I think each management team submits a list of [-]preferred[/-] bonus employees.
I think each management team submits a list of [-]preferred[/-] bonus employees.
what difference does the eri report make? does management ever act on it?
lSo they select based upon employee ID#?
Only hand-picked employees take the ERI now.
No, based upon the answers they feel they would get from "Pre-Qualified Employees".So they select based upon employee ID#?
Red, I stand by my original post. I was simply trying to offer my explanation of the process to the OP. Reducing send agains and overallowed are the flavors of the month in my center so perhaps that is why I focused on them.
there is no bonus for his initialling the form for you other then he probably saved you guys some heartache from the center manager. As a supervisor he should have reviewed the information with you one on one instead of in a group. He should then have put down refused to sign if that is what you did.
Despite the negativity that is constantly displayed on this site our people have overwhelmingly told us through the eri and focus group meetings that they want to know how they are doing and they want to know how they impact the business. this form does both.
The sup you mention apparently does not agree with this task and is just trying to get it done as quickly as possibly. If he dishonestly initialed those forms for you then you should make the phone call and he should find a job that he agrees with.
The ERI questions are specifically written to elicit positive responses, and there is definitely some monkey business going on there.
I would put as much faith in those numbers as BP progress report.
I really don't expect too many people on this message board to be able to understand the eri. Most here are out of touch with anything but pissing and moaning which they have mastered.
in doing the eri and focus group meetings most of the real upsers that exist out in the real world wanted feedback. They wanted information fed to them timely. they wanted to have better explanations of the busniness and how they impact it. they actually wanted feedback on how they theirselves affect the business.
most of you here should not worry your pissing and moaning little heads about such complicated issues.
This coming from you? Did you say that the sup cant do his job yet the driver should not report him for dihonesty for signing his name? And you wonder why some on here complain?
send agains are packages that are not able to be delivered either not in to sign for a package or closed for holiday or any other reason (you can't attempt to deliver a package and have them closed between 12 and 1). Over allowed is the time in excess of the proscribed time the Industrial Engineering department allots for your day. This number is pulled from the alignment of jupiter and mars and pluto with some of the asteroids and is generally a ridiculous number on some routes. And the best part is you never know how much time your allowed until after you finish. On a report you will generally see the next morning it will say "plan - 856" which is roughly 8 hrs 32 minutes. And say it took you 9 hours to do the route, you will be .44 over or 28 minutes "overallowed." Which is a generally acceptable number because at training they will say + .50 is acceptable. Although anything with a - in front of it is acceptable![]()
Focused on them how exactly? Was it your fault you had send agains?
This coming from you? Did you say that the sup cant do his job yet the driver should not report him for dihonesty for signing his name? And you wonder why some on here complain?
I think you need to reread my posts. I think I was very clear on the point that any sup that falsifies signatures is a slime ball and should be reported for his integrity issues.
The ERI questions are specifically written to elicit positive responses, and there is definitely some monkey business going on there.
I would put as much faith in those numbers as BP progress report.
I really don't expect too many people on this message board to be able to understand the eri. Most here are out of touch with anything but pissing and moaning which they have mastered.
in doing the eri and focus group meetings most of the real upsers that exist out in the real world wanted feedback. They wanted information fed to them timely. they wanted to have better explanations of the busniness and how they impact it. they actually wanted feedback on how they theirselves affect the business.
most of you here should not worry your pissing and moaning little heads about such complicated issues.
Well, I figure my B.S. in Political Science with a minor in Statistics qualifies me to critique the ERI. Since you are so familiar with the ERI process, would you care to post up some of the questions and I'll show you how the wording skews the results?
Well, I figure my B.S. in Political Science with a minor in Statistics qualifies me to critique the ERI. Since you are so familiar with the ERI process, would you care to post up some of the questions and I'll show you how the wording skews the results?
Thanks for taking the time to explain this to me! I appreciate it.
I would demand the paper that they forged my signature, get a witness that it was done and tear it up. Then I would file a grievance and get it on record. As far as profitability I dont really care. What I cost the company is based on the direct orders that I recieve on how to work. It should really be my CMs profitability report. Im just the worker bee. They have changed a few of the routes I have done and I gave some advice on what would help me finish faster. Well they didnt what I said and on top of that added time and mileage to the route. So more negatives for my/the CMs profitability report. If your going to call it my profitability report then and make me responsible for it then I better be the one making the decisions not carrying out the orders.![]()
It amazes me every day to read about how everyone is so pissed obout the unfair allowances. WHO CARES. You cannot be disciplined for being over allowed, as long as your not out there screwing off and doing things you shouldn't be doing you will never be in trouble. The allowance numbers are meaningless, you get paid by the hour, if you make bonus good for you. If not good for you. The only thing you need to worry about is following the methods and working as directed. Your life will be so much easier when you stop worrying about being over or under.