Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member



I know you're not joking (re: birth certificate, etc.).

Spend too much time on the internetz?

P.S.: I read the entire article you posted, and I checked out the site in question:

It's batschitt crazy: it makes the Boston Herald look the pinnacle of journalistic integrity.

What will you do if Obama wins a second term?

Move in with Klein?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
This is so difficult to respond to on so many levels.

Let me just say that most here have no idea what they are talking about. The fact that this is being used politically is borderline treason. That in itself should be a disqualifier for the highest office in the land.

Don't all of you reealize thta we have diplomats all over the world in danger every day? Do you know that most diplomats are 'guarded' by locals, who would flee at the sight of a weapon, and certainly wouldn't take a bullet to save anyone but themselves? Don't you think they are aware of that? The thing is, they care about this country more deeply than most can understand, and are fully aware of the dangers they face in the name of the USA. They serve without regard to the political party in charge, but they are disgusted by the politics that is being played in this incident. Some very talented people have decided to retire if there is a change in the leadership of the country. The last four years have been the best in the last 30, as far as they are concerned.


Well-Known Member
CIA found militant links a day after Libya attack

By KIMBERLY DOZIER | Fri October 19, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA station chief in Libya reported to Washington within 24 hours of last month’s deadly
attack on the U.S. Consulate that there was evidence it was carried out by militants, not a spontaneous mob upset
about an American-made video ridiculing Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, U.S. officials have told The Associated Press.

It is unclear who, if anyone, saw the cable outside the CIA at that point and how high up in the agency the
information went.

A US Embassy is attacked, a US Ambassador is killed and 3 other Americans, and there
is some question by the AP reporter as to how high up the CIA’s station chief’s report
on the attack would have gone?

There is no question that such a report would have gone to the White House.

The only question is why did the White House and or the President decide to
ignore this report and blame the spontaneous attack on an obscure video.



This is so difficult to respond to on so many levels.

Let me just say that most here have no idea what they are talking about. The fact that this is being used politically is borderline treason. That in itself should be a disqualifier for the highest office in the land.

Don't all of you reealize thta we have diplomats all over the world in danger every day? Do you know that most diplomats are 'guarded' by locals, who would flee at the sight of a weapon, and certainly wouldn't take a bullet to save anyone but themselves? Don't you think they are aware of that? The thing is, they care about this country more deeply than most can understand, and are fully aware of the dangers they face in the name of the USA. They serve without regard to the political party in charge, but they are disgusted by the politics that is being played in this incident. Some very talented people have decided to retire if there is a change in the leadership of the country. The last four years have been the best in the last 30, as far as they are concerned.

Good thing the USA doesnt care about them as much. Let those people retire too...they know they will get fired because the free ride will be over.


golden ticket member
This was a story at CBS. The moderator is from CBS. Do you think he'll brin this up?

(CBS News) — The closer we get to the election, the harder Republicans in Congress are pushing for answers to a big question: What really happened in the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya last month that killed the U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans?
Some lawmakers are asking why U.S. military help from outside Libya didn’t arrive as terrorists battered more than 30 Americans over the course of more than seven hours. The assault was launched by an armed mob of dozens that torched buildings and used rocket propelled grenades, mortars and AK-47 rifles.

CBS News has been told that, hours after the attack began, an unmanned Predator drone was sent over the U.S. mission in Benghazi, and that the drone and other reconnaissance aircraft apparently observed the final hours of the protracted battle.

The State Department, White House and Pentagon declined to say what military options were available. A White House official told CBS News that, at the start of the attack, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta “looked at available options, and the ones we exercised had our military forces arrive in less than 24 hours, well ahead of timelines laid out in established policies.”

Retired CIA officer Gary Berntsen believes help could have come much sooner. He commanded CIA counter-terrorism missions targeting Osama bin Laden and led the team that responded after bombings of the U.S. Embassy in East Africa.

“You find a way to make this happen,” Berntsen says. “There isn’t a plan for every single engagement. Sometimes you have to be able to make adjustments. They made zero adjustments in this. They stood and they watched and our people died.”

The Pentagon says it did move a team of special operators from central Europe to the large Naval Air Station in Sigonella, Italy, but gave no other details. Sigonella is just an hour’s flight from Libya. Other nearby bases include Aviano and Souda Bay. Military sources tell CBS News that resources at the three bases include fighter jets and Specter AC-130 gunships, which the sources say can be extremely effective in flying in and buzzing a crowd to disperse it.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Wow!!! CBS is really stepping up to the plate lately. I wonder how long it will take for the Loony Left to start bashing them for reporting the truth? Maybe the rest of the Lamestream media will start reporting it too...Wait...no they wont.


golden ticket member
Maybe obama should get some extra minutes in the debate so he can give a blow by blow of the action the drone was able to capture as it watched our ambassador and 3 others get killed in Libya. Gee, we could've sent in troops to stop it.....but we just watched it take place. Inaction is a sin to the families of the slain!!

Obama the coward !!! Explain to the American people on Monday at the debate....enough of the many lies....tell the truth, Baby Ruth!!


Staff member
Wow!!! CBS is really stepping up to the plate lately. I wonder how long it will take for the Loony Left to start bashing them for reporting the truth? Maybe the rest of the Lamestream media will start reporting it too...Wait...no they wont.
CBS has just realized Obama is going to lose.


bella amicizia
Wow!!! CBS is really stepping up to the plate lately. I wonder how long it will take for the Loony Left to start bashing them for reporting the truth? Maybe the rest of the Lamestream media will start reporting it too...Wait...no they wont.
Morning Smoe has been bashing him lately. Marc halperin, as well. They are sick of the stupid stuff and want to just stick to who will run the country better. I was shocked! LOL!

Mika wasn't pleased. hehehehe


Well-Known Member
Yup. There's been talk that Romney could win the popular vote and lose the EC.
Deja vu all over again?

I really hope they don't tie in the EC - we really don't need a protracted battle about who won the election. You think it got ugly between Bush and Gore? If the winner of this election is contested, get ready for a real rough ride...

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Today is the first time I read this thread. I compiled some of the posts from the Intelligencia of the kool-aid crowd. Knowing what we know now, looking back at these posts it is really laughable to see them side by side. I don't expect you to read through these posts and wish the dates were stamped to show you the timeline. As you get to the most current posts, you can really see the effect of how the kool-aid crowd justifies this political cover-up by this nightmare they call a President. I am amazed at how many times Bush comes up! There had to be at least 20+ posts from the loons that mention him.
The very first quote comes from Mr. #1. This is a self proclaimed genius who "thinks for himself". The poor fool does not realize how the administration has used the media to spin this utter tragedy into a "look over there" at this you-tube video.