Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
I think we are all agreeing with each other. I just don't think it will have any political milage if Obama wins. If they couldn't make it and Fast and Furious work for the election, it's not going anywhere while debating the fiscal cliff and other economic issues.

Didn't say from Obama's POV it would have mileage but I do think some will try and drive it as far as they can and then some. Not unlike the infamous birth certificate?

On a OT humor note, I know why Obama hides his birth certificate. He and Dick Cheney are distant cousins so can we really blame him!


Well-Known Member
Didn't say from Obama's POV it would have mileage but I do think some will try and drive it as far as they can and then some. Not unlike the infamous birth certificate?

On a OT humor note, I know why Obama hides his birth certificate. He and Dick Cheney are distant cousins so can we really blame him!
There is nothing to hide if you don't have it ;)

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Why? If Romney wins, he has access to everything. If Obama wins and the republicans drop the issue, it means all the fury was just political bluster.

The "political bluster" started in the White House.
The reason this started was because the White House used a video to cover up the mess. It would have been over on September 12th had the President come out and called this a terrorist attack instead of saying it was a video over and over and over again. There would have been a complete investigation and policies would have been changed to ensure the safety of our embassy/consulate officials all around the world.

Clinton went through impeachment because he tried to cover-up his affair.

It is the cover-up and lies that get you in trouble more than the initial mistake ...

I think that the Legislature will be held by Republicans and this will NOT go away. Along with the negative ads, this has been the biggest mistake of the Obama campaign.

If he loses the election you can be guaranteed the negative ads and constant belittling of Romney and the Benghazi mess was his downfall.


golden ticket member
The embassy attack is NOT going any where.

The American people will not put up with being lied to. Do you realze that John Q. Public knew it was a terrorist attack by the next day ???


Staff member
The embassy attack is NOT going any where.

The American people will not put up with being lied to. Do you realze that John Q. Public knew it was a terrorist attack by the next day ???
The American public gets lied to everyday and they prefer it that way.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The embassy attack is NOT going any where.

The American people will not put up with being lied to. Do you realze that John Q. Public knew it was a terrorist attack by the next day ???

The story is DEAD. The CIA killed it on SUNDAY. They named the two airheaded woman from fox ( jennifer griffin/catherine herriage) as rumor spreaders.

You wont see it again, just like fast and furious.




Staff member
The "political bluster" started in the White House.
The reason this started was because the White House used a video to cover up the mess. It would have been over on September 12th had the President come out and called this a terrorist attack instead of saying it was a video over and over and over again. There would have been a complete investigation and policies would have been changed to ensure the safety of our embassy/consulate officials all around the world.

Clinton went through impeachment because he tried to cover-up his affair.

It is the cover-up and lies that get you in trouble more than the initial mistake ...

I think that the Legislature will be held by Republicans and this will NOT go away. Along with the negative ads, this has been the biggest mistake of the Obama campaign.

If he loses the election you can be guaranteed the negative ads and constant belittling of Romney and the Benghazi mess was his downfall.
All of that is possible. We will know in a few hours. Food for thought, though. Nothing substantive came of Issa and his "Fast and Furious" investigation.


golden ticket member
If you run around thinking Obama a socialist, or that WZ is a reputable source of information, then I speak for you. Your welcome.

For the 29th time.....I don't believe WZ is a news source at all.........just a gathering place for news articles from Abc, NBC, Reuters, AP, etc, and so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Get it ?? I speak for myself. I use articles that express the way I believe. You can use articles that express your views. I use very few Huffington articles.......because it's not the way I believe.

You speak for no one but yourself...........keep practicing!


Staff member
For the 29th time.....I don't believe WZ is a news source at all.........just a gathering place for news articles from Abc, NBC, Reuters, AP, etc, and so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Get it ?? I speak for myself. I use articles that express the way I believe. You can use articles that express your views. I use very few Huffington articles.......because it's not the way I believe.

You speak for no one but yourself...........keep practicing!
No. It is you who doesn't get it. You can't just take reputable sources like ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, WSJ, and act like they all have the same weight as the Enquirer or some slob blogging in his basement. Some of it's just plain crap. WZ chooses to leave that tidbit out.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
All of that is possible. We will know in a few hours. Food for thought, though. Nothing substantive came of Issa and his "Fast and Furious" investigation.

Realistically, you never no what stories will get legs and which ones won't. I didn't think to much of the Monica and Bill story and then it kept going and going... same thing with the Wiener pictures. How about tapping legs under airport stalls!! You just never know!


golden ticket member
Realistically, you never no what stories will get legs and which ones won't. I didn't think to much of the Monica and Bill story and then it kept going and going... same thing with the Wiener pictures. How about tapping legs under airport stalls!! You just never know!

Wiener pictures......:hesaidsmiley::sochildish:


Staff member
Realistically, you never no what stories will get legs and which ones won't. I didn't think to much of the Monica and Bill story and then it kept going and going... same thing with the Wiener pictures. How about tapping legs under airport stalls!! You just never know!

We have a good idea. If it has to do with anything sexual in this country, if a governor runs off to his hottie in Venezuela, if a senator adopts a wide stance in a Minnesota airport, Bill soils the oval office or any of hundreds of other instances, it will have legs. We are a nation of 15 year olds in some respects.


Well-Known Member
Some people act like these things are something new ------ have been going on for ever can anyone say Eisenhower or better yet Cleopatra and her General:wink2: