Driver running over dog

Netsua 3:16

I would also argue that a good portion of dog owners simply have no business owning a pet of any kind. When you go down a driveway and there’s crap everywhere like something out of the show Hoarders....and then there’s 2 dogs unattended running around like chickens with their heads cut off barking at absolutely nothing. If you can’t even take care of yourself properly, don’t get a pet. If you aren’t going to be home enough to train them properly as a pup, don’t get a pet.
When you are walking a pkg and pass an owner walking their dog on a leash and it stays calm, doesn’t bark at you or act out in any way, those people deserve gold stars.


Retired 23 years
Looks more like a family that lost a pet is grieving and our driver should've slowed down with animals present.
They only grieve when the camera is on them. Some dogs are great at chasing cars and some aren't. Mr. Boxer wasn't.


I ran over a little yapper one time Indian (7-eleven) guy comes running out telling me in broken english I’am going to hell

told him Probably but not for running over your dog


Retired 23 years
These idiots were in the house all the time and didn't hear all that commotion? Horns honking and dogs barking. Give me a break.


The truth never changes.
If you love your pet why not keep it away from driveway danger? Be responsible.
It's their driveway and their pet(s). We've all been there. Just like I dont try to destroy or damage their property I try never to injure or damage their non-fixed objects.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Fixed the lefty media spin that runs with one side of the story.

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Well-Known Member
We had a guy years ago who was bitten on route and got a bone infection and lot 70 percent of the use of his arm.He lost job because of this dog and dog owners just don't get it.Guy lost his lively hood because of a bad dog owner.