Driver Buy out?


OK, let's get this right. For Starters:

It's 1 month's gross pay for each year's service plus an extra month pay per year for vacation (2 months pay per year service)and then UPS will pay all the taxes so you get the whole thing.

Also a new car for yourself up to $75k in value and your spouse get's a car up to $50k in value.

There are no work restrictions is retirement and for those at least 50 years of age, here is the monthly pension payouts for those who take retirement.

25 years service $5000 per month
30 years service $7000 per month
35 years service $9000 per month

Anyone over 35 years service will also recieve an all expense paid 2 week trip to anywhere in the world and upon return a weekend stay in the main guestroom suite at Mike Eskew's house and Mike will serve you breakfast in bed and you get to tell him with raised voice to "Have a sense of urgency!"

Look, if you're gonna spin one, spin a d#mn good un!

There's got to be some room at Corp. where they print these things off and post them on the wall so that when situations build and they need some release, they go into this room and read this nonsense and just ROTFFL(Their)AO! I know I would!

Fullhouse, do me one favor. Whatever it is you been smoking, please don't bogart that joint and pass it on to me!


Well-Known Member
Heard a rumor this morning from some of the feeder drivers. They said UPS was going to offer a buy out to the full time employees that have 25 or more years of service. What UPS will offer is $2000 for each year of full time service as incentive to go ahead and retire. Of course this will be a one time lump sum payment.
Anyone else hear about this?
When they offered full time managers a buyout years ago it was like 1 month of salary for every year. Then the 25 year driver would get say 1 month was $5,000 then $125,000 to retire. I think then maybe there might be a few takers since there backs are worn out but $50,000 is not going to get any bites. And they offered it to all managers even the ones with only 5 and 10 years. I knew a couple of managers personally that did take it. One got like the equivalent of 1 and 1/2 years salary to walk away. Actually it looked more like cartwheels to me!


The buyout from 93 or so was 2 weeks pay for each year of services. Sorry but at the time, i wasn't thinking about pension. Boy has my mind changed in the last 14 years. If they offer a buyout of some kind, there will have to be major exclusions.

Major exodus. At least here.
Heard a rumor this morning from some of the feeder drivers. They said UPS was going to offer a buy out to the full time employees that have 25 or more years of service. What UPS will offer is $2000 for each year of full time service as incentive to go ahead and retire. Of course this will be a one time lump sum payment.
Anyone else hear about this?


Well-Known Member
I think someone just misunderstood that UPS was seeking to buy out of CS, and thought they were looking to buy the sen drivers out?


Well-Known Member
You should be thankful lurker. Also ol'e Farley was from Wisconsin so you wont hear me knocking you guys anyhoo.

take care all


Well-Known Member
Feeder drivers start all rumors!!!
Feeder drivers are generally older and closer to retirement, they know what is going on. Package car drivers, on the other hand, are so beaten down, that they do their job and just want to get home. They don't know or care right now, but when they get closer to retirement, they will start to wonder where their pension went. By then, it will be too late. Wake up and start seeing what the Teamsters and CS are doing with YOUR money. Ask questions, and verify the validity before accepting what CS or the Teamsters tell you to believe. The BA's are just looking out for themselves. Case in point: Where I work, the BA's just received a 10% raise, while at the same time, we receive cuts in our pension and health benefits. Who is working for whom?


Browncafe Steward
Feeder drivers are generally older and closer to retirement, they know what is going on. Package car drivers, on the other hand, are so beaten down, that they do their job and just want to get home. They don't know or care right now, but when they get closer to retirement, they will start to wonder where their pension went. By then, it will be too late. Wake up and start seeing what the Teamsters and CS are doing with YOUR money. Ask questions, and verify the validity before accepting what CS or the Teamsters tell you to believe. The BA's are just looking out for themselves. Case in point: Where I work, the BA's just received a 10% raise, while at the same time, we receive cuts in our pension and health benefits. Who is working for whom?

Let me get this right, the b'as arent entitled to get raises ever? I hear what your saying but did we not just get a $1 raise? I do believe that the bas might be due a raise, let me ask you when was the last raise these guys got? I suppose you would like them to put that raise into the pension fund instead, and i might actually agree that that would be the right thing to do, but is it legal?


Well-Known Member
Feeder drivers are generally older and closer to retirement, they know what is going on. Package car drivers, on the other hand, are so beaten down, that they do their job and just want to get home. They don't know or care right now, but when they get closer to retirement, they will start to wonder where their pension went. By then, it will be too late. Wake up and start seeing what the Teamsters and CS are doing with YOUR money. Ask questions, and verify the validity before accepting what CS or the Teamsters tell you to believe. The BA's are just looking out for themselves. Case in point: Where I work, the BA's just received a 10% raise, while at the same time, we receive cuts in our pension and health benefits. Who is working for whom?

Wow, there is a lot of truth to that. I as a pkg car driver for nearly 20 years have not really been checking seriously on the matter(pension and health care) untill recently. I have noticed that when pkg car drivers do become feeders they tend to start leaning more towards the anti company side. Funny, you can tell to a certian degree on the BC site. Let me tell you this, it's two different companies when you really look at it. In feeders its a slower pace, more bs time, per say. The slower easier pace is what attracts pkg drivers to feeders. Not to belittle feeders. One day I just might go into feeders, but as of now I have no desire to go that route. I respect those that do. We do need them folks. LOL Anyhow, with more bs time, they can talk more about how much they hate the Company and other hot topics relating to their employment.


Well-Known Member
There also was a large group of those management people that took the retirement deal and then had to sue UPS to get there money. I know one of them. It is amazing how these retired management people will sing like canaries about UPS and there dirty dealings once retired.