So today... I asked about a ramp and told them what happened last week. They told me they were bringing some sand bags out to put in front of it. I got out and looked at my cart, and realized... "Hey... this is high enough to clear that 8" metal curb". It won't high center the cart. No way! So I eased up to the container and drove up with just the front tires inside. I gave it just a little more gas... and waaalaaaaa! It went in... easy peasy! I called them back and told them, you don't have to get a running start at it, it goes in just fine. They were going to bring out the bags anyway though, because they said if it rains, I could get stuck. It sits on red dirt, and I can understand how that might happened. Happy Happy Girl! Not happy with only 1.5 hours today. They said Mondays are slow usually. It is a 28 mile round trip for me. Come on Peak! I am ready for some hours.