electronic ballot = the fix is in


hey friend* face
This isn't about Trump, Clinton, Russians, Winnebagos, or the NFL. It's about how easy it is to manipulate an online vote. Granted, I haven't looked into the company that is claiming they have handled all sorts of union votings online, but it IS easily manipulated. That's not a good thing, regardless of how you'll vote. Not that paper isn't easy to manipulate, but we're being shoveled a shiet sandwich and being told to enjoy it. I don't like that. Not one bit.


Well-Known Member
Wtf I just read ups rising and it said electronic ballot will be out next month. Please tell me it's going to be voted on the same way we always do.
The IBT is not going to cheat with ballots!

And even if they did, it would be just as easy for them to "lose" a few paper ballots as it would be for them to manipulate electronic ballots.