Embassy Attacks


golden ticket member
This is like a soap opera and it keeps morphing into more story lines..........the liars in the story are going to have to have great memories to keep events straight!
Not going to be able to tell a player without a program!
Concessions are needed. Klein should set up his hot dog cart!!


golden ticket member
Listening to some of the Benghazi hearing stuff.....all I hear is different speakers saying, "This shouldn't have happened.....this must not ever happen again...."

You are wasting time and taxpayer money.........Your statements are a DOH!!! We all believe what you are saying. Now get on to WHAT HAPPENED!!! Who's responsible? Who ordered what? Get on with your job instead of just giving speeches.

This is one time it's not about you feeling warm & fuzzy!! Do your job!!!


Staff member
Listening to some of the Benghazi hearing stuff.....all I hear is different speakers saying, "This shouldn't have happened.....this must not ever happen again...."

You are wasting time and taxpayer money.........Your statements are a DOH!!! We all believe what you are saying. Now get on to WHAT HAPPENED!!! Who's responsible? Who ordered what? Get on with your job instead of just giving speeches.

This is one time it's not about you feeling warm & fuzzy!! Do your job!!!
What's the hurry? It took a full 4 months to determine that the Cole was victiom to a terrorist attack? Demanding answers before the investigation is done is ridiculous.


golden ticket member
What's the hurry? It took a full 4 months to determine that the Cole was victiom to a terrorist attack? Demanding answers before the investigation is done is ridiculous.
No hurry, just focus on the business at hand and save the flowery language for the prez.'s speeches. Time is money!!!

Why stall with useless words.......the famly of those killed want answers and they want them now.....and so should you!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What's the hurry? It took a full 4 months to determine that the Cole was victiom to a terrorist attack? Demanding answers before the investigation is done is ridiculous.

This is just another "FAST and BLURRYIOUS" call for an investigation. The real objective is to try and destroy HILLARY so she will be damaged in 2016.

Nothing more, nothing less.




Staff member
oh the web of lies are coming out everywhere.
What will you say when it comes out that the CIA really did believe that the unrest started with reaction to that stupid movie? Because that's what had been going on in Cairo. Libya. Do you really believe that the attackers couldn't come up with that fire-power quickly? They been fighting a civil war for over a year. Weapons are probably very easy to come up with.


Staff member
No hurry, just focus on the business at hand and save the flowery language for the prez.'s speeches. Time is money!!!

Why stall with useless words.......the famly of those killed want answers and they want them now.....and so should you!!!
Why even have the report now if the intelligence community doesn't even have the answers yet? Doesn't matter what you, I, or the families of the dead want. If they don't know, then they don't know.


golden ticket member
People were ther. People know what happened. I believe someone watched things happen.

America needs answers whether you want them or not !


Staff member
People were ther. People know what happened. I believe someone watched things happen.

America needs answers whether you want them or not !

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you've never been in a fire-fight. From what I hear, it's not easy to "know what happened." Throw into that scenario people from assorted groups and militias and pandemonium rules. All I'm saying is that your armchair quarterbacking and second-guessing seems 100% politically motivated. This isn't the first time we've lost people in war zones. Ron Paul might be right. Maybe it's time to stay out of such skirmishes altogether.


golden ticket member
They knew it was terrorism five days before she was given these talking points. So shady.
(CBS News) – CBS News has obtained the CIA talking points given to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on Sept. 15 regarding the fatal attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, four days earlier. CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan says the talking points, which were also given to members of the House intelligence committee, make no reference to terrorism being a likely factor in the assault, which left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.

Rice, who was considered a likely nominee to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, has been attacked by Republican lawmakers for saying on “Face the Nation” (video) on Sept. 16 that all indications were the attack “began spontaneously” – suggesting it likely sprang from a protest against an anti-Muslim video found on the Internet. Protests of that nature had been seen in other Muslim nations in the days and weeks before the Benghazi attack.

The CIA’s talking points read as follows:

• ”The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US diplomatic post in Benghazi and subsequently its annex. There are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.

• This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as currently available information continues to be evaluated.

• The investigation is on-going, and the US Government is working with Libyan authorities to bring to justice those responsible for the deaths of US citizens.”


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
we were intentionally misled, no way around it. Period.
Petraues may be an ass, in the marriage world, but maybe he will be a saint when he testifies.
If he has any testicles left.


Strength through joy
Now why did the seals at the embassy use a laser targeting device aimed at the oncoming attackers ?
Could they have thought that help from above would be coming ?
Or is this just the fog of war thing ?


Staff member
Now why did the seals at the embassy use a laser targeting device aimed at the oncoming attackers ?
Could they have thought that help from above would be coming ?
Or is this just the fog of war thing ?
So you think somebody just said, "Eh. Let 'em fry."?