Driver Profitability report


Well-Known Member
I think its a bad move to haul every driver in and try to bang the "we are trying to run a business" crap on them.
A lot of great posts in here.Every day is a new challenge.A fight to keep customers and management happy.
In our center,they took away our allowance for international pickups with waybills since (everyone ships online now)
I ran about .50 over for almost 20 years,now its 150 ,I do the job more efficiently than any swing driver could ever do,
leave me alone

everybody knows the allowances changed...this has been discussed here and probably in every center in the country...its like beating the dead horse over, and over again. If something has changed where we dont need as much allowance..AND have a decent amount already to do the job WITH what we all have to work with then fine, but please dont make things up just to tell us that a route shoule be done an hour faster for no good reason...

brown bomber

brown bomber
let management....(the experts), deliver your route, using all proper methods.........most would quit by noon.......because the expectations are unattainable

just live with the hand you've been dealt, and just do the best you can


Well-Known Member
So here is my story about this report. The Sup called together about 5 drivers I believe we were the last few to be reviewed. Driver 1 signs, driver 2 throws the paper down and says he is not signing this BS, driver 3 just sets it down and walks off, driver 4 turns around and starts writing in the comments about how he had followed directions which is why he had the missed pkg. I tell him Im not going to sign something that says I cost the company money until they show me a report that shows how much I make the company. You know the service part of UPS going back to redeliver, delivering the missloads, waiting for a customer to finish taping up the box. So I dont sign it, I go into the office after I get back to the building and see the reports sitting on the desk. I decided to take another look at it and where it says employee signature there are my initials, then signed and dated by the sup. I looked at the other drivers who didnt sign and they had their initials also. Hmmm is this the way is going does he get a bonus if he gets every one to sign? :biting:

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
So here is my story about this report. The Sup called together about 5 drivers I believe we were the last few to be reviewed. Driver 1 signs, driver 2 throws the paper down and says he is not signing this BS, driver 3 just sets it down and walks off, driver 4 turns around and starts writing in the comments about how he had followed directions which is why he had the missed pkg. I tell him Im not going to sign something that says I cost the company money until they show me a report that shows how much I make the company. You know the service part of UPS going back to redeliver, delivering the missloads, waiting for a customer to finish taping up the box. So I dont sign it, I go into the office after I get back to the building and see the reports sitting on the desk. I decided to take another look at it and where it says employee signature there are my initials, then signed and dated by the sup. I looked at the other drivers who didnt sign and they had their initials also. Hmmm is this the way is going does he get a bonus if he gets every one to sign? :biting:

Like I said....UPS is spiraling out of control. Management has become more vile than I ever could have imagined. Our flavor of the month right now seems to be concerns. Apparently we will be talked to about each and every one of them (with a steward present of course) regardless of their legitimacy. Each and every concern goes in to our files now. Also with no regard to legitimacy. I saw some of my past concerns (that I was never told about) and you wouldn't believe what all was in my file. There was one for when a customer complained that I didn't DR their package in an apartment in the middle of the worst part of town. Another for not attempting a delivery in apartment complex that requires a key to get in that we don't have. If management wants to make concerns their new flavor of the month they need to weed out the BS concerns from the legitimate ones. But that would be too easy and the right thing to do.


I would love to see a telematics report on someone who is doing a route and getting 2 hours bonus on it. I would first check their drive speed against the posted speed limit and then look if they worked through their lunch and breaks..if they did then they are recording an error and falsifying electronic records and lp should look into it...period. Just like p-man said, the allowances are not built to be making huge amounts of bonus and when someone is getting this much they arent doing it by just not ringing a doorbell or jumping out of the truck without grabbing the handrail...other things are happening.

I don't disagree with you that there are bonus runners taking shortcuts.

My personal experience as a delivery driver too was there was a max pace I could move at that was easier in the am and became more difficult to maintain as the day wore on. Being paid by the hour you don't have the incentive to maintain that pace. being on bonus you do.


