


I told my lawn men if Obama won I wouldnt have enough money to pay them so they are voting for Romney.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I told my lawn men if Obama won I wouldnt have enough money to pay them so they are voting for Romney.

What is new here?? This has been the republican strategy for illegals for decades.

Let them in, let them work in american companies and take jobs for americans, and then bitch about it in public.

Youre no different. Thanks for the confirmation!




What is new here?? This has been the republican strategy for illegals for decades.

Let them in, let them work in american companies and take jobs for americans, and then bitch about it in public.

Youre no different. Thanks for the confirmation!



works both ways doesnt it? take that TOS


golden ticket member
Via National Journal:
What also became clear after the dust began to settle from the rumble on Long Island was the electoral map has narrowed and Obama’s team, while conceding nothing publicly, is circling the wagons around Ohio, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. Plouffe said that Obama remains strong in all four states, but he would not discuss the specifics of internal polling or voter-contact analytics, saying only that Obama has “significant leads” in all four places.

It is uncharacteristic of Team Obama to concede any terrain, but Plouffe offered no such assurances about Obama’s position in North Carolina, Virginia, or Florida. Romney advisers have seen big gains in all three states and now consider wins likely, although not guaranteed, in all three. They are similarly upbeat about prospects in Colorado but not confident enough to predict victory. That Plouffe left Colorado off his list of states where Obama’s leading and can withstand a Romney surge might be telling…

Romney, according to RCP, has 191 electoral votes. If you add Florida (29), North Carolina (15), and Virginia (13), that brings his total to 248 electoral votes. Add Colorado (9) –which neither campaign is prepared to claim or concede–and Romney’s total rises to 257 electoral votes. If Romney wins Ohio (18) in addition to these states, he would have 275 electoral votes. If Romney loses Ohio, he would need to win Iowa, Nevada, and New Hampshire to reach 273 electoral votes.


Well-Known Member
I do own a farm...sorry no one makes $4/hr

Yes they do and lots of them. Remove all the rent seekers and middle men and you'll see it clear as day.

If taxes are a means of wealth re-distribution and in own modern economy they are, would the one getting the re-distributed wealth be easy to see as their wealth would be ever increasing while those whose wealth are taken are always in decline or at best staying flat while they work ever harder to keep place?


Yes they do and lots of them. Remove all the rent seekers and middle men and you'll see it clear as day.

If taxes are a means of wealth re-distribution and in own modern economy they are, would the one getting the re-distributed wealth be easy to see as their wealth would be ever increasing while those whose wealth are taken are always in decline or at best staying flat while they work ever harder to keep place?

I repeat...I do own a farm...sorry no one makes $4/hr...what do you know about my farm?


golden ticket member
[h=2]Gallup: Romney’s Lead Over Obama Among Likely Voters Jumps To 7-Points, 52% – 45%…[/h]Sweet!


golden ticket member
I feel that only polls of "likely voters" are accurate now. When you use registered voters.....that doesn't necesarily mean they are going to vote. Lots of Dems. registered in '08 to vote for Obama. They are not necessrily going to vote at all this time.

Likely voters only !!!!!