Raises for drivers are not given to people in progression. Progression rates are spelled out. So do not worry about raises others get. Now the question is do you move up to the new progression rates or stay under the old progression rates.
Not according to the language in the contract:
Full-time employees still in progression on the effective date of this Master Agreement shall receive the above contractual increases. They will be paid no less than what they are entitled to in accordance with Article 41, Section 2 below.
Ok, I'm still in progression, so according to this I shall receive the contractual wages…what's that second part again?
They will be paid no less than what they are entitled to in accordance with Article 41, Section 2 below.
Ok, so what am I entitled to? (old rates in italics, new in bold)
The progression for employees entering a package car driving, feeder or other full-time job (other than an air driver or a job covered by Section 3 below) position after August 1, 2013 shall be as follows:
Start $16.10 $18.75
Seniority $17.25 $18.75
12 months $18.45 $19.50
24 months $20.75 $21.00
36 months Top Rate $25.00
48 months Top Rate
Oh, but I was hired before August 1st, 2013 so what about me?
Article 41 Section 2(c) of the prior Agreement shall remain in effect for all employees in that progression as of the date of the ratification
OK…..then do I get anything?
Full-time employees still in progression on the effective date of this Master Agreement shall receive the above contractual increases. They will be paid no less than what they are entitled to in accordance with Article 41, Section 2 below.
So I get
no less than the $.70 raises each year. I don't know where
raises for drivers are not given to people in progression
came from, because I'm pretty clearly entitled to them…OR, even better, I'm entitled to the higher progression wages while keeping the 3-year wait, which is what I'm hoping for although I can't find any language to definitively support that.
So do not worry about raises others get.
What's the point of saying this?