Don't Hurt the Brand


Well-Known Member
Our union should be ashamed of itself if it allows the Woke Left to “cancel” this hard working Teamster. He was NOT speaking to the customer he was speaking to himself venting frustration at something every UPS driver has been frustrated with,,, the customer who leaves a Signed Delivery Notice for an in person only delivery. Watch the video he first writes something on a notice that was already on door then fills out a new delivery notice for the new attempt.

There is nothing to show racism here except that Left Stream Media outlets (this is CBS) always see racism whenever remotely possible in this day and age. Racism is now automatically assumed because of the Latino surname, Notice the elected official mentioned in the article who immediately declares that this is all about skin color is a Democrat. Notice the driver involved is a white male. I mean he is practically convicted of rabid racism and sexism before he even walks up to the porch! He is an evil racist and probably has a Klan hood in his package car. He must be punished, stripped of ability to survive!!

And if customer last name is Smith and driver makes this comment (I’m certain this has happened many many times) then this is a big nothing burger. The media wouldn’t even sniff at the story.

Yes, he is stupid for venting frustration in front of a doorbell cam and he should feel some heat. A public meet up with customer and a sincere apology and explanation may be in order. But take away his job, His income and pension and healthcare over a frustrated (but understandable to anyone who has done the job) remark made to oneself on a long delivery day during peak? No. Would you subject a jaywalker to the firing squad? C’mon man!!

A private company has the right to fire an employee or discipline one if they represent the company in a bad light. Probably a month suspension without pay is the right protocol here.


Well-Known Member
LOL!! I guess I CAN read his thoughts!

Great news! Now let’s hope that racist stays fired! These racists and their apologists can go crawl back under their rock.
Then the racist supervisor should be fired. Job titles don’t blur the lines of racism.
What makes this racism? The customer was not even present. The driver made a disparaging remark about the customer who left a signed delivery note for an in person only delivery. He was upset because it was a long day and obviously the customer didn’t read the first info note. If you are actually a driver you have experienced this. Skin color has nothing to do with it, especially when the customer isn’t even present so who knows what thier skin color is?

If you see racism here it’s because you WANT to see racism here. Examine your own soul before you so freely damn others with your hateful accusations. This is just a frustrated man working long hours.
Lol don't hold your breath. I knew a guy with three (3) Last Chance Agreements, one of which for an overheard "racist joke".
We had someone ranting every day saying disparaging things about blacks, gays, Latinos, and everyone else who wasnt a white supremacist skinhead. But he wasnt racist because his wife is lightly mixed so he can say those things in front of black, gay and latino ppl.

Multiple witnesses, over a long period of time and nothing. Ppl got in trouble for reporting it the wrong way and listening to our boss. :censored2: UPS.

Big Rigger

Well-Known Member
A private company has the right to fire an employee or discipline one if they represent the company in a bad light. Probably a month suspension without pay is the right protocol here.
unless the union can prove the discipline is a double standard. bargaining unit employee gets disciplined worse than a supervisor did for like or worse action(s)..
then get the news media involved and see what happens.


Well-Known Member

I wonder if the union will try to get his job back.
I like the part where it says

UPS drivers go through a "professionalism and anti-harassment training" when hired for the position, O'Connor said

I must have missed those classes.



Well-Known Member
I understand the drivers frustration but you have to keep your cool. Alot these people have The ring cameras now and you don’t even have to hit the button it’s motion activated and will record you when you walk up. I know it pisses me off too but you have to watch what you say . Believe me , i would love to tell some of these people to friend off .


Yeah, I'm a road hog
I understand the drivers frustration but you have to keep your cool. Alot these people have The ring cameras now and you don’t even have to hit the button it’s motion activated and will record you when you walk up. I know it pisses me off too but you have to watch what you say . Believe me , i would love to tell some of these people to friend off .
Why, what have they done to you?


Well-Known Member


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Why would you be on the phone while trying to make a delivery?

Seriously doubt that was in any training you got from ups
With earpieces now we have guys on the phone all day long. 2-3 of our guys are on a group phone call the entire day I know. No idea what they talk about all day.


Well-Known Member
Even assuming his rant wasn’t racist (it was), why is so hard for some people to just keep their mouth shut? You don’t always have to verbalize whatever half baked thought pops into your head. For the most part, nobody cares. Go smoke a blunt or do yoga or something after work if you’re so angry that you literally can’t close your stupid mouth in public.

There really is value to the ‘seen but not heard’ mantra our parents used to teach us.

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
I understand the drivers frustration but you have to keep your cool. Alot these people have The ring cameras now and you don’t even have to hit the button it’s motion activated and will record you when you walk up. I know it pisses me off too but you have to watch what you say . Believe me , i would love to tell some of these people to friend off .
Stay cool
Don't Talk
Scratch Nuts