Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
Who was President then?
Sufyan Ben Qumu is thought to have been involved and even may have led the attack, Fox News' intelligence sources said. Qumu, a Libyan, was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2007 AND TRANSFERRED INTO LIBYAN CUSTODY ON THE CONDITION HE BE KEPT IN JAIL!!!!-------- He was released by the Qaddafi regime as part of its reconciliation effort with Islamists in 2008. Read more: Al Qaeda, ex-Gitmo detainee involved in consulate attack, intelligence sources say | Fox News


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It was 9-11....any intelligent person would put extra security at embassies in the middle east. You really that naive???
All of them? How much additional manpower? Where will they be housed? How do be pay for it? Republicans CUT funding for Embassy security.


Well-Known Member
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

of course it did, and I bet someone from the taliban walked Usama bin laden into your barracks to hand him over, but Clinton ordered you guys to let him go, RIGHT?



This was September 1994 in Haiti in Operation Uphold Democracy.

Taliban were not on the radar.

Please do not assume TOS. But then again I failed to elaborate as I wish not to share
my past in our countries conflicts. It is not necessary or needed.

Guess it came (I just started typing as a past hurt was touched) out because this was
another Democrat Commander in Chief and some of the same patterns seem to emerge
in certain situations with left leaders.

One can never forget being a former Drill Sergeant, E-8 Non Commissioned Officer that trained new
soldiers in weapons training and safety, landing at a ragged Haitian airport in to a "semi-war"
zone, hearing distant small arms fire, occasional grenades going off, and asking where is our
ammo, and being told no ammo.

Shalom from my heart to you,




Well-Known Member
Should be in Israel section, but then again, should it?
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Well-Known Member
Its amazing how the right wing talking heads in collusion with fox news wants to attempt to make this an issue of the first amendment, rather than religious blasphemy.

It matters not what quality the movie, trailer, film is, but the content is the problem. It was blasphemy by religious extremists christians in this country.


Our Founding Fathers made free speech a cornerstone to freedom because when
tyrants arrive, free speech is the first thing they try to take away.

It's the canary in the coal mine.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Our Founding Fathers made free speech a cornerstone to freedom because when
tyrants arrive, free speech is the first thing they try to take away.

It's the canary in the coal mine.

The founders included free speech for americans, not the world. Our consitutional free speech ends on our shores. Blasphemy on the other hand isnt free speech, if it is, then I am sure you wouldnt mind me saying a few things about Judism or Israel in a negative light.




Well-Known Member
The drums sound....
Article in Aljazeera
How much free speech do we need?

"It will take a bold Supreme Court to change the current interpretation of the First Amendment.
But Supreme Courts respond to public pressure. It is worth having a national debate about whether we
want to protect aggressive speech designed to exacerbate tensions across racial, ethnic, and religious lines."

"If free speech laws in the United States are to be altered, the Supreme Court would need to face public pressure"

Pressure from who is my question and what type of pressure?

How much free speech do we need? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English


Staff member
The founders included free speech for americans, not the world. Our consitutional free speech ends on our shores. Blasphemy on the other hand isnt free speech, if it is, then I am sure you wouldnt mind me saying a few things about Judism or Israel in a negative light.


Blasphemy absolutely is free speech. In this country you have the right to say whatever you want about whatever religion you want.


Well-Known Member
The founders included free speech for americans, not the world. Our consitutional free speech ends on our shores. Blasphemy on the other hand isnt free speech, if it is, then I am sure you wouldnt mind me saying a few things about Judism or Israel in a negative light.


I would feel sorry for you and pray for you. I would not go ballistic and protest / riot at
the state capital building of California.

I am confident in my faith and beliefs. You would not be the first nor the last to speak
ill of a people and or a faith that is only 14 million among 6.9 billion.

It is your right to speak how you feel in this country.

The video was not wise nor of any quality. But it is still part of the 1st Amendment, and I just searched
the 1st Amendment looking for a blasphemy clause and can not find it.




