

Strength through joy
[h=1]Memo to Dems: Dump Obama before it’s too late[/h]
This summer has cemented it: Barack Obama is a lame duck.
His administration is a failure.
Democrats know it.
And they only have months to act.

Their president has lost the support of Wall Street donors.
He has driven high-powered Democrats to go public with humiliating criticism.
One in four Democrats have told CNN they want a different nominee.

What’s the problem? In a hugely influential New York Times editorial, psychologist Drew Westen lamented that Obama’s problem is himself.
“Like most Americans,” he wrote, “at this point, I have no idea what Barack Obama — and by extension the party he leads — believes on virtually any issue.”

There is still time for Democrats to fix this — but only if they force their leader not to seek a second term.
As a president, Barack Obama is doomed.
He is doomed now, doomed on Election Day and doomed even if he wins, until the day he leaves the White House.
For starters, Obama has no true constituency.

No one wants to admit that the president’s white and African heritage — non-African-American, that is — matters.
It mattered when he parlayed it as a candidate into a successful-feeling act of racial transcendence and healing.
It matters now as we strain to understand his inability to connect at a gut political level with black America.

Obama is not really a product of the black experience.
He is not really a product of the white experience.
An optimist would say he is a product of the American experience, but the emotionally neutral judgment is that — politically, at a minimum — he is a man from nowhere.
Here is a president who has dragged his party through a tormented health care reform process, only to land it in the courts.
He has paid lip service to unions, and cozied up to corporate interests while taking cheap shots at their most trivial political advantages.
He has dribbled out a thin gruel of socialistic remarks about who needs their own money and who doesn’t — while repeatedly and publicly conflating the likes of himself and Warren Buffet with Americans laboring to build both wealth and families.
No, the only truly bold and inspirational thing that Barack Obama has ever done is run for president.
It is a trick he has already proven himself incapable of repeating.
Obamacare has no second act.
Americans have no stomach for the full Obama.
And his competence to govern is incommensurate both with the reality of our crisis and his own vision of justice.
But if Democrats don’t heed the lesson of Reagan vs. Ford, or remember Ted Kennedy’s rallying pledges from the 1980 convention, the fact will swallow them.
Hillary now is just like Teddy then.
Only, instead of Chappaquiddick, she’s got a steel-plated record of discipline and control — that her own president doesn’t have, and never will.


Well-Known Member
(As some people noticed, I've been pretty quiet for several weeks
now, being overwhelmed with stuff other than putting out anti-
political rantings. So I feel the need to do a little fire-
breathing now, to let off some steam, after spending too long
quietly listening to the authoritarian, slave-speak tripe
continually spewed out by the mainstream media.)

I have a message for all the conservative Republicans out there,
sick of all the paternalistic, nanny-state, socialist garbage that
the Obama regime has been pushing--the wealth redistribution, the
attempts to nationalize various industries, the liberal tax and
spend agenda, etc. My message to all the conservative Republicans
out there who are upset by the way things are going, is this:

Serves you right, you unprincipled, hypocritical boneheads.

(As you can see, my break didn't make me any more moderate, or any
more polite.)

No, it's not that I support Obama and his collectivist agenda. It's
that I don't support his collectivist agenda or YOUR collectivist
agenda. In fact, in principle I don't see a shred of difference
between the agenda of the "R" megalomaniacal parasites and the "D"
megalomaniacal parasites. If you're a loyal Republican, you're not
actually against wealth redistribution, or nationalizing industry,
or trashing the Constitution--you just want YOUR narcissistic
crooks to be the ones doing it.

You think it's horrible for "government" to rob productive people,
to give money to those who didn't earn it? Yeah, me too. But to
pretend to be principled when whining about having to fund coerced
pseudo-charity, only to then turn around and advocate that people
be forced to fund mass murder instead (in the name of "national
security"), is the height of hypocrisy. In short, your Democrat
neighbors are merely doing to you what you want to do to them:
using the violence of the state to coerce you into supporting their
beliefs and values.

