a roadie for ZZ Top.

On the bright side you still have freedom to do what you want with your pubes. :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
why cant somebody look professional with a beard?

They can and I personally would love to be able to wear a goatee. The problem is grooming of the beard. Some would take care of it while others will look like they have been in the woods for a month hunting. I guess we should be thankful that moustaches are OK.