Embassy Attacks

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
As you probably have gathered I am a staunch supporter of our military. Military personnel along with other people who sacrifice their lives on a daily basis for the general public are at the top of my list of Patriots and I respect and appreciate their contributions to America. Just check out my website under Veterans & Military Commemoration (just added another video last week... Irving Berlin's God Bless America song by Kate Smith

I have never served in the military. But I remember how are Vietnam Vets were treated when they came home from that God awful war. It was disgusting...

Anyway to tie this back to the thread; the way this administration has handled the embassy attack was not only despicable and unconscionable it was completely disrespectful to the memory of those 4 patriots. All this lying and cover-up has been in the name of political expediency.

The White House is full of cowards who are more concerned with their political future and the future of the Democratic Party then they are concerned with doing the right thing. If it were a Republican in the White house doing this, I would say the same thing.

This ties right back to the fiscal cliff as well. The occupiers of the White House are more concerned with destroying the other party (politics) than fixing the problems just like Benghazi.


Strength through joy
UPS Lifer , I have had a " Where's the BC " on my vehicles for several years and no one has done any damage . I have noticed a few behind me taking smart phones pictures . And gotten several others honking & waving with smiles.
I drive within the most democratic state , I really enjoy driving thru Cambridge, Mass where the real libs live, the ones which still have their Kerry/Edwards for president proudly displayed on their cars.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
UPS Lifer , I have had a " Where's the BC " on my vehicles for several years and no one has done any damage . I have noticed a few behind me taking smart phones pictures . And gotten several others honking & waving with smiles.
I drive within the most democratic state , I really enjoy driving thru Cambridge, Mass where the real libs live, the ones which still have their Kerry/Edwards for president proudly displayed on their cars.

I got to hand it to you! As much as I would love to show my POV, I can't say the same for where I grew up in CA. I see BO stickers all the time out here in Sedona. This is a very Democratic area and even though I have never touched someone else's vehicle, the little devil does come out and tell me to rip off that sticker. I have to bop him in his nose and walk away fast!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As you probably have gathered I am a staunch supporter of our military. Military personnel along with other people who sacrifice their lives on a daily basis for the general public are at the top of my list of Patriots and I respect and appreciate their contributions to America. Just check out my website under Veterans & Military Commemoration (just added another video last week... Irving Berlin's God Bless America song by Kate Smith

I have never served in the military. But I remember how are Vietnam Vets were treated when they came home from that God awful war. It was disgusting...

Anyway to tie this back to the thread; the way this administration has handled the embassy attack was not only despicable and unconscionable it was completely disrespectful to the memory of those 4 patriots. All this lying and cover-up has been in the name of political expediency.

The White House is full of cowards who are more concerned with their political future and the future of the Democratic Party then they are concerned with doing the right thing. If it were a Republican in the White house doing this, I would say the same thing.

This ties right back to the fiscal cliff as well. The occupiers of the White House are more concerned with destroying the other party (politics) than fixing the problems just like Benghazi.

Sure you are LIFER. You are a hypocrite. While BUSH was in office, where were you when tens of thousands of civilians were being killed by our forces? Where were you when BUSH was taking people out of the country (rendition) and holding them in secret prisons to be tortured, killed or let go without any charges being filed? Where were you when the two english brothers were kidnapped by our marines in Afghanistan and transferred to gitmo only to be held there for 3 years and tortured, only to have the red cross identify them as english citizens and INNOCENT of any charges?

Those brothers by the way, are suing the USA for MILLIONS for unlaw capture, torture and imprisonment.

You are only concerned with the outrage you are told to be concerned with. Just because you have a website doesnt make you a patriot.

A PATRIOT fights for all innocent persons.

As for BENGAZI, we dont know all the details about the "secret operations" going on there and why there was a CIA base nearby, and to that end, your speculation on what has been said is useless until those details are released to the public.

Clearly, the CIA base was classified and speaking out loud about it to the world will jeopardize agents all over the region, but guys like you who watch FOX news get amped up because you are TOLD TO.

AS for destroying the "other party", well, that happened on Nov 7th and they did it to themselves.




Strength through joy
Carry your own stickers to cover over those that annoy you.
Honestly just how often does anyone really notice any changes to their car's rear end.


Well-Known Member
Carry your own stickers to cover over those that annoy you.
Honestly just how often does anyone really notice any changes to their car's rear end.

You mean everyone doesn't do a walk around on their car before they get in it?

One of our drivers put a Teamster bumper sticker on our center manager's car---he was not happy about it at all.


Strength through joy
As a joke , I once placed a hand made "nambla" sign on a driver's suv , boy was he mad about it.
Told me if he had driven home with it on he could have gotten into some serious trouble.
What I never told him was that it had been on his suv for three days before he was aware of it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You are a racist, a hater and a bigot. You do your cause nothing but harm.

Wow, john McCain calls out HANNITY for being wrong, and I turn out to be the hater? Get over yourself bro.

You have spent 4 years on this board making "racists" comments about the first black president of the United States along with many others that side with you. I came on here to "equal" you all, and yet, Im the "hater?


