

Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Not a Romney fan, but what is wrong with the dress? Very nice family photo, I think.
PS ( I used to belong to a Mormon church) and Catholics are just as bad as the Mormons. Except the Mormon church teaches you how to be self reliant, how to make a stockpile of food, enough for your family for one year. Teaches women how to cook, can, store, prepare, plant and garden. How to be a good wife and serve your husband, and be a good mother and take care of the family. I shouldnt say taught, as most of it comes naturally. for most people, but they will provide guidance. Family home evening on Monday nights, great thing. Men are taught to be good husbands, fathers, providers.
I only left because they wouldnt let me drink coffee, use birth control, and occasionally use alcohol.


golden ticket member
Not a Romney fan, but what is wrong with the dress? Very nice family photo, I think.
PS ( I used to belong to a Mormon church) and Catholics are just as bad as the Mormons. Except the Mormon church teaches you how to be self reliant, how to make a stockpile of food, enough for your family for one year. Teaches women how to cook, can, store, prepare, plant and garden. How to be a good wife and serve your husband, and be a good mother and take care of the family. I shouldnt say taught, as most of it comes naturally. for most people, but they will provide guidance. Family home evening on Monday nights, great thing. Men are taught to be good husbands, fathers, providers.
I only left because they wouldnt let me drink coffee, use birth control, and occasionally use alcohol.

They will also take care of their own so they don't have to go get food stamps and be a strain on the gov't. You return the favor by working in the food places when you are back on your feet. I also think it's a lovely picture. Not a tattoo or lip ring in site!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
They will also take care of their own so they don't have to go get food stamps and be a strain on the gov't. You return the favor by working in the food places when you are back on your feet. I also think it's a lovely picture. Not a tattoo or lip ring in site!
Yes imagine a world like that.


golden ticket member
This describes the Dems. perfectly. The Republicans are doing the math for themselves and trying to draw a line in the sand to stop the mindless spending that Obama feeds on.


Strength through joy
or saying jobs is his #1 concern was for a jobs bill last year and all he can come up with is a major tax increases, which he knows will never pass in the House, but will use it as part of his re-election campaign.
{ Congress is so against me. }
{ I tried but they stopped me at ever turn. }
{ the reason you're out of work is the fault of the GOP , since my first day in office they have blocked ever bill. }


Für Meno :)
Lets just say the republicans win the next 2 elections, and are in power until 2020.
Do you really believe they will be against any tax increases as they are now ?

Social security should almost be gone by then, healthcare costs are constantly increasing, mainy due to an ageing population, and higher obesity rates, where higher healthcare costs are a problem for the rest of the world, too.
Of course the US has a major huge debt and deficit to deal with , too.

The big question remains : How the heck will all these problems be solved without raising taxes ?
Cuts alone just won't do it !
Besides all that who knows when the US will go back to yet, another war, too ?
There are always unforseeable costs, even in each of our own households.

In my opinion, that no new or higher taxes is just another fat election promise lie, made by the republicans.
Because, in the financial situation the US is currently in, it's impossible not to raise government revenue (taxes), and still balance the books !


Strength through joy
It is easy to balance the books; fire Michelle's staff of 25 { the most any other flotus ever had was 3 }, end all "vacations" for the first family, send their kids to a public DC school { with all the Secret Service agents there it would encourage other parents to also send their kids there } , make his campaign pay for all of the trips made outside of his official duties , fire all of the czars and their staffs, inform his cronies that all unused stimlus monies must be returned, ban any more deficit increases , tell every laid off gov't worker that if they wish to stay in gov't they are to report to the Border Patrol , move several military bases to the southern border establishing multiply live fire target areas, inform everyone receiving welfare that they are subject to an automatic 25% reduction in benefits ,{ so that they too can pay their fair share }, open up closed drilling lease areas and double the fees, sell off the timber rights to some US Forests { the trees will always grow back }, demolish unused houses in urban areas and turn the soil back to farmlands { which those receiving welfare will use to grow their own foods stocks, or suffer another 25% reduction in benefits } legalize all banned drugs and triple tax it .

See in just a few easy steps the budget could be balanced, but I forgot that it's been like 1000 days since this country had a budget bill passed.


Strength through joy
Don't worry if China refuses to let us borrow anymore , I know our friends up north will be more than happy to send us some loonies.