On the lighter side of contract talks, I'll ask the ever present question, "when do we get to grow some beards around here?" Do we have some language in this new contract about facial hair. Seriously people, its 2007 not 1937, I don't think a customer is going to get scared if the ups guy has a goatee or even a beard. I'm not asking for a ZZ TOP kinda beard either just something well maintained on my face other than a mustache. Give me some feedback on this please!
I couldn't find anyxthing in the National Contract, but the New England Supplemental does address this issue. Article 49, Uniforms and Personal Appearance, paragraph 4
It is agreed that employees must strictly comply with Eployer's regulations concerning personal grooming and appearance and the wearing of uniforms and accessories.
The company used to provide posters in each center detailing how mustaches and hair was to be groomed and or cut. I did hear once that a muslim driver contested the policy of no beards, but don't know how it turned out. Amyone esle here about that case, and maybe the results.
I'm sure if you check your local agreement it will be there. No leeway in the grooming standards.