Draining The Swamp


Well-Known Member
just pointing out your idea of pedophilia

Please point out where I have expressed my idea of pedophilia.

It has come out that Roy Moore had an unnatural attraction to teenage girls. Other attorneys who worked with him have confirmed.

Maybe he has asked god for forgiveness, but I checked, and god said ‘no’.


Well-Known Member
Who are you to say when States make it legal? I'm just pointing out that there's a difference between a 14 yr old that's menstruating and a 12 yr old that isn't. Whether you like it or not one is a child and one is a young woman. I don't think a 14 year old is mature enough to be with a 30 yr old. And there's something very off about a 30 year old who only dates teenagers. But it isn't pedophilia, even if it's a Democrat. And as I've said before sex should be between a man and woman who are married to each other from a Christian perspective. So Moore was flat out wrong to touch her. And if that derails him so be it. For all I know Moore may have gotten serious about his religion, asked for forgiveness, got married and never touched another woman besides his wife. If that's the case there is such a thing as forgiveness. If you are expecting lawmakers to be perfect angels you'll probably have to get rid of most everyone in Congress.

I’m going to go out on a limb here:

You don’t have any daughters, do you?


I reported facts, not opinions, about young marrying ages that are allowed by the States. You are using an incorrect definition of pedophilia to attack a Republican not because you care about that woman when she was 14, but about attacking a Republican by any means possible.
You do realize women did not write the laws making it legal?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So? You make it sound like it was all my idea. Most people get married for their first and hopefully the last time in their 20's and 30's. I'm not advocating anything else, just pointing out your idea of pedophilia isn't accurate. And again, if you are truly outraged take it up with the States, get the laws changed, prove the Left can be as prudish as the Right. More power to you!
This is a strange hill to die on, Van.


Staff member
Who are you to say when States make it legal? I'm just pointing out that there's a difference between a 14 yr old that's menstruating and a 12 yr old that isn't. Whether you like it or not one is a child and one is a young woman. I don't think a 14 year old is mature enough to be with a 30 yr old. And there's something very off about a 30 year old who only dates teenagers. But it isn't pedophilia, even if it's a Democrat. And as I've said before sex should be between a man and woman who are married to each other from a Christian perspective. So Moore was flat out wrong to touch her. And if that derails him so be it. For all I know Moore may have gotten serious about his religion, asked for forgiveness, got married and never touched another woman besides his wife. If that's the case there is such a thing as forgiveness. If you are expecting lawmakers to be perfect angels you'll probably have to get rid of most everyone in Congress.

And pretty much the entire executive branch.


Well-Known Member
Step-daughter, and I'd go after any guy who harmed her. But it would be hard to do if she brought something to my attention 38 years after the fact.

But you would have no problem with a 30+ year old chasing her when she was 14?

It's not clear to me you've thought this through.