Maybe you should move to the booming economies in places like Detroit or Chicago !!
NO, maybe we should move to a red state where they hand out the LARGEST PERCENTAGE of welfare in the country.
Maybe you should move to the booming economies in places like Detroit or Chicago !!
I’m alternately amused and exasperated by the constant refrain of calls to “Vote Harder!” from Progressive Democrats (the kind of people who use the #UniteBlue hashtag on Twitter). During the 2008 campaign Barack Obama made the most left-populist noises of any Democratic candidate in generations, and won by a landslide almost as big as LBJ’s over Goldwater in 1964 (including a 60-seat Senate majority). He came into office facing the worse economic crisis of any president since FDR’s inauguration in 1933, and a presumptive mandate to fix it.
So what did this “Kenyan Marxist,” this pal of Saul Alinsky, actually choose to do, after all that campaign rhetoric? He continued Paulson’s Hamiltonian TARP program, with a few minor cosmetic touches, bailed out the legacy auto industry in Detroit, and poured $600 billion into “shovel-ready projects” (mostly automobile-highway complex infrastructure already railroaded through by local real estate developers, to extract a few more years of profit out of an economic model clearly doomed to destruction). He took his sweet time ending one war — indeed never completely ending it at all — drastically expanded another one, and started still another one. He did virtually the opposite of virtually everything he promised regarding domestic surveillance, torture, whistleblower protection and government transparency in 2008. He adopted a healthcare “reform” based on Romneycare, which essentially creates a captive market for the crooks in the health insurance industry.
If voting such a vocally “Progressive” candidate into office, with such an unprecedented alignment of stars in his favor, still led to betrayal, how hard do people have to vote next time to get somebody who won’t betray them?
Few things anger a democrat more than pointing out the absolute truth that they are now a party of war, aggression and violence with foreign and domestic policies similar to Dick Cheney.
Few things anger a republican more than pointing out that they are often big government statists and have been far from "conservative" in their support of rampant spending and waste while risking the lives of Americans.
Bruce Fenton
Repeating another deceitful graphic. You did notice that only Koch Ind is on your list, not all Koch backed entities. Over $407 million in the 2012 cycle alone from all Koch funded entities.
Repeating another deceitful graphic. You did notice that only Koch Ind is on your list, not all Koch backed entities. Over $407 million in the 2012 cycle alone from all Koch funded entities.
Is it Sunday already ?Do you really think she reads the contents of the links before she posts them ?
Tea Partiers don't hate gays. They are not against freedom of the press.
Have you figured out the difference between debt and deficit yet?Do you really think she reads the contents of the links before she posts them ?
I'lived think you will find that the unions spent more to buy politicians in the 2012 election cycle than all of the Koch bros.Repeating another deceitful graphic. You did notice that only Koch Ind is on your list, not all Koch backed entities. Over $407 million in the 2012 cycle alone from all Koch funded entities.
You didn't know that John McCain is a RHINO.
A democrat in the Republican party.
You didn't know that John McCain is a RHINO.
A democrat in the Republican party.