So here is my story about this report. The Sup called together about 5 drivers I believe we were the last few to be reviewed. Driver 1 signs, driver 2 throws the paper down and says he is not signing this BS, driver 3 just sets it down and walks off, driver 4 turns around and starts writing in the comments about how he had followed directions which is why he had the missed pkg. I tell him Im not going to sign something that says I cost the company money until they show me a report that shows how much I make the company. You know the service part of UPS going back to redeliver, delivering the missloads, waiting for a customer to finish taping up the box. So I dont sign it, I go into the office after I get back to the building and see the reports sitting on the desk. I decided to take another look at it and where it says employee signature there are my initials, then signed and dated by the sup. I looked at the other drivers who didnt sign and they had their initials also. Hmmm is this the way is going does he get a bonus if he gets every one to sign? :biting:

there is no bonus for his initialling the form for you other then he probably saved you guys some heartache from the center manager. As a supervisor he should have reviewed the information with you one on one instead of in a group. He should then have put down refused to sign if that is what you did.

Despite the negativity that is constantly displayed on this site our people have overwhelmingly told us through the eri and focus group meetings that they want to know how they are doing and they want to know how they impact the business. this form does both.

The sup you mention apparently does not agree with this task and is just trying to get it done as quickly as possibly. If he dishonestly initialed those forms for you then you should make the phone call and he should find a job that he agrees with.


Tie so you are saying he should drop a dime on the supervisor and call the 1800# and tell on him.

I don't condone dishonesty and personally I despise the cowardice of calling the 1-800 number as opposed to the direct approach. But whatever works for the driver.

This supervisor sounds like someone who does not have the courage and conviction to do his job. so he hands out five at a time says here sign this cuz someone else is making me get this done. The driver reviews have room for the negatives that affect the business , its the sups job to sell the drivers on what his role is in this process. if the sup has developed any relationship with the driver then he should also be able to add some positive feedback to add to this new form of job review discussion.

if he can't sell this information and can't handle it right and then pusses out by initialling the form for the driver then I have no use for him.


The ERI questions are specifically written to elicit positive responses, and there is definitely some monkey business going on there.

I would put as much faith in those numbers as BP progress report.

(not to mention the fact that the ERI seems to be MIA lately)

I've never met an on-road yet who tries to 'sell' the drivers role in this business as you say Tie. That would be refreshing to say the least and I like the part about developing a relationship with the drivers. Other than with the run-and-gunners, I haven't seen that since the 80's.

just interested

Well-Known Member
Red, I stand by my original post. I was simply trying to offer my explanation of the process to the OP. Reducing send agains and overallowed are the flavors of the month in my center so perhaps that is why I focused on them.

I'm new and ignorant ~ Haven't driven yet, but will be trained to do so at the Integrad Facility in Landover, MD for 5 days.

What are send agains and overallowed?

Can you tell by this report whether he was overloaded? or was it a fair amount to deliver within the time allowed?

I think the facility I will work in packs you for 9 1/2 days and plans on paying you overtime 5x/week. Is that normal throughout the country?

I've also seen people say they "put in for an 8 hr day". Does that mean we can special request a lighter load every now and then?

Thanks for any answers.


Well-Known Member
send agains are packages that are not able to be delivered either not in to sign for a package or closed for holiday or any other reason (you can't attempt to deliver a package and have them closed between 12 and 1). Over allowed is the time in excess of the proscribed time the Industrial Engineering department allots for your day. This number is pulled from the alignment of jupiter and mars and pluto with some of the asteroids and is generally a ridiculous number on some routes. And the best part is you never know how much time your allowed until after you finish. On a report you will generally see the next morning it will say "plan - 856" which is roughly 8 hrs 32 minutes. And say it took you 9 hours to do the route, you will be .44 over or 28 minutes "overallowed." Which is a generally acceptable number because at training they will say + .50 is acceptable. Although anything with a - in front of it is acceptable :raspberry-tounge:


The ERI questions are specifically written to elicit positive responses, and there is definitely some monkey business going on there.

I would put as much faith in those numbers as BP progress report.

I really don't expect too many people on this message board to be able to understand the eri. Most here are out of touch with anything but pissing and moaning which they have mastered.

in doing the eri and focus group meetings most of the real upsers that exist out in the real world wanted feedback. They wanted information fed to them timely. they wanted to have better explanations of the busniness and how they impact it. they actually wanted feedback on how they theirselves affect the business.

most of you here should not worry your pissing and moaning little heads about such complicated issues.


The ERI is MIA to save $$$.

its still being done. if last years eri is indicative of where its headed then you have a random sample selected by corporate with no feedback from operations on who to choose.
its no longer an operation specific number to chase. More effective without all the cost.


Well-Known Member
its still being done. if last years eri is indicative of where its headed then you have a random sample selected by corporate with no feedback from operations on who to choose.
its no longer an operation specific number to chase. More effective without all the cost.

So they select based upon employee ID#?