My route two routes ago. Leave at 8:30 and head back about 5. I had days where I was completely done at 2:30-3:00 and then just had to screw around before heading in. That was before telematics and you could do that and get away with it. At the max i would do 160 stops. Now the guy cries if he has 130. And it's 90-90% residential.
My route now isn't too bad either. EAMS at 7:15, start regular run about 8:50. Usually in the 140-150 range. Have off between 60-90 stops before 1pm, lunch 1-130, and the last 60-80 stops over the next 2 hours, pickups (about 7 pickups/40 pieces tops) from 3:45-4:30, drive in and off the clock about 5-515. My route usually covers on about 3 square miles so it's all pretty tight. During peak my route shrinks down to about 1.2 square miles. More stops, tighter area.