Well-Known Member
I would feel sorry for you and pray for you. I would not go ballistic and protest / riot at
the state capital building of California.

I am confident in my faith and beliefs. You would not be the first nor the last to speak
ill of a people and or a faith that is only 14 million among 6.9 billion.

It is your right to speak how you feel in this country.

The video was not wise nor of any quality. But it is still part of the 1st Amendment, and I just searched
the 1st Amendment looking for a blasphemy clause and can not find it.


By the way.....

I really respect your your knowledge and posting on most things.

I totally disagree with most, but I really believe you could be on MSNBC.

That IS NOT a disparaging remark.

How you are so up to date with items I just found it so hard to believe you are a driver.

I read a post you made in UPS Driver discussion a week or so ago, and it passed my self authenticate test.

How you do your route and keep so informed and updated amazes me. THIS IS NOT
Sarcasm, I mean it TOS.

You know that I do not come here much to mix it up. I see some things and I must comment.




Well-Known Member
By the way.....

I really respect your your knowledge and posting on most things.

I totally disagree with most, but I really believe you could be on MSNBC.

That IS NOT a disparaging remark.

How you are so up to date with items I just found it so hard to believe you are a driver.

I read a post you made in UPS Driver discussion a week or so ago, and it passed my self authenticate test.

How you do your route and keep so informed and updated amazes me. THIS IS NOT
Sarcasm, I mean it TOS.

You know that I do not come here much to mix it up. I see some things and I must comment.


By the way if other "C9ers" (I guess I am one, TOS will you ever share what it means?)
wonder has texan lost his mind....

These are two post that I respect for the content. Perhaps all is not everyone's view
but ....


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Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Brave people who were willing to take a risk for what they thought was best for our country were killed my people that can not be reasoned with, or eliminated. People will always hate us, religious fanatics even more so.

All of these heroes knew the risk they were taking, and all felt that it was worth it. The denigrating comments and cartoons are really beyond decency.
It seems to be little realized amongst the denizens of BC that these were dedicated career people, who served our country, not a political party. You all should be as brave, noble and intelligent as these humble civil servants were. They are the people who make America admired around the world.

Enough is enough. Let them rest in peace and be remembered for the good they truly did.


golden ticket member
The administration kees moving "the truth". Nobody likes that!! Then they run commercials on the foreign TV, perpetuating the lies and we paid for it.


Well-Known Member
Pakistani minister personally offers reward for anti-Islam filmmaker's death

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- A Pakistan government minister has personally offered a $100,000 reward
for anyone who kills the man who made the anti-Islam movie that is drawing ire throughout the Muslim world.

Railway Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour announced the bounty at a news conference Saturday, but he made clear
to CNN he was speaking for himself and not as a government representative.

Asked whether he was concerned about committing or condoning a crime as a government official, Bilour
said, "I am a Muslim first, then a government representative."

He said he invited the Taliban and al Qaeda to carry out the assassination.

Think about a nuclear Pakistan with leaders like this guy having control of that button.

Pakistani minister personally offers reward for anti-Islam filmmaker's death - CNN.com



Staff member
Pakistani minister personally offers reward for anti-Islam filmmaker's death

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- A Pakistan government minister has personally offered a $100,000 reward
for anyone who kills the man who made the anti-Islam movie that is drawing ire throughout the Muslim world.

Railway Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour announced the bounty at a news conference Saturday, but he made clear
to CNN he was speaking for himself and not as a government representative.

Asked whether he was concerned about committing or condoning a crime as a government official, Bilour
said, "I am a Muslim first, then a government representative."

He said he invited the Taliban and al Qaeda to carry out the assassination.

Think about a nuclear Pakistan with leaders like this guy having control of that button.

Pakistani minister personally offers reward for anti-Islam filmmaker's death - CNN.com

Yes, Av8. They have nuclear weapons and hate India with a passion. This is a leader in Pakistan and the reason we are not leaving Afghanistan anytime soon.