Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
That is sort of how the world works. They may have been spying on us while we are doing the same to them. There is nothing shocking here. Bottom line here is we have atleast one major ally in the middle east and that is Israel. When Israel needs military assistance we should be there, just as they would be if the roles were reversed.

By military assistance are you talking about allowing them to purchase our weapons, giving them weapons, training, or fighting beside them?


Well-Known Member
Could you possibly demonstrate where its a dead heat currently??

RCP Average9/4 - 9/15----48.645.5Obama +3.1
Rasmussen (Sunday)3-Day Tracking1500 LV3.04647Romney +1
Gallup (Sunday)7-Day Tracking3050 RV2.04845Obama +3
CBS News/NY Times9/8 - 9/121162 LV3.04946Obama +3
Democracy Corps (D)9/8 - 9/121000 LV3.15045Obama +5
FOX News9/9 - 9/111056 LV3.04843Obama +5
Esquire/Yahoo! News9/7 - 9/10724 LV5.05046Obama +4
Reuters/Ipsos9/7 - 9/10873 LV3.44845Obama +3
ABC News/Wash Post9/7 - 9/9710 LV4.54948Obama +1
CNN/Opinion Research9/7 - 9/9709 LV3.55246Obama +6
IBD/CSM/TIPP9/4 - 9/9808 RV3.54644Obama +2



When its inside the margin of error, its a dead heat. Look at it this way, Obama is close enough in the polls to be one debate embarrassment away from receiving his official pink slip on November 6, 2012.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wow now that you forced us to look at that Obama is only outside the margin of error in three poll and one of those is CNN so you can't really count that can you?

Like i said to you before, clearly you dont understand polling, but I am not trying to convince you, just talk over you. You know its not looking good for Romney, polling is going exactly like 2008 and that spells disaster for Romney.

You keep your fingers crossed for that "margin of error".... but ALL the polls cant be wrong.

What a campaign slogan "were in this to stay in the margin of error" how ridiculous.

Maybe thats a winning strategy for the GOP.




Strength through joy
If one is to believe that a poorly made movie has lead to so much violence currently in the Middle East.
Then how do you suppose the muslims will react when bhos' movie about killing OBL is released ?


Well-Known Member
By military assistance are you talking about allowing them to purchase our weapons, giving them weapons, training, or fighting beside them?

If that is necessary to keep Israel a sovereign and safe nation among a group of nations run by savages then by all means yes.


Well-Known Member
Funny, but sad.
On 10 Sep 2012:

The Associated Press's Julie Pace and three other assisting reporters, acting as virtual stenographers for the
Obama administration and water-carriers for his reelection campaign, declared that
"It will be a rare day on the campaign when terrorism, or national security for that matter, will be a
center of attention," while insisting that Obama has the presumptive upper hand in such matters.

Read more: NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias


Staff member
If that is necessary to keep Israel a sovereign and safe nation among a group of nations run by savages then by all means yes.

Where was Israel when we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? Were they an ally, part of the "coalition of the willing"?

Lue C Fur

Evil member

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Obama is trying to cover his arse...not suprising:

The Obama administration is doubling down on its theory that the attack a week ago on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was a "spontaneous" act, despite the Libyan president calling that idea "preposterous."
The sharply divergent views on what led to the deadly strike in eastern Libya played out across the airwaves Sunday and are sure to generate more questions this week. In two interviews over the weekend, Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif joined other members of his government in declaring the attack a planned assault, possibly by an Al Qaeda-tied group.
"The idea that this criminal and cowardly act was a spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous," Megarif told NPR.
But U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, in a string of interviews, stood by the administration's position that the Libya attack was just part of the wave of protests over the anti-Islam video circulating on the Internet.
"What sparked the violence was a very hateful video on the Internet," Rice said on "Fox News Sunday." "It was a reaction to a video that had nothing to do with the United States."
She also repeated the administration's message that the attacks, which started Tuesday in Egypt and spread to more the 20 U.S. posts in the region, were "spontaneous," not planned or timed for the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.
"The best information and the best assessment we have today is that this was not a pre-planned, pre-meditated attack," Rice also told Fox News. "What happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video. People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent. And those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya, and that then spun out of control."
It was a message that Rice would recite nearly verbatim on the other network shows.
She said the FBI is investigating the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and that more attacks are possible.
Her comments were in sharp contrast to those Sunday of Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif, who in separate interviews with NPR Radio and CBS' "Face the Nation" dismissed the notion that the attacks, at least in his country, were spontaneous.
Megarif, president of the Libyan National Congress, also said the violence, including the timing, bears the markings of an Al Qaeda attack.
He said the attacks were carried out by foreigners who have been infiltrating his country since the uprising ended the dictatorship of the late Muammar al-Qaddafi and that they used the Cairo protests as a cover to attack the U.S. Consulate.
In addition, Arizona Sen. John McCain, the ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and Michigan Rep. Mike Rogers, House Intelligence Committee chairman, said Sunday the administration's foreign policy of "disengagement" in the Middle East created the vacuum for the attacks.
"The Middle East believes there is a disengagement policy with the U.S.," Rogers said on "Fox News Sunday."
The campaign for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney responded in part to Rice's efforts within hours.
"Today, the Obama administration found itself facing serious questions about its record of leadership in the world, America's waning influence abroad, and the failure of its outreach efforts in the Middle East and North Africa," campaign spokesman Ryan Williams said.

