Für Meno :)
Send a jacket to someone showing Canada as 2 words.......??? WTH?
Made in China, too - so basically, just getting shipped back to Asia ! LOL
Send a jacket to someone showing Canada as 2 words.......??? WTH?
I bet. Probably her only option if she want`s out of the pit in the cellar,right?
Hey dummnuts !
Do you know the american and canadian soldiers just handed out school supplies and toys to the Afghan kids ?
Oh yeah, right - they have been told to do so , right ?
I would think you're being denied access to those same kids an even better gift to them.
Do you know my mom and her sisters got a lot of food, gum, chocolate, etc from American Soldiers after WWII in Germany ?
That came from their hearts though - they felt sorry for those poor kids, everywhere.
And to thank those american soldiers you torment americans on american message boards. where is the justice?
Do you know we have phillipinos and other asians or middle easterners on this website (browncafe) earning only $1.50 per hr ?
sounds like more potential victims for your twisted play.
Maybe, don't be soo cheap and share some of your richness, like myself ?
Is that what you call your perversion? richness?
Here's an example - "darkangel" needed a jacket - no problem - she should get it any day now
what happen you run out of cheap plastic toys?
Left the addy readable, incase you may 1 day have a heart, and help others directly that are less fortunate.
Besides that, you are totally benefiting thru those low wages UPS pays overseas. Maybe time to give some of it, where it actually belongs - to those poor workers ! Or work colleges.
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Do you know we have phillipinos and other asians or middle easterners on this website (browncafe) earning only $1.50 per hr ?
I don't see it that way. Yea it maybe in some instances but not always by any means. Some people that object to homosexuality do so purely on a Biblical stance with nothing to do with their own sexuality. If one believes in what the Bible teaches, homosexuality is wrong, I have not found any passages that would contradict that statement...I stand to be corrected.
Playing the "homophobic" card is probably the second most used pigeon hole card.
1) The LORD said to Moses, 2) "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'I am the LORD your God. 3) You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices.
Keep my requirements and do not follow any of the detestable customs that were practiced before you came and do not defile yourselves with them. I am the LORD your God.'"
You wasted a lot of time bringing up a debate on the validity of the Bible. I was not offering the Biblical position as proof of anything, My mentioning of the Bible was to point out why many people oppose homosexuality, justified/correct or not. It matters not if you or I believe what the Bible says, however it doesn't change what is there. My intention here is neither to promote nor to condem homosexuality , but to give my opinion on WHY there is so much importance placed on it in the military and in the American society. Remember, right or wrong, the majority of American's believe that our country was founded on Christianity.For starters, the bible foundationally speaking is a man created, bronze age collection of oral traditions that began to be written down sometime after 500 BCE. Although it has many good things in it worth value, I don't subscribe to the belief that it is the literal "word of God" himself as they say. That's JMO, I'm likely in a very small minority on it so don't freak out that the end of the world is at hand either.
As to the prohibitions Leviticus 18:22, 23 and what is called homosexuality, this may not be the specific point made in the prohibition. The Assyrian, Egyptian and Canaanite people all had religious structures in which sexual acts were an important part. In the case of the Assyrians, their temple priests would often don female clothing and perform sexual acts playing the part of women as a means to achieve a higher connection with their Mother god Ishtar. Men would come to the temple and in effect, lay with the priest dressed in drag if you will as a means of religious connection and thus some form of blessing would result. Happy ending maybe? LOL!
In Egypt, there were religious rites where people would lay with animals such as goats and dogs while in one case men were known to lay with female crocodiles. And no, I've not even begun to think how that would work nor do I want too either. SNAP! The animals part is what is discussed in verse 23. But then if you read verse 21, it speaks of the Canaanite god Molech which maybe gets to the point. To further make that stronger, read verses 1-3 which open Leviticus 18.
and verse 30 ends the chapter:
The point is, the prohibition was against taking part in religious rites that violate the commandment of "no other gods before me" or "I am the Lord your God." If you solely focus on the purely sexual act itself and not understand the historical, custom and religious practice of the times and place, you'll completely miss the point entirely. And here's something else to look up which even surprised me a number of years ago. There are several passages that can be construed to mean men having sex with men is prohibited (Leviticus 18:22 for example is often cited) but find a similar direct prohibition against women having sex with each other. From what I can tell (and to my surprise numerous years ago), no such direct prohibition seems to exist although many take other passages to imply but none exist in the similar direct language that many suggest prohibit men. I find that rather interesting and puzzling to say the least when understood in light of a male prohibition.
