Embassy Attacks


Staff member
It's not what the consenting adults did with each other because personally I think 'murica needs to get over it's hangups about that. It's all the other shenanigans. Harassing emails, stalker FBI agent making secret calls to Eric Cantor because he thinks it's a coverup to save Obama (that doesn't make sense to me either, don't ask), the fact that the White House and Senate Intelligence were apparently the last to know, etc.


golden ticket member
Holder knew it all since at least September.........he didn't bother to mention it to Obama?

Makes you wonder how many other things are kept from Obama.


bella amicizia
I ask how a shirtless wonder, I mean an FBI agent, got permission to rifle through a private citizens emails based on what?


Well-Known Member
Some people act like these things are something new ------ have been going on for ever can anyone say Eisenhower or better yet Cleopatra and her General:wink2:

When I was military I heard of stories where some of the guys would put their house keys in a hat and the key you drew was the wife you spent the weekend with. No wonder the divorce rate is nearly 70% in the military.


Well-Known Member
I ask how a shirtless wonder, I mean an FBI agent, got permission to rifle through a private citizens emails based on what?


Not saying I agree with it --but I believe it has something to do with the "Patriot Act" ---something Obama the Senator was very much against ---but as Prez --it seems to fit.


Staff member
And how did they get Cantor to keep his mouth shut? I'm thinking this intrigue may not end at a couple generals' doors. Anyone care to guess which political party was showing up at the Tampa parties?


Staff member
And how did they get Cantor to keep his mouth shut? I'm thinking this intrigue may not end at a couple generals' doors. Anyone care to guess which political pary was showing up at the Tampa parties?
They must have the goods on Cantor as well, notice how quiet he's been lately?


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
I like it because it shows you to what extreme someone thinks Obama will go to cover up things !!!

I wish I had created it !!


golden ticket member
Obama was on TV saying we shouldn't confront Susan Rice. She was just giving out the intelligence information she had received.

Had received ????
From whom ???????

Somebody was pushing that film story on that Sunday talk show parade of hers. Was it you B.O. ?