If you cant take it, dont dish it out.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Wow, john McCain calls out HANNITY for being wrong, and I turn out to be the hater? Get over yourself bro.

You have spent 4 years on this board making "racists" comments about the first black president of the United States along with many others that side with you. I came on here to "equal" you all, and yet, Im the "hater?


If you cant take it, dont dish it out.



Find a post - give me the post # and the thread.

You won't be able to take any of my posts in context to prove your delusion.


Well-Known Member
Sure you are LIFER. You are a hypocrite. While BUSH was in office, where were you when tens of thousands of civilians were being killed by our forces? Where were you when BUSH was taking people out of the country (rendition) and holding them in secret prisons to be tortured, killed or let go without any charges being filed? Where were you when the two english brothers were kidnapped by our marines in Afghanistan and transferred to gitmo only to be held there for 3 years and tortured, only to have the red cross identify them as english citizens and INNOCENT of any charges?

Those brothers by the way, are suing the USA for MILLIONS for unlaw capture, torture and imprisonment.

You are only concerned with the outrage you are told to be concerned with. Just because you have a website doesnt make you a patriot.

A PATRIOT fights for all innocent persons.

As for BENGAZI, we dont know all the details about the "secret operations" going on there and why there was a CIA base nearby, and to that end, your speculation on what has been said is useless until those details are released to the public.

Clearly, the CIA base was classified and speaking out loud about it to the world will jeopardize agents all over the region, but guys like you who watch FOX news get amped up because you are TOLD TO.


Beginning to see the light ?? You bring up Secret CIA base ----I guess next you will uncover the secret torture prison tha Obama has greenlighted along with all the drones killing civilians. Sounds alot like all of the past administrations with some added deadly technologies.
I though you were pushing for SAINT Obama ??
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sure you are LIFER. You are a hypocrite. While BUSH was in office, where were you when tens of thousands of civilians were being killed by our forces? Where were you when BUSH was taking people out of the country (rendition) and holding them in secret prisons to be tortured, killed or let go without any charges being filed? Where were you when the two english brothers were kidnapped by our marines in Afghanistan and transferred to gitmo only to be held there for 3 years and tortured, only to have the red cross identify them as english citizens and INNOCENT of any charges?

Those brothers by the way, are suing the USA for MILLIONS for unlaw capture, torture and imprisonment.

You are only concerned with the outrage you are told to be concerned with. Just because you have a website doesnt make you a patriot.

A PATRIOT fights for all innocent persons.

As for BENGAZI, we dont know all the details about the "secret operations" going on there and why there was a CIA base nearby, and to that end, your speculation on what has been said is useless until those details are released to the public.

Clearly, the CIA base was classified and speaking out loud about it to the world will jeopardize agents all over the region, but guys like you who watch FOX news get amped up because you are TOLD TO.


Beginning to see the light ?? You bring up Secret CIA base ----I guess next you will uncover the secret torture prison tha Obama has greenlighted along with all the drones killing civilians. Sounds alot like all of the past administrations with some added deadly technologies.
I though you were pushing for SAINT Obama ??

I hate all aspects of war, especially Unnecessary wars like both that BUSH started, and this congress and the GOP continue to push to continue.

While I realize that the goverment does many things without the knowledge of congress, the senate and the PEOPLE, I find no excuse for running secret prisons.

In Bengazi, there were things being done that WE WILL NEVER KNOW ABOUT. Thats the reason for TOP SECRET.

Those men who were killed died at the hands of terrorists, we get that, but we wont know what the motivation was no matter how many hearings congress calls up.

A dog and pony show for the GOP, in an attempt to exploit a situation that the country CLEARLY doesnt want to invest in. Other than FOX news and the right wing radio talk shows, who cares?

Just like fast and furious, a complete waste of time , effort and energy to prove NOTHING.

Bengazi will go the same way. NOWHERE.

While you all have your underwear in a bunch, the rest of the country has moved on. War is hell.


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Strength through joy
[h=1]BenghaziGate: Obama Admin Knew Libyan Terrorists Had US-Provided Weapons[/h]
[h=2]the New York Times is now reporting that US-approved arms that were supposed to go to Libya rebels went to Islamist terrorists. Even more importantly, the Obama administration knew about it before, during, and after the Benghazi attacks.[/h]

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The uber left wing just can't get it through their skulls that a cover-up took place because the Democratic candidate didn't want negative press during the campaign. It didn't matter what the truth is. Furthermore it has been 3 months and no details on what will be done different and better to protect our embassies.

The only top secret thing about this is which person in the White House started the lies to the American people and why hasn't B. Hussain come clean?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The uber left wing just can't get it through their skulls that a cover-up took place because the Democratic candidate didn't want negative press during the campaign. It didn't matter what the truth is. Furthermore it has been 3 months and no details on what will be done different and better to protect our embassies.

The only top secret thing about this is which person in the White House started the lies to the American people and why hasn't B. Hussain come clean?

If you are going to use his middle name as a "spark", at least learn to spell it correctly.. ITS HUSSEIN.

Otherwise, its a dead "match" and you look foolish.