Note the bible is a very paternal text to begin with so this may have to do with that but I just find it odd that what so many claim as a direct prohibition against men exclusively while no exclusive prohibition for women seem to exist.
After I read the history and learned the cultures that surrounded such practices, I can say I'm thankful I didn't live during those times as I still find all that stuff disgusting to begin with and especially if draped in religion. Leveticus 18 sounds a lot like Alabama to me when you read it and if you don't get the joke, just shows you're not from Georgia!
Remember, right or wrong, the majority of American's believe that our country was founded on Christianity.
Which when you think back in History, and the historic churches - it's still hard for me to believe that people were going to church, praying for health and prosperity, while having overworked, poor, slaves working thier lands or cleaning their homes. Or how they killed the natives off, or with 2 A Bombs destroyed so many innocent lives in seconds.
Mind you, same goes for the Europeans (mass killings, torture, etc).
Public hanging and other brutal executions. - Not to forget the Holocaust.
Not that you get me wrong - I'm for the death penality in some cases, but from a Christian point of view - it's totally wrong !
Man shall forgive......
And as many claim, as yourself - America is a Christian society - yet the only country in the western world that still has the death penalty.
America also is the only currency that I know of (probably some others around in the middle east), that have the word "God" on it - as in "God we trust"
Or uses "God bless America" in many political speeches.
Is that any much different then the slogan "God is Great" ?
How would you feel if later Afghanistan or Iraq prints the above slogan on their new currency or uses it in almost every politcal speech ?
If you ask me, John Lennon had it perfectly right, when he wrote the lyrics to "Imagine" !
You wasted a lot of time bringing up a debate on the validity of the Bible. I was not offering the Biblical position as proof of anything, My mentioning of the Bible was to point out why many people oppose homosexuality, justified/correct or not. It matters not if you or I believe what the Bible says, however it doesn't change what is there. My intention here is neither to promote nor to condem homosexuality , but to give my opinion on WHY there is so much importance placed on it in the military and in the American society. Remember, right or wrong, the majority of American's believe that our country was founded on Christianity.
Remember, right or wrong, the majority of American's believe that our country was founded on Christianity.
Has the gay male or female not had to put up with it in the past?I personally do not care if a soldier is gay or straight --each to his own. The problem I see -when everyone declares their sexual preference --who sleeps with whom and who showers with whom ??
The straight male or female will now have to put up with flirting or gawking ???
What say you ?
Has the gay male or female not had to put up with it in the past?
Just an example if a straight male marine feels he is being flirted with or gawked at by a gay marine in the shower and takes matters into his own hands many will say he deserves to be put on trial and gets proper punishment. What I am saying is that we are now putting the staight people and the gays in a situation they should not be in.
I truly believe "Don't ask - Don't tell" could have been modified that all are treated equally, gays can serve as well as straights but the military code of conduct could have declared that sexual preferences are PRIVATE and should not be decared either way. It has certainly been my experience to see when things are voted on for political advantage and positioning they get really screwed up. (pardon the pun not intended.] Some things are better off without political input
I believe the military and the people serving could have worked this out without being dictated to what they must accept and live with.
I am not sure I understand your question. The main point I was trying to make with this thread is that sexual preference in the military should be private to the individual. Many people have given their opinions that the younger generation is a little more accepting. What I believe in the future we will see a criminal case involving living quarters and sexual preferences.
Just an example if a straight male marine feels he is being flirted with or gawked at by a gay marine in the shower and takes matters into his own hands many will say he deserves to be put on trial and gets proper punishment. What I am saying is that we are now putting the straight people and the gays in a situation they should not be in.
It is Christmas Eve so I do not want to sound to negative.
I truly believe "Don't ask - Don't tell" could have been modified that all are treated equally, gays can serve as well as straights but the military code of conduct could have declared that sexual preferences are PRIVATE and should not be decared either way. It has certainly been my experience to see when things are voted on for political advantage and positioning they get really screwed up. (pardon the pun not intended.] Some things are better off without political input
I believe the military and the people serving could have worked this out without being dictated to what they must accept and live with.
Has the gay male or female not had to put up with it in the past?