Read more: Obama administration, Libyan president clash over explanation on consulate strike | Fox News


Strength through joy
[h=4]It is alarming that ship-tracking databases show Iranian-linked ships calling at Benghazi[/h] [h=2]About Those Blacklisted Iranian Ships Calling at Libyan Ports…[/h] IRISL, in its effort to dodge sanctions, has made a habit of reassigning nominal ownership of its vessels. renaming and reflagging scores of ships, often multiple times — frequently reshuffling the facades in batch lots among new flags and fresh domiciles for corporate fronts. But each vessel can be tracked via its unique hull number, or IMO, assigned under rules of the International Maritime Organization for the life of the ship.

But this much is clear: All three of these container ships, before sailing for Libya, called at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, where the container terminal is operated by a terror-linked Iranian company called Tidewater Middle East Co. Last year the U.S. Treasury blacklisted Tidewater as “a port operating company owned by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that has been used by the IRGC for illicit shipments.”
It’s worth adding that under U.S. jurisdiction, it is potentially a crime to have any dealings with these ships. Anyone outside U.S. jurisdiction who engages in business with them is at risk of being cut off from commerce with the U.S.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If one is to believe that a poorly made movie has lead to so much violence currently in the Middle East.
Then how do you suppose the muslims will react when bhos' movie about killing OBL is released ?

What does a "poorly" made movie have to do with it?? Its not the quality of the film, but the content of the film. Its filled with pure nonsense and the fact that it is acted out has the muslims upset.

I am sure that if anyone posted some movie depicting jesus and god in the same manner on this board, you all would go nuts.




Well-Known Member
Like i said to you before, clearly you dont understand polling,

.... but ALL the polls cant be wrong.


Prove it. I think you "hope" that I do not understand polling when you make a statement like that. I can post that you clearly do not understand math and can prove it based on your posts. See the difference?

From my point of view it seems as if you are claiming that only the polls that disagree with your point of view are wrong. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
It is alarming that ship-tracking databases show Iranian-linked ships calling at Benghazi

About Those Blacklisted Iranian Ships Calling at Libyan Ports…

IRISL, in its effort to dodge sanctions, has made a habit of reassigning nominal ownership of its vessels. renaming and reflagging scores of ships, often multiple times — frequently reshuffling the facades in batch lots among new flags and fresh domiciles for corporate fronts. But each vessel can be tracked via its unique hull number, or IMO, assigned under rules of the International Maritime Organization for the life of the ship.

But this much is clear: All three of these container ships, before sailing for Libya, called at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, where the container terminal is operated by a terror-linked Iranian company called Tidewater Middle East Co. Last year the U.S. Treasury blacklisted Tidewater as “a port operating company owned by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that has been used by the IRGC for illicit shipments.”
It’s worth adding that under U.S. jurisdiction, it is potentially a crime to have any dealings with these ships. Anyone outside U.S. jurisdiction who engages in business with them is at risk of being cut off from commerce with the U.S.

I wonder if US Treasury will sanction our own ports since we fund and arm Al Qaeda linked factions among rebel causes in the so-called Arab Spring. I notice there was no link as to the source but I found it a bit like the pot calling the kettle black!