If you vote to rob your neighbor, and your neighbor votes to rob
you, and you happen to lose the contest of control-freakism, you
damn well deserve it. If you whine that you're being forced to fund
a welfare state you oppose, and then you turn around and try to
force others to fund a military empire they oppose, then you're a
coward and a hypocrite, and you don't deserve freedom. (Is that
blunt enough?) If those of you fighting over which slave-master
should own us all--Republican or Democrat--were the only ones
victimized by the statist game, I wouldn't really care. But those
few of us who actually like freedom (we're the ones that get called
"extremists") are forced to support both of the stupid statist

If you complain about Obama trashing the Constitution, yet you
support the fascist, draconian "war on drugs" (as you swig your
beer), then you deserve the Obama administration. If you complain
about the nanny state doing their paramilitary thuggery against
producers of raw milk, organic produce, guitars (yes, guitars),
lemonade stands, and so on, and yet you support what the ICE, DHS,
TSA, and other jackboots are doing every day in the name of
"security," then you're a two-faced twit.

In short, if you refuse to allow your neighbors--all six billion of
them--to live in freedom, then you yourself deserve to be enslaved.
Republicans are not for freedom, any more than Democrats are.
Neither group of state-worshipers even understands what freedom is.
They accept a violent ruling class as a necessary and legitimate
thing, and then they bicker over the meaningless details. Instead
of opposing mass extortion in principle, they argue about who
should receive the loot. They don't oppose intrusive oppression in
principle; they just want it used in a way that fits their own
beliefs and values.

If you want me to be forced to fund your views--and if you vote
Republican or Democrat, then you do--then your values suck. You
don't love freedom or justice, or even know what those words mean.
You're nothing more than whiny slaves, asking the "massuh" to whip
the other slaves harder, and make the other slaves work longer
hours. There's nothing noble or righteous about that.

The Republican party isn't against socialism, or wealth
redistribution. Where are the "R" politicians who dare to call for
ending coercive wealth redistribution, by ENDING Social Security,
Medicare, Medicaid, AFDC, and so on? Saying that you want to slow
the rate of growth of something is not the same as opposing
something in principle! (Duh.) With the exception of Ron Paul, all
of the Republicans in Congress combined don't have enough vertebrae
amongst them to put together one spine. There is not one principle
to be found on which the Republican and Democratic establishments
disagree. Not one.

Wanting "lower taxes" means wanting LESS robbery. How about NO
robbery? Where is the Republican proposing that? (Not even Ron Paul
advocates that.) Cutting back, or at least slowing down, wealth
redistribution schemes is not the same as opposing coercive wealth
redistribution in principle. Where is the Republican who will say,
"Stealing from one to give to another is wrong"? Wanting to
forcibly meddle with some non-violent choices, and not others, is
not principled. Whining about the nanny state, while supporting the
DEA and ATF, is the sign of an unprincipled doofus. Whining about
certain examples of war-mongering, while defending others--which
both parties do--is a pretty glaring example of how unprincipled
most Americans are. This may come as a shock to you voters, but
advocating violent aggression, terrorism and mass murder is always
bad, whether it's done by your party or by the other one.

All the talking heads out there, vehemently condemning one set of
control freaks, while acting as apologists for another, are a
disgrace. The viewpoints portrayed in the media as the "far left"
and the "far right" of the political spectrum are, in principle,
the same thing. The state-approved drivel that is vomited out of
televisions and radios across the country has two very slightly
different flavors, and no principles whatsoever.

Allow me to put this in terms that a kindergartner (and hopefully
even an American voter) can comprehend: If you continually vote for
liars and crooks to infringe upon the freedom of your neighbors,
then you do not deserve, and will not have, freedom yourself. In
fact, there is only one group that is out here, not only advocating
that WE be free, but advocating that YOU be free, too. And we're
the ones you love to hate, because we don't worship the state as
you do. We are proudly and unapologetically anti-"government,"
because "government" is always anti-freedom, anti-justice and anti-

Incidentally, if you ever decide to get a principle, we'd love for
you to join us. In the meantime, we'll just be annoyed that you
continue to imagine yourselves to be rational and moral, while you
beg for the mercenaries of the state to foist your bad ideas on us.
Then you whine when others do the same thing to you. Get a
principle, and give up your statism. Grow up, and act like a
thinking, responsible human being. Then you can be one of those
"fringe, kook, extremist anarchists" that the media so thoroughly
despises. (We even make Ron Paul look like a moderate ... because
he is.)

