Here. wanna know something. And you wanna get me started ???
Here it goes :
I won't mention his BC Identity openly, but if a moderator or Cheryl wants it, I will pm it.
This BC'ler has basically internet stalked me.
This person knows my timeshares, which weeks, even which rooms I'm in. = Scary !!!
Knows my e-bay account, what I have bought and sold and my 100% feedback.
Left all sorts of negative feedbacks on my youtube account. (which I deleted and blocked the person from ever doing that , again).
And your bi..tching at me ????
I don't need all that right now !
Oh, here are the comments that were left on other websites :
All the above and more were posted May 9th.
I didn't say friend all about it.
But, this is going too far now. Are you guys proud now of your fellow BCler/UPSer who is doing this to me ?
Then I rather be myself, and have that beer after my run, then to work with idiots like this !
Sure sets a good example to not ever use or support UPS ever again !
Yeah I am the guy klein is referring to. If you have a problem with what I posted on u-tube, don't share your videos with us on Browncafe. Number 2. I simply copied your u-tube identity and pasted it into the google search box and lo and behold dummy, you apparently use the same id or one very similar to it for everything else and google displayed it. All this stuff that I was able to easily view was left in public forums. So if you have a problem with that, don't leave the bread crumbs lying around.
But I will tell you what klein, I will never comment again on anything you ever post again in any forum. You're a non entity to me. How the heck do you put a person on ignore anyway? I don't see the option.