Staff member
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

NO AMMO AND NO MARINES!!!!!!! U.S. Marines are typically used to protect embassies and other facilities abroad, but Kredo wrote that that the Obama administration was apparently "relying on Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood-backed government to ensure American security, a move observers are questioning as violence in Cairo continues to rage."---- The consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was in worse shape as it had NO Marines assigned to protect the facility, Politico reported Wednesday.------Furthermore--According to NightWatch, U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson "did not permit US Marine guards to carry live ammunition, according to USMC blogs. Thus she neutralized any US military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy." ---http://www.examiner.com/article/report-says-u-s-marines-cairo-not-allowed-to-carry-live-ammunition ---- Yeah Obama is a real kick ass prez!
I seem to remember a certain President Reagan who had Marines in Lebanon not carrying live ammo. Seems like a strange order to give at embassies. What's up with that?


Staff member
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

I seem to remember a certain President Reagan who had Marines in Lebanon not carrying live ammo. Seems like a strange order to give at embassies. What's up with that?
I don't know how that story about Marines in Cairo not being allowed to carry live ammo got started, but it's not true. Also Marines are not "typically used to protect embassies and other facilities abroad", the job of the the MSG detachments is to maintain the security of classified information at the embassy and they are only rarely assigned to consulates because classified info is typically not kept at a consulate. They are not bodyguards or gate guards, those roles are filled by DS agents and security forces from the host country. As far as I know physical security at the consulate in Benghazi was being provided by the Libyan government and the ambassador had a team of DS agents with him, which is pretty standard. You can make the point that in this instance it clearly wasn't enough and I won't argue with that, but the fact is that physical security for embassies and consulates in the responsibility of the host country, and if they can't or won't provide adequate security then we should should probably just pack up and leave until such time as they can do a better job.


Staff member
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

I don't know how that story about Marines in Cairo not being allowed to carry live ammo got started, but it's not true. Also Marines are not "typically used to protect embassies and other facilities abroad", the job of the the MSG detachments is to maintain the security of classified information at the embassy and they are only rarely assigned to consulates because classified info is typically not kept at a consulate. They are not bodyguards or gate guards, those roles are filled by DS agents and security forces from the host country. As far as I know physical security at the consulate in Benghazi was being provided by the Libyan government and the ambassador had a team of DS agents with him, which is pretty standard. You can make the point that in this instance it clearly wasn't enough and I won't argue with that, but the fact is that physical security for embassies and consulates in the responsibility of the host country, and if they can't or won't provide adequate security then we should should probably just pack up and leave until such time as they can do a better job.
I understand what you are saying. And in Lebanon it was a Marine baracks. I'm just surprised that service members overseas would ever be issued weapons without live ammo. What the hell is the point in the weapon then?


Staff member
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

I understand what you are saying. And in Lebanon it was a Marine baracks. I'm just surprised that service members overseas would ever be issued weapons without live ammo. What the hell is the point in the weapon then?
The Marines in Lebanon had live ammo, but the sentries were prohibited from having a magazine already inserted which slowed their response to the truck bomber. There's no guarantee they would have been able to stop him even if they had though. The real problem in Lebanon is that they should probably not have been there in the first place.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

I don't know how that story about Marines in Cairo not being allowed to carry live ammo got started, but it's not true. Also Marines are not "typically used to protect embassies and other facilities abroad", the job of the the MSG detachments is to maintain the security of classified information at the embassy and they are only rarely assigned to consulates because classified info is typically not kept at a consulate. They are not bodyguards or gate guards, those roles are filled by DS agents and security forces from the host country. As far as I know physical security at the consulate in Benghazi was being provided by the Libyan government and the ambassador had a team of DS agents with him, which is pretty standard. You can make the point that in this instance it clearly wasn't enough and I won't argue with that, but the fact is that physical security for embassies and consulates in the responsibility of the host country, and if they can't or won't provide adequate security then we should should probably just pack up and leave until such time as they can do a better job.

I agree with all of your post except the bolded statement. That would mean that we have no diplomatic presence in most of Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, the Asian sub Continent and half of Europe, and none at all in Central/South America. In fact I would think China and N Korea are the only places in the world that could guarantee the safety of our diplomats, and since in NK we operate through Sweden, that's a moot point.

This is a world where terrorists can operate with a great deal of impunity in most of the world, and even in the good old USA. You can't stop everything bad from happening. Sometimes it happens in unexpected places. England, Germany, Oklahoma and sometime Libya.