Larken Rose
[email protected]

Two Flavors, No Principles

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

I see things a little differently, but then I am a simple man. Here is my interpretation of the three parts of the political scene. (Part 1 & 2) - You are either for BIG government and a nanny state or you are not...unless (Part 3) you don't want to take a stand, you don't care enough to take a stand or you just plain don't understand! The "not-so-simple" part comes in because human beings are "not-so-simple" people and MOST of us are a mish-mash of of Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

GUESS WHAT! - That is not a bad thing - that is what made America great and strong. I am more concerned about "Part 3". "Part 3" is where the danger lies. We all have "Part 3" in us, some more than others.

What America needs most are leaders who care about all 3 parts of the pie.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Then why isn't his tour going to black neighborhoods ?
afraid someone would steal his hubcaps ?
afraid his nice black bus might get tagged ?

The problem with BO (and I think some of it is his handlers) is that he is always in campaign mode. He never got out of campaign mode. HE has been worried about image and re-election from the beginning. He says that "the people" he talks with are telling him.... Well the truth is every single event he has scheduled "the people" are hand picked. He only hears one point of view, the left. When you are that entrenched in only one POV, you only can base your decisions on that one POV. ...and when you are always in campaign mode, you are more apt to analyze how your decisions (I use the word "decisions" loosely) will be interpreted rather than making the best decision for a center right country. This is why he is always a day late and a dollar short. You would think that just being in the Oval Office you would gain some leadership skill through immersion! He is so insulated even immersion has not been able to take hold!

Bill Clinton knew the country was center right and governed from the middle. Say what you want about Clinton and Bush but you can't say that they were not leaders. All the country wants is a true leader who cares about all of America. BO is to busy being "handled" to understand what it is to be a leader.


golden ticket member
This is a quiz. I got 100%......let's see how you do.....

This is a Quiz

Who Said It? Ten short questions:

This is a fun quiz. Listed below are 10 direct quotes. You have to guess which American politician said it. Your four choices are:

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
Former VP Dan Quayle
President Barack Obama
Former President George W. Bush

Ready? Here we go!

1) "Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

2) "I've now been in 57 states I think one left to go."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

3) "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, and I see many of them in the audience here today."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

4) "What they'll say is, 'Well it costs too much money,' but you know what? It would cost, about. It it it would cost about the same as what we would spend. It. Over the course of 10 years it would cost what it would costs us. (nervous laugh) All right. Okay. We're going to. It. It would cost us about the same as it would cost for about hold on one second. I can't hear myself. But I'm glad you're fired up, though. I'm glad."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

5) "The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

6) "I bowled a 129. It's like - it was like the Special Olympics, or something."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

7) "Of the many responsibilities granted to a president by our Constitution, few are more serious or more consequential than selecting a Supreme Court justice. The members of our highest court are granted life tenure, often serving long after the presidents who appointed them. And they are charged with the vital task of applying principles put to paper more than 20 centuries ago to some of the most difficult questions of our time."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

8) "Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment, and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. I haven't had much sleep in the last 48 hours."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

9) "It was interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

10) "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush

Sorry. This was a trick quiz. All of the correct answers are the same person.. Each of these quotes are directly from President Barack Obama. And now you know why he brings his teleprompter with him everywhere he goes ...even when talking to a 6th grade
class. And some members of the media continue to insist he is "The smartest man ever elected to the Presidency."


Strength through joy
Darn it, moreluck ...there you go and use real facts, those kool-aid drinkers can not understand you unless you use the correct talking points that their masters have told them that you would use.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
This is just the latest example of showing that Obama's policies are not and will never work, period! Nov 2010, Congress, the Kennedy seat, Obama's approval rating, the bogus job bill he made us wait for...LMAO...Oh and this just in...Obama is losing support in California of all places. His policies against Israel: Former Mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat, endorsed Turner in July as a way to "send a message" to Obama on his policies toward Israel. And Weprin was challenged on his support of a proposed Islamic center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, in lower Manhattan. The heavily Democratic district, which spans parts of Queens and Brooklyn and is 40% Jewish, had never sent a Republican to the House. The race was supposed to be an easy win for Democrats, who have a 3-1 ratio registration advantage in the district. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4122057,00.html


Well-Known Member
Larken Rose again? lol

Be careful! I saw where GOP Lueee had you pegged (you democrat you!) and now you post up on something like this? Shame on you for trying to confuse little Lueee!