Draining The Swamp


Inordinately Right
Did you not read the thread or are you just wanting to twist things as usual?
Let's review...
How to spot a pedophile 101:

The truth is if a girl is menstruating she's old enough to marry and thus have sex
I'm just pointing out that there's a difference between a 14 yr old that's menstruating and a 12 yr old that isn't. Whether you like it or not one is a child and one is a young woman.
More than happy to marry a young adult willing to marry me if I were still single.
sex with a 14 year old isn't wrong because of her age.
But in a historical context it isn't pedophilia.
It's still legal in many States for 14 year olds to get married
I had planned to go to the Philippines to find a wife when I was around 60. And she most likely would've been in the late teens


Staff member
Let's review...
How to spot a pedophile 101:
I mean, I know that people like this exist but I've never heard someone just start talking about it in a casual conservation like it's perfectly normal, I thought these guys used secret chat rooms and such to avoid the feds. Pretty disturbing.


Well-Known Member
I mean, I know that people like this exist but I've never heard someone just start talking about it in a casual conservation like it's perfectly normal, I thought these guys used secret chat rooms and such to avoid the feds. Pretty disturbing.

It's the IntErNeTZ!

To be fair, it's perfectly legal, within the jurisdictions Van was referencing.

Legality doesn't equal correct moral fortitude, something that's lost on Van.

Van is fine with a lot of things, it seems.