Well-Known Member
I think its a bad move to haul every driver in and try to bang the "we are trying to run a business" crap on them.
A lot of great posts in here.Every day is a new challenge.A fight to keep customers and management happy.
In our center,they took away our allowance for international pickups with waybills since (everyone ships online now)
I ran about .50 over for almost 20 years,now its 150 ,I do the job more efficiently than any swing driver could ever do,
leave me alone
everybody knows the allowances changed...this has been discussed here and probably in every center in the country...its like beating the dead horse over, and over again. If something has changed where we dont need as much allowance..AND have a decent amount already to do the job WITH what we all have to work with then fine, but please dont make things up just to tell us that a route shoule be done an hour faster for no good reason...