Drive deduction


Well-Known Member
He's lucky he only got took for 2 bucks a week.
Lol that could be true. I have to admit I at the time didn't know what I was doing. We've only had DRIVE here once in my whole career. Thought it was like United way. Soon realized it wasn't lol.


Retired 23 years
I will tell you another story
When I first started here 500 years ago and it was trying to sell the drive to new members they was kind of wink wink, if you get in a traffic ticket or something like that the cop sees you on the drive and will give you a break..

Kind of sounds like their appearances at our building. They would end that line with a big old :poop: eating / cigar smoking grin.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Whats the two dollar "drive" deduction on my pay stub?
You should have had to sign something to get money taken out for drive, or you are suppose to have! When you ask how to get out they will tell you “just call your local” but the truth is you call your local they send you a form then you get that form to a union Stewart that sends it back to the union that reviews it and cancels it. I believe they hope most will not go through the trouble for a few dollars. When I did it the form somehow got lost in the shuffle. I called the local personally and told them how easy they made it sound to be able to get out and what had really happened. I finally got out.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Seriously? You're smarter than that.
Smart enough and experienced enough to not trust the IBT with anything more than my membership dues. I don’t want even a penny of my hard earned money spent on politics on my behalf. I’d rather allocate that money myself. Mainly because the rest of the “principles” and legislation that gets tossed around D.C. these days by liberals, and some RINOs, go against my own and The Constitution.

I’d rather throw money at causes that I feel are better for the country as a whole in the long term. Even in spite of my job.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
what’s this $600 deduction for taxes? , where the friend* does my tax money go to

tax this , tax that , holy friend*
That money goes for important things like paying people not to work, have more babies, bring more people here from all over the world and other great things we all want. Our great President knows how to spend that money where you would want it to go. Sit back and relax knowing your money is in good hands.
That money goes for important things like paying people not to work, have more babies, bring more people here from all over the world and other great things we all want. Our great President knows how to spend that money where you would want it to go. Sit back and relax knowing your money is in good hands.
I need food stamps too