Just goes to show there are ignorant folks in this world. Such responses calling things pathetic. We are human. Each of us have talents, strengths and weaknesses. I do know that going through high school and college was tough. While some folks had it easy and could play and still pass, I had to be one of the ones to actually break open the books and study hard for each passing grade. I have given it everything I know to try to memorize some of these antiquated ideas. While important, I understand.
Still, I am proud to have my Bachelors in Business Administration and PreLaw. I worked hard for it.
I hope those of you calling people pathetic for not being able to learn quickly will always have it easy in life and continue to look down on those of us who struggle. It just re-emphasizes that there are good people and terrible people. You Sir, tipped you're hat to the class you are in. Your the reason life is hard for millions of people. Judge, jury and executioner. Wait, your from NY... Enough said.