Embassy Attacks


Staff member
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

I agree with all of your post except the bolded statement. That would mean that we have no diplomatic presence in most of Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, the Asian sub Continent and half of Europe, and none at all in Central/South America. In fact I would think China and N Korea are the only places in the world that could guarantee the safety of our diplomats, and since in NK we operate through Sweden, that's a moot point.

This is a world where terrorists can operate with a great deal of impunity in most of the world, and even in the good old USA. You can't stop everything bad from happening. Sometimes it happens in unexpected places. England, Germany, Oklahoma and sometime Libya.
I said adequate security, not guarantee safety. No one can guarantee safety. I think we can agree that the ambassador being killed and the consulate being over run and burned to the ground by a band of extremists does not meet anyone's definition of adequate security, but that's not really a risk in most of the places you mentioned.

Lue C Fur

Evil member


Well-Known Member
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

I understand what you are saying. And in Lebanon it was a Marine baracks. I'm just surprised that service members overseas would ever be issued weapons without live ammo. What the hell is the point in the weapon then?

Happened to me and my unit under the Clinton Administration. I was very shocked.

It was not soon after this, that I requested retirement.

It worked out, Praise the Most High, I got hired by UPS.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

Happened to me and my unit under the Clinton Administration. I was very shocked.

It was not soon after this, that I requested retirement.

It worked out, Praise the Most High, I got hired by UPS.

of course it did, and I bet someone from the taliban walked Usama bin laden into your barracks to hand him over, but Clinton ordered you guys to let him go, RIGHT?




The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its amazing how the right wing talking heads in collusion with fox news wants to attempt to make this an issue of the first amendment, rather than religious blasphemy.

It matters not what quality the movie, trailer, film is, but the content is the problem. It was blasphemy by religious extremists christians in this country.



Well-Known Member
Muslim Cleric Shows Respect for Religion by Burning Christian Bible

Oh no Christians will riot and attack embassies

"If there are two things that Muslims do really well, it’s burning churches and synagogues
and showing respect for religion. In Cairo, the appropriately named Abu Islam, decided to
go for a twofer by doing both at the same time and burning the Christian Bible."

Funny I searched the mainstream media for this and was unable find multiple reports of this and unending editorials. hmmmm

Muslim Cleric Shows Respect for Religion by Burning Christian Bible | FrontPage Magazine

Muslim cleric Abu Islam burns Holy Bible

Egyptian Muslim Leader Burns Bible, Threatens Christians



golden ticket member
More people are saying this was a terror incident and now they are also saying that maybe the leader of the attack is some guy who was released from Gitmo 5 years ago.


golden ticket member
Awwww, you mean they didn't keep their promise to keep him in jail??

Via Fox News:
On tonight’s Special Report, Bret Baier reported on an exclusive breaking news alert: intelligence sources are convinced the Mideast attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was directly tied to Al Qaeda.

Catherine Herridge reported that they believe that Sufyan Ben Qumu (whose name has also been transliterated as Sofiane Ibrahim Gammu) was likely involved in the attack, and even may have led the attack on the Consulate.

Qumu – a Libyan – was released from the US prison atGuantanamo Bay in 2007 and transferred to Libyan custody under the condition that he would be kept in jail. He wasn’t.

According to his Gitmo files, he was also tied to 9/11 financiers, and his alias is “found on a list of probable Al Qaeda personnel receiving monthly stipends and family support.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Awwww, you mean they didn't keep their promise to keep him in jail??

Via Fox News:
On tonight’s Special Report, Bret Baier reported on an exclusive breaking news alert: intelligence sources are convinced the Mideast attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was directly tied to Al Qaeda.

Catherine Herridge reported that they believe that Sufyan Ben Qumu (whose name has also been transliterated as Sofiane Ibrahim Gammu) was likely involved in the attack, and even may have led the attack on the Consulate.

Qumu – a Libyan – was released from the US prison atGuantanamo Bay in 2007 and transferred to Libyan custody under the condition that he would be kept in jail. He wasn’t.

According to his Gitmo files, he was also tied to 9/11 financiers, and his alias is “found on a list of probable Al Qaeda personnel receiving monthly stipends and family support.”

CALL BUSH AND CHENEY and thank them personally for keeping you safe.




Well-Known Member
CBS reports this morning that witnesses are saying "that there was never an anti-American protest outside of the consulate [in Benghazi, Libya]. Instead, they say, it came under planned attack. That is in direct contradiction to the administration's account of the incident."------------"What's clear," the CBS reporter concludes, "is that the public won't get a detailed account of what happened until after the election."--------They lied to protect Obama and this is obvious!!!!!!! Report: Never an Anti-American Protest in Benghazi, Only a Planned Attack | The Weekly Standard How can a CBS reporter get away with saying this before the election..lol--- Look for heads to roll!


golden ticket member
CBS reports this morning that witnesses are saying "that there was never an anti-American protest outside of the consulate [in Benghazi, Libya]. Instead, they say, it came under planned attack. That is in direct contradiction to the administration's account of the incident."------------"What's clear," the CBS reporter concludes, "is that the public won't get a detailed account of what happened until after the election."--------They lied to protect Obama and this is obvious!!!!!!! Report: Never an Anti-American Protest in Benghazi, Only a Planned Attack | The Weekly Standard How can a CBS reporter get away with saying this before the election..lol--- Look for heads to roll!

The administration will give the excuse that there was an on going investigation ......if it was "on-going"
then why did they say it was the movie? Shoot, we were talking about the truth before Amb. Rice was. They all hide too many things!!