Texan, its Friday. I just knocked down a 192 stop, 102 mile route. just shy of 11 hours with .92 in the box. I am tired and have had a few beers...hey its Friday. Therefore I might not be thinking as clearly as I should. With that being said.............
Exactly what are you trying to say bringing up Carnegie, saying he only wants $50K A YEAR IN 1844? 1844!!!!! What is that in todays prices? $100 million a year?!?!?! Don't start preaching about history! With enough money one can re-write history any way he or she wants and make themselves look like a saint!
Obscene is making more in 1 year than 4 average families will make their entire working lives as DUEL INCOME HOUSEHOLDS. 3 million in an IRA is the defination of rich!
As for the president and his wife paying 18% tax.......GREAT! Its my understanding they both hold Jurris Doctorates. They had to work for those and they still paid twice the % Mit paid.
From where I am seated, the cheap row I know, ENTITLEMENTS seem to be screamed for by those on the edges. The rich, from rich families born with silver spoons in their mouths (trust fund babies...for example.. the Koch Brothers) and those who never had a pot to piss into nor a window to throw it out of. I wish the middle class wasn't working 60+ hours a week to better their families and actually had the time, and energy, to make their voices heard. It seems to me that all the crying is being done by those whom work the least!
If you have an IRA with over 3 million in it your ass should be taxed at 50% or more! How do you get to $3 million with caps at less than $6,000 per year? Do the math then get back to us!
Just my 2 cents after 4 beers.