El Paso Shootings


Happy Verified UPSer
Interesting article on Business Insider about 5 countries that have been successful in cutting down on gun related deaths.

Norway , UK, Japan, Austrailia , New Zealand has had success with buy back programs, more strict requirements in owning a handgun or firearm , and education has drastically cut down on shooting deaths in their countries.

don't know how to provide link . have been reading various articles on this the last couple days. we ( U.S.) has to do SOMETHING and not nothing and expect things to improve.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Interesting article on Business Insider about 5 countries that have been successful in cutting down on gun related deaths.

Norway , UK, Japan, Austrailia , New Zealand has had success with buy back programs, more strict requirements in owning a handgun or firearm , and education has drastically cut down on shooting deaths in their countries.

don't know how to provide link . have been reading various articles on this the last couple days. we ( U.S.) has to do SOMETHING and not nothing and expect things to improve.
We know the solutions that work. We don’t implement them because a vocal
minority has been convinced by the gun lobby that if they can’t have 100 round drum magazines they’ll be oppressed by a tyrannical gobernment.


Happy Verified UPSer
We know the solutions that work. We don’t implement them because a vocal
minority has been convinced by the gun lobby that if they can’t have 100 round drum magazines they’ll be oppressed by a tyrannical gobernment.
i don't pretend to know of any solutions nor am I very well versed in the subject of guns and some kind of gun control but are you saying that in our country this issue is purely political? or that a group like the NRA has THAT much power?

So once again money trumps ( no pun intended ) the lives of people? Where does the Teamsters stand on this?

Or better yet , what can the average everyday citizen do to effect change?


Well-Known Member
As more guns are produced and sold, the violence will only increase. Mass shootings will eventually become the norm every day just as drugs and gang affiliated shootings are the norm in the inner cities. But don't worry, there are so many industries that profit from gun violence. The almighty $ is what drives violence in Murica. Carry on.....:happy2:


Well-Known Member
Why is it when a Muslim commits a mass murder it is due to their religion, but when a white guy does the same it must be mental health issues?
Ask the Muslims. The difference in my opinion is the White guy always seems to be a loner who is in his own little world. The Muslims who do such things seem to be connected to others of like mind. And often they are heard yelling Allahu Akbar or some such. And afterwards there's a fanatical group claiming responsibility.
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Well-Known Member
As more guns are produced and sold, the violence will only increase. Mass shootings will eventually become the norm every day just as drugs and gang affiliated shootings are the norm in the inner cities. But don't worry, there are so many industries that profit from gun violence. The almighty $ is what drives violence in Murica. Carry on.....:happy2:
As more...? You are aware of the mega millions of guns already out there?


Well-Known Member
Or video games. Stupidest smile* I’ve ever heard. He has no idea what to do, so he deflects....
Uh oh, someone's ox got gored. I don't think violent video games turn all players into homicidal maniacs. But they just might be an influence on these type of young men.