El Paso Shootings


Retired 23 years
The post was referring to people like you, so, you're welcome I guess.
Carry on.
We did blame that Uppity Negro for everything didn't we. Just like the Bush's got all the blame and every President since the beginning. Donald will be blamed during his next 4 year term too--as will whoever takes his place eventually. Don't you realize how American politics works?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Is there a new movie that may have some relevance to this mass shooting.
Something about women/men hunting other humans.
It reminded me of the witnesses talking about how he hunted victims, cornered tham and then shot them ...
Ya think there was some correlation?


Well-Known Member
While I'm at it is it politically correct to use the term "Negro" anymore? I'm not sure.
Do you have a donation?

United Negro College Fund, Inc., is a recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit; federal EIN, 13-1624241.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Yet another senseless shooting.
What can we as a Society do to stop this?

Thoughts and prayers.

I gave up on the issue after a classroom full of first graders and their teachers was splattered all over the walls at Sandy Hook. Nothing came out of even that and nothing will anytime soon. As an American you just cross your fingers and hope you and/or your kids aren’t next.