Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
I'll give you a hint.........
1993 occured before 1995.

This game show stuff is getting fun!
I figured some of our history buffs would have figured this out by now.
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Somehow I closed this thread and could not remember which one it was.

Who was Bill Clinton? The incident was Vince Foster's "suicide" in 1993 which intensified the investigation of Whitewater controversy. The investigation led to a strange and remarkable series of political maneuverings and personal failing that ultimately led to the impeachment of an elected president. Bill's coverup under oath of the Lewinsky affair caused the impeachment. His famous line "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".

Little known fact: Vince Foster spent many nights at the White House when Bill was not there leading to the suspicion that he was having an affair with Hillary.

Nothing ever happened to Bill.... He is still considered the senior leader of the Democratic party and is more popular than ever!!!!


Well-Known Member
Somehow I closed this thread and could not remember which one it was.

Who was Bill Clinton? The incident was Vince Foster's "suicide" in 1993 which intensified the investigation of Whitewater controversy. The investigation led to a strange and remarkable series of political maneuverings and personal failing that ultimately led to the impeachment of an elected president. Bill's coverup under oath of the Lewinsky affair caused the impeachment. His famous line "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".

Little known fact: Vince Foster spent many nights at the White House when Bill was not there leading to the suspicion that he was having an affair with Hillary.

Nothing ever happened to Bill.... He is still considered the senior leader of the Democratic party and is more popular than ever!!!!

I appreciate the response........especially from you.
This brought back memories I had forgotten but the moral of that story, my story and todays administration is the same.
Another hint: 1993 precipitated 1995.


Staff member
Somehow I closed this thread and could not remember which one it was.

Who was Bill Clinton? The incident was Vince Foster's "suicide" in 1993 which intensified the investigation of Whitewater controversy. The investigation led to a strange and remarkable series of political maneuverings and personal failing that ultimately led to the impeachment of an elected president. Bill's coverup under oath of the Lewinsky affair caused the impeachment. His famous line "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".

Little known fact: Vince Foster spent many nights at the White House when Bill was not there leading to the suspicion that he was having an affair with Hillary.

Nothing ever happened to Bill.... He is still considered the senior leader of the Democratic party and is more popular than ever!!!!
What makes you think Foster wasn't tagging Monica while Bill was out?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I am not sure this is right because it is off topic from "Embassy Attacks" but I will give it another try!!!!

Who was Newt Gingrich? He said that raising taxes would kill the current (1993) recovery and put us back in a recession. It might take 1 1/2 or 2 years but it will happen.
The Republicans won back the House of Representatives by a huge margin in 1995 which led to the government shut down in November through January of 1996


Well-Known Member
I admire your initiative but you're getting off track just a bit.
A statement was made by a government official (1993) that somewhat resembles obamas statement of "....come after me..." in response to a tragedy.
The theme of this puzzle is the flippant and detached bravado exhibited by our government officials with, apparently, no accountability.
I gave the clue of "1995" to help you narrow down the 1993 incident.
Good luck.


golden ticket member

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
OK - I think I am back on track..... !!!!

Who is Bill Clinton?
I can't find the exact quote... but Clinton was talking about the uproar by Trent Lott and others for Janet Reno to resign over her handling of the Waco siege. It is said that Timothy McVeigh went down to Waco during the time of the standoff to witness first hand what was going on. The Oklahoma City bombing (1995) was believed to have been influenced by this Waco tragedy (blaming Clinton). Janet Reno went unscathed and so did Clinton. Clinton went so far as to point a finger at the FBI Director to take the pressure off of Reno and himself.


Für Meno :)
I'm surprised this thread and the name blaming poilitics of this issue is still going on !
The Gaby Gifford thread is shorter than this on BC, so were political parties.

It just seems if another American kills or shoots another politician or celebrity, it just goes away, with no blame game.
But if it happens outside the US (except for 1000's of soldiers killed over oil), it's a huge story with blame naming.

Ronald Reagon was shot, so was JFK, and Lincoln, and many other attempts and murders, inside the US - no blaming there !

And if you go to the general public issue, thousands are shot and killed inside the USA on a daily basis, no one cares !


Well-Known Member
I believe in 1865 the Browncafe thread on Lincoln was longer:happy-very: I think they are still discussing some jerk by the name of Booth !


Well-Known Member
OK - I think I am back on track..... !!!!

Who is Bill Clinton?
I can't find the exact quote... but Clinton was talking about the uproar by Trent Lott and others for Janet Reno to resign over her handling of the Waco siege. It is said that Timothy McVeigh went down to Waco during the time of the standoff to witness first hand what was going on. The Oklahoma City bombing (1995) was believed to have been influenced by this Waco tragedy (blaming Clinton). Janet Reno went unscathed and so did Clinton. Clinton went so far as to point a finger at the FBI Director to take the pressure off of Reno and himself.

We have a winner!
After the Waco incident Janet Reno, on national TV, made the statement to the effect, "....I take full responsibility for Waco"
What Reno, as well as obama after Benghazi, didn't say was, "....yeah.....like you all are gonna do something to me."
I would think our government officals would be subject to enforcement policies such as federal grand jury investigation but I'm just a truck driver.
Good job, upslifer
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Well-Known Member
Just asking because I don't know,

Is the term 'veteran' for all ex-military personnel, or just for those who have been in wars/fighting situations/etc.?


Well-Known Member
The term "veteran" is used for anyone who served, whether peacetime or in combat, active duty or reservist. I personally reserve the term for those who were in combat.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Would you put this sticker on your car? Got the picture off of facebook, and it got deleted by either FB or the government.

I ABSOLUTELY would not put any sort of negative or political info on my car. Even if I had a junker. People are nuts and you would never know who or what is lurking for you every time you get into or out of your car! Besides the more obvious fact that someone will eventually vandalize it.

As for FB.... they are big supporters of B Hussein and have blocked other negative comments about him when brought to their attention. Their political bias has surfaced in the media. Not sure if anyone is challenging a 1st Amendment lawsuit.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The term "veteran" is used for anyone who served, whether peacetime or in combat, active duty or reservist. I personally reserve the term for those who were in combat.


Veterans of Foreign Wars is the distinction for combat veterans OR just combat veteran.

What would you call a person who has a Honorable Discharge but never fought in a combat zone?


Well-Known Member
I should clarify---anyone who served is a veteran but I tend to have more respect for those who served in a combat situation. I served for 8 years--the closest I ever got to combat was performing perimeter security at a C-141 crash site.