

Well-Known Member
I repeat...I do own a farm...sorry no one makes $4/hr...what do you know about my farm?

You owning a farm got nothing to do with it. Look again at the post and what I "bolded" to which I was responding. You said "NOBODY MAKES $4" and last time I looked "Nobody" doesn't just limit to farm hands.

Secondly, the net reality is lots of people make $4 an hour when you factor out both observable and hidden taxation. I'd not be surprised that the net purchasing power after taxation is below $4 an hour for many folks under the $10 per hour pay wage. This happens to be one of the strong arguments of the Fair Tax crowd. Thus the taxation reference in my post and most taxation is a form of rent seeking in one form or another. The Econ department at Harvard published a piece on rent seeking pointing out how this economic action causes innovations to stagnate and another reason wealth is being stripped out from the working middle class.Now all one need do is see who's wealth is growing at the same time their lobbyists control gov't actions who legislate the rent seeking in the first place.

And one other thing, don't assume because others here speak nothing about farming that they don't know of or have some background in it. I'll just leave that there.


You owning a farm got nothing to do with it. Look again at the post and what I "bolded" to which I was responding. You said "NOBODY MAKES $4" and last time I looked "Nobody" doesn't just limit to farm hands.

Secondly, the net reality is lots of people make $4 an hour when you factor out both observable and hidden taxation. I'd not be surprised that the net purchasing power after taxation is below $4 an hour for many folks under the $10 per hour pay wage. This happens to be one of the strong arguments of the Fair Tax crowd. Thus the taxation reference in my post and most taxation is a form of rent seeking in one form or another. The Econ department at Harvard published a piece on rent seeking pointing out how this economic action causes innovations to stagnate and another reason wealth is being stripped out from the working middle class.Now all one need do is see who's wealth is growing at the same time their lobbyists control gov't actions who legislate the rent seeking in the first place.

And one other thing, don't assume because others here speak nothing about farming that they don't know of or have some background in it. I'll just leave that there.

I will repeat again...maybe when I said I own a farm you didnt understand that comment was from what I know, and that is what goes on at my farm and farmers I know...I do not speak of speculation like you. I wasnt assuming that you didnt know anything about farming...I knew you knew nothing about farming.


I will repeat again...maybe when I said I own a farm you didnt understand that comment was from what I know, and that is what goes on at my farm and farmers I know...I do not speak of speculation like you. I wasnt assuming that you didnt know anything about farming...I knew you knew nothing about farming.

I would love to have employees that I could pay $10/hr...Where Im from, if you dont pay $15/hr, you will have to do it yourself.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Reality vs perception.

About Farmworkers NC Farmworkers Project
Farmworkers’ Vital Contribution to North Carolina’s Economy | Student Action with Farmworkers
About NC Farmworkers Farmworker Unit

Low wages: Farmworkers’ average annual income is $11,000; for a family of four it is approximately $16,000.This makes farm work the second lowest paid job in the nation (after domestic labor).[SUP]7[/SUP]

Piece-rate pay: Farmworkers are often paid by the bucket; in some states they earn as little as 40¢ for a bucket of tomatoes or sweet potatoes. At that rate, farmworkers have to pick around two tons of produce (125 buckets) to earn $50.[SUP]8[/SUP]
Few social benefits: Despite their poverty, most farmworkers are not eligible for social services. Less than one percent of all farmworkers use general assistance welfare, only two percent use social security, and fewer than 15% are Medicaid recipients.[SUP]4[/SUP]


Well-Known Member
I would love to have employees that I could pay $10/hr...Where Im from, if you dont pay $15/hr, you will have to do it yourself.

If you are paying your employees $15 per hour, their net purchasing power is around $7 per hour and depending on locale, could be less. In real dollars they are making $7 an hour thanks to rent seeking mostly disguised as taxation. Cut your own gross income in half and that's the real net of your actual purchasing power. That was the point and that's not speculation either. If it was speculation then why do we have so-called "Tax Freedom day" in June, 6 months into the year and from that point forward the money you earn is now yours.

What happened to conservatives who understood this stuff? No wonder you guys are buying into the false choices given you by the 2 party state!

I noticed you never answered RoadRunner's excellent question about getting gov't subsidy. That's OK, truth is we're all subsidized at some level. Even UPS enjoys it and so does Fred S and his crew.


Well-Known Member
I will repeat again...maybe when I said I own a farm you didnt understand that comment was from what I know, and that is what goes on at my farm and farmers I know...I do not speak of speculation like you. I wasnt assuming that you didnt know anything about farming...I knew you knew nothing about farming.

OK, one last time. Your farm has nothing whatsoever to do with the broader point I was making. This point alone that you made, I took it but expanded out to a far broader context to include everyone and it was to make a point about the destructive nature of taxation and the harm it does to the greater economy to the benefit of the privilege who control the reigns of power. I was responding as if your post was this and this only. I used bold in the hopes of achieving that effect.

sorry no one makes $4/hr

My point is that the nature of taxation contrary to even Mitt Romney's myth making, the real purchasing power of someone making less that $10 per hour is $4 per hour. The other $6 goes to the flat income tax of 7.5% we know as social security and medicare, whatever federal income tax they might pay, a state income tax should they live in such state and then of course the sales tax we all pay at any point of purchase, unless of course you have some black and gray market connections, wink/wink! What about the embedded fuel taxes we all pay each time we fill up? You think all that money goes to the cost of the gasoline itself? But all goods and services have hidden taxation built into their prices which we pay but we assume it's a cost of the actual production of the good or service itself. And this goes back to my comment on the Fair Tax.

The real purchasing power of all Americans is eroded by observable and hidden taxation and that was the point. It was not an attack on how you run your farm nor was it ever intended as such. It was an attack square on the taxation system of this country and it's means of using such to shift wealth out of of the working class and up the economic chain under corp. or finance capitalism.

The gov't is starving for revenue and working stiffs can't generate what it needs so it harvests more and more money from us and shifts it up so it's used globally in the hopes of achieving a greater ROI. Get ready, regardless of who wins the election, the weight of the hammer especially on working people is going to get worse. Why do you think they are tightening down the screws more and more on any dissent?


golden ticket member
I happened to catch Mike Gallagher on with Megyn Kelly and Alan Colmes. The reason it perked up my attention is because I thought it was Joe Trippi.

I know they usually have balance, so Colmes is definitely the Liberal and then she introduced Mike Gallagher. I'll just paraphrase what he said that nearly knocked me out of my desk chair!!

He said this whole Libya attack and killing of our Americans looks like Divine intervention. I know they will throw me in the crazy house for saying this out loud, but Obama is being exposed and Romney's numbers rise while Obama's fall as this fiasco & handlng of this incidence gets worse & worse everytime Obama opens his mouth!!


OK, one last time. Your farm has nothing whatsoever to do with the broader point I was making. This point alone that you made, I took it but expanded out to a far broader context to include everyone and it was to make a point about the destructive nature of taxation and the harm it does to the greater economy to the benefit of the privilege who control the reigns of power. I was responding as if your post was this and this only. I used bold in the hopes of achieving that effect.

My point is that the nature of taxation contrary to even Mitt Romney's myth making, the real purchasing power of someone making less that $10 per hour is $4 per hour. The other $6 goes to the flat income tax of 7.5% we know as social security and medicare, whatever federal income tax they might pay, a state income tax should they live in such state and then of course the sales tax we all pay at any point of purchase, unless of course you have some black and gray market connections, wink/wink! What about the embedded fuel taxes we all pay each time we fill up? You think all that money goes to the cost of the gasoline itself? But all goods and services have hidden taxation built into their prices which we pay but we assume it's a cost of the actual production of the good or service itself. And this goes back to my comment on the Fair Tax.

The real purchasing power of all Americans is eroded by observable and hidden taxation and that was the point. It was not an attack on how you run your farm nor was it ever intended as such. It was an attack square on the taxation system of this country and it's means of using such to shift wealth out of of the working class and up the economic chain under corp. or finance capitalism.

The gov't is starving for revenue and working stiffs can't generate what it needs so it harvests more and more money from us and shifts it up so it's used globally in the hopes of achieving a greater ROI. Get ready, regardless of who wins the election, the weight of the hammer especially on working people is going to get worse. Why do you think they are tightening down the screws more and more on any dissent?

So I guess, using your point of view, if someone goes for a job interview and they are offered $20/hr they should say "hold up...Thats only $10/hr...thank of the taxes I have to pay". Really? I think you are making a point about something else. How much does it cost me to have an employee?


golden ticket member
Funny and pathetic..........did one of the 10 in attendance go in the Sak'n'Save and buy her the giant condom assortment ???

How much of a pathetic loser do you have to be to attend a Sandra Fluke event?
Via Fox Nation:
Sandra Fluke spoke Saturday in front of about 10 people at the Sak ‘N Save in north Reno. Her speech was part of an attempt by Democrats to get Nevadans to the polls for early voting.

“I’m trying to do everything I can for an election that I feel is very important. I have a unique opportunity for how I get to do that,” said Fluke.


golden ticket member