Draining The Swamp


Well-Known Member
Her age precludes her from giving consent.
No argument, that's why it's called statutory rape. The minor may have consented to have sex, but in the eyes of the law she's too young to give consent, the onus is upon the adult. However the law does allow minors to enter a marriage contract with legal adults if permission to do so is granted by parents, or a circuit court judge, or both in some States. Thus a minor's consent is valid under a marriage contract. Some would like to invalidate that in order to bolster their argument attacking Moore. That a girl that age is always molested, that it's pedophilia. Not according to the States.


Well-Known Member
I think karma is the inevitable consequences of a consistent behaviour.
Karma rewards good behaviour as penalizing bad behavior.
The problem is our popular culture likes to selectively incorporate aspects of other cultures because they like the idea. Karma is a Buddhist concept, but we're not Buddhists. Doing this is especially popular among those that are anti-Christian. And has become commonplace. Doesn't make it so but people are free to believe what they want. A similar concept is in the Bible. Your sins will find you out. But we have so many in this country looking for meaning in other places. Doing yoga and citing Karma doesn't make you a Buddhist. Living on an American Indian reservation doesn't make you a Native American. I know expats in Mexico who scorn others who don't try to live as much like a Mexican as possible but they kid themselves. They'll always be an outsider to that culture. But if that's what people want to do that's their business. But putting down my beliefs while incorporating aspects of other belief systems is a bit contradictory IMO.


Nine Lives
The problem is our popular culture likes to selectively incorporate aspects of other cultures because they like the idea. Karma is a Buddhist concept, but we're not Buddhists. Doing this is especially popular among those that are anti-Christian. And has become commonplace. Doesn't make it so but people are free to believe what they want. A similar concept is in the Bible. Your sins will find you out. But we have so many in this country looking for meaning in other places. Doing yoga and citing Karma doesn't make you a Buddhist. Living on an American Indian reservation doesn't make you a Native American. I know expats in Mexico who scorn others who don't try to live as much like a Mexican as possible but they kid themselves. They'll always be an outsider to that culture. But if that's what people want to do that's their business. But putting down my beliefs while incorporating aspects of other belief systems is a bit contradictory IMO.
Or explain a saying in a rational way.


The problem is our popular culture likes to selectively incorporate aspects of other cultures because they like the idea. Karma is a Buddhist concept, but we're not Buddhists. Doing this is especially popular among those that are anti-Christian. And has become commonplace. Doesn't make it so but people are free to believe what they want. A similar concept is in the Bible. Your sins will find you out. But we have so many in this country looking for meaning in other places. Doing yoga and citing Karma doesn't make you a Buddhist. Living on an American Indian reservation doesn't make you a Native American. I know expats in Mexico who scorn others who don't try to live as much like a Mexican as possible but they kid themselves. They'll always be an outsider to that culture. But if that's what people want to do that's their business. But putting down my beliefs while incorporating aspects of other belief systems is a bit contradictory IMO.
I didn't know " we " are exclusively christian. BTW you don't have to belong to any specific religion to believe in some of its philosophy.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know " we " are exclusively christian. BTW you don't have to belong to any specific religion to believe in some of its philosophy.
No, the "we" is our greater American popular culture. Sorry for not being clear. Point is it's popular to take shots at Christians or the U.S. while at the same time incorporating aspects of other religions or cultures. It's just what people do.


No, the "we" is our greater American popular culture. Sorry for not being clear. Point is it's popular to take shots at Christians or the U.S. while at the same time incorporating aspects of other religions or cultures. It's just what people do.
I don't know how you got that I was taking shots at Christianity from my post. And you are mistaken if you believe " we " is our greater American culture. Karma and the law of cause and effect is not a philosophy exclusive to Buddhism as you pointed out.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how you got that I was taking shots at Christianity from my post. And you are mistaken if you believe " we " is our greater American culture. Karma and the law of cause and effect is not a philosophy exclusive to Buddhism as you pointed out.
You're taking it personally but some here take shots at Christianity occasionally as do quite a few in the media. It's what we Christians have to put up with these days.