It is fairly obvious to me that many of you cannot see beyond the zeroes on your inflated paychecks.
Ground is expanding on an almost daily basis. When is the last time you heard of a UPS expansion other than at Worldport?
Inflated paychecks? On what, inflated profits? If UPS wanted to expand they could and would. Nearly every center could expand with additional routes and additional package cars, but they CHOOSE not to; instead, they bury the drivers they have with extra work and longer hours. You seem to neglect the fact for nearly 80 years, UPS had a virtual monopoly on the small package industry. So when RPS comes along, and UPS couldn't crush them to pieces, they grew, even if their service was
. Guess what? When you start from zero, you only get bigger. Hence, they grow. And when Fed-X buys RPS, they have bigger pockets to expand their facilities. Depending on the economy, if they stay in business, they will grow.
UPS has a complete network in this country. Because we aren't growing at the rate of a company that has a much smaller network, should we throw in the towel?
So, should we start selling off core assets because Fed-X is growing? Should we agree to have our wages cut because Fed-X ground is growing? Should we agree to two-tier wages because Fed-X ground is growing? Maybe we should agree to cut our benefits while you're at it too?
Sorry, UpstateNYUPSer, but I won't jump on your race to the bottom, because that's what agreeing to a two-tiered wage system is. I'll settle for my horrifying, inflated paycheck, with all of those zeros.