dow jones


Inordinately Right
Lankford is one of only two active pastors in the GOP. So he’s a lying RINO scumbag who’s a secret Democrat?
I don't believe Lankford has anything to do with the West pushing for Ukraine to reject a peace deal that would have saved tens of thousands of lives.

Boris Johnson definitely did though.
Which your link proved.


Well-Known Member
No. Putin invaded despite our strength while knowing we wouldn't intervene with our own military under these circumstances. We've spent something like less than 5% of our annual defense budget to help knock out half their invading military. Putin knows damn well how strong Biden is.
Putin knows two things about Biden: the Afghanistan withdrawal, and Obama said never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to eff things up.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Dow jones thread?

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