Embassy Attacks


Staff member
Why do you have such a disdain for FOX news?
I suppose you are right. We could all watch the heavily censored and government controlled local and national stations and be led like sheep to slaughter or we can watch FOX and be somewhat aware of the events in the world so when things go bad it won't be a complete surprise.
Do you think perhaps Fox gets it's censorship and control from another source?


Strength through joy
Outwardly it doesn't appear that he is a socialist. His agenda, actions and beliefs, given time, may prove otherwise.

Regarding the muslim issue.....in the last four years how many video clips have you seen of him and the girls at Christmas church services? This would have been an excellent photo op opportunity but.........

It only took him 18 months in office to select a church.


Well-Known Member
This is really starting to get weird.

The Hulk Hogan Connection
I agree. The more that comes out, the stranger this becomes.

One point for all to consider besides all these connect the dots, even to Hulk Hogan...

The FBI can get into the head of the CIA's GMAIL account, without the CIA even knowing.

The friend.B.I.’s request to access the private Gmail account maintained by General Petraeus would have been
only one of 34,614 accounts that governments as well as civil litigants around the world requested access
to between January and June, 2012.

The U.S. was by far the largest requester of user data (16,281 accounts), followed by India (3,467) and
Brazil (2,640—many of them seeking to discover the identities of posters making critical comments about
political candidates, which is illegal in Brazil).

As Patrick Radden Keefe pointed out in a post yesterday, in the U.S. much of the legal authority for these
requests rests on an antiquated federal statute, the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

Among other deficiencies, the law doesn’t extend the same level of protection to e-mail stored in the
cloud—where most Gmail resides—as it does to e-mail stored on your hard drive. In the eyes of the
law, e-mail on your hard drive gets the same level of protection as documents in your personal
filing cabinet—the government needs a search warrant to access it.

But e-mail stored in the cloud is equivalent to documents in a public warehouse: the government can
obtain them with a simple subpoena; no court procedure is required.

Read more: Petraeus and the Cloud: Who Can Read Your Gmail? : The New Yorker


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Susan Rice went on 5 networks to say the attacks were a spontaneous reaction to a video.

When she finally found out this was not the caes, why didn't she go on 5 networks to take it all back???


golden ticket member
If a Right wing person had made this kind of joke, there would be big repercussions....
The lib PC enforcers would go nuclear if a conservative cracked a gay joke about a Democrat.

Via TVNewser:
Just after 6am, on “Morning Joe” this morning, Joe, Mika and guest John Heilemann were talking about yesterday’sNew York Times article about “the three amigos” Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham, who have bonded over the last decade through international travel putting themselves at the center of the foreign policy debate at home.

With Lieberman leaving the Senate, McCain and Graham have brought in another “amigo” SenatorKelly Ayotte. That prompted Heilemann to make a bad joke, at the expense of Graham:
“Heilemann: They need a third amigo at all times. So now they have — now two of the three are women — now at least one of the three are women.”

That drew hysterical laughter from Scarborough who had to turn his chair around. Mika Brzezinski took over and brought in Andrea Mitchell as Scarborough and Heilemann composed themselves.

The line was edited out of a re-air at 8amET.

MSNBC 11 28 2012 06 05 16 1 - YouTube


Well-Known Member
"If folks want to go after someone they should go after me.".

In 1993 another government official exhibited the same detached bravado related to a very public situation going on at the time.

As you might guess, nothing came of the situation.

Who was the government official, what was said and what was the situation being referred to?

(Be sure to phrase your answer in the form of a question).
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