Well-Known Member
I repeat...I do own a farm...sorry no one makes $4/hr...what do you know about my farm?
You owning a farm got nothing to do with it. Look again at the post and what I "bolded" to which I was responding. You said "NOBODY MAKES $4" and last time I looked "Nobody" doesn't just limit to farm hands.
Secondly, the net reality is lots of people make $4 an hour when you factor out both observable and hidden taxation. I'd not be surprised that the net purchasing power after taxation is below $4 an hour for many folks under the $10 per hour pay wage. This happens to be one of the strong arguments of the Fair Tax crowd. Thus the taxation reference in my post and most taxation is a form of rent seeking in one form or another. The Econ department at Harvard published a piece on rent seeking pointing out how this economic action causes innovations to stagnate and another reason wealth is being stripped out from the working middle class.Now all one need do is see who's wealth is growing at the same time their lobbyists control gov't actions who legislate the rent seeking in the first place.
And one other thing, don't assume because others here speak nothing about farming that they don't know of or have some background in it. I'll just leave that there.