Embassy Attacks

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
BenghaziGate: Obama Admin Knew Libyan Terrorists Had US-Provided Weapons

the New York Times is now reporting that US-approved arms that were supposed to go to Libya rebels went to Islamist terrorists. Even more importantly, the Obama administration knew about it before, during, and after the Benghazi attacks.

WOW... what a shocker!!! US ARMS in the hands of libyans? Who should answer for this??

Oh wait a minute, thats right, WE supplied ARMS to the rebels fighting Qadafy in his overthrow and thousands of weapons are still in the hands of libyans. Maybe we forgot to send the weapons collectors to pick them up after Qadafy was killed.

I guess in retrospect WE can blame OURSELVES for the deaths of the ambassador and his team, eh?




golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
I hate all aspects of war, especially Unnecessary wars like both that BUSH started, and this congress and the GOP continue to push to continue.

While I realize that the goverment does many things without the knowledge of congress, the senate and the PEOPLE, I find no excuse for running secret prisons.

In Bengazi, there were things being done that WE WILL NEVER KNOW ABOUT. Thats the reason for TOP SECRET.

Those men who were killed died at the hands of terrorists, we get that, but we wont know what the motivation was no matter how many hearings congress calls up.

A dog and pony show for the GOP, in an attempt to exploit a situation that the country CLEARLY doesnt want to invest in. Other than FOX news and the right wing radio talk shows, who cares?

Just like fast and furious, a complete waste of time , effort and energy to prove NOTHING.

Bengazi will go the same way. NOWHERE.

While you all have your underwear in a bunch, the rest of the country has moved on. War is hell.




You do make me laugh. Even Bengazi is the fault of Bush. If Obama o/k ed a secret torture prison in Bengazi --again you would say Bush !!!
Just too funny:happy-very:
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golden ticket member
What exactly is Obama waiting for?

Casablanca — Although Ahmed Boukhtala is the main suspect in the September 11th terrorist attack on US consulate in Benghazi as well as a suspect in assassination of Libyan rebel commander Major General Abdelfattah Younis, he continues to live freely in Benghazi.

Conflicting reports have claimed that Boukhtala was imprisoned while others have said he escaped from prison and is now a fugitive. However, sources in Benghazi told Magharebia that Boukhtala remains at large and that the Libyan authorities have not arrested him.

“Boukhtala is not detained, and no official charges were made against him,” political activist Samir al-Jahani told Magharebia. “However, there are many suspicions around him.”

Al-Jahani believes that the government is trying as much as it can to avoid charges and clashes with extremist groups at this stage.

“Boukhtala belongs to an extremist group, and he is still followed by some gunmen. However, he no longer has his own militias since his Abu Obeida Bin al-Jarrah brigade was disbanded,” al-Jahani added.

He also noted that 41-year-old Boukhtala is a regular person without any qualifications in Sharia sciences. “Some call him sheikh only because of his long beard and because he was the commander of Abi Obeida Bin al-Jarrah brigade during the revolution,” he added.

In a December 19th interview with Libya’s Quryna, Boukhtala vaguely responded to charges that he was behind the attack on the US consulate, which left the US ambassador and three other Americans dead.

He neither denied nor confirmed his responsibility for the terrorist attack. Instead, he tried to justify the assault by claiming that the place that was targeted was not a consulate but a security facility belonging to the consulate.


Well-Known Member
Lawyer: Tunisian suspect in Libya attack freed

January 8, 2013
TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — The only suspect in custody over the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has been
conditionally released by Tunisian authorities due to lack of evidence, his lawyer said Tuesday.

So where is the outrage? Especially, in view of all of Obama and Hillary’s solemn promises
to track down the murderers of those four Americans?

Lawyer: Tunisian suspect in Libya attack freed | Concord Monitor

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Lawyer: Tunisian suspect in Libya attack freed

January 8, 2013
TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — The only suspect in custody over the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has been
conditionally released by Tunisian authorities due to lack of evidence, his lawyer said Tuesday.

So where is the outrage? Especially, in view of all of Obama and Hillary’s solemn promises
to track down the murderers of those four Americans?

Lawyer: Tunisian suspect in Libya attack freed | Concord Monitor

The liberal media won't cover the story. It makes their messiah look bad! They won't cover ANY story that makes the messiah look bad.
The legislature will have to get the answers. Eventually, someone in that administration is going to screw up real bad. There is an aloofness that the administration can say or do what they want because there is no real watchdogs in the media. At some point during the next 4 years, a smoking gun will surface because of a careless coverup attempt.

Who knows, an underling may get disenchanted by the administration and spill his or her guts through a tell all book that names names hopefully with some sort of proof to fall back on.


Staff member
Maybe the administration prefers to follow him with a drone and sponsor a barbecue for he and his buddies


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The liberal media won't cover the story. It makes their messiah look bad! They won't cover ANY story that makes the messiah look bad.
The legislature will have to get the answers. Eventually, someone in that administration is going to screw up real bad. There is an aloofness that the administration can say or do what they want because there is no real watchdogs in the media. At some point during the next 4 years, a smoking gun will surface because of a careless coverup attempt.

Who knows, an underling may get disenchanted by the administration and spill his or her guts through a tell all book that names names hopefully with some sort of proof to fall back on.
You are sounding a bit crazy.


golden ticket member
Mosque rebuilding and kindles are more important than protecting four Americans obviously.

Via Frontpage:
According to Hillary Clinton’s long-delayed Benghazigate testimony, the State Department just did not have enough money to provide security for a mission in one of the most dangerous places in the world.

It did however have 16 million dollars to spend on 2,500 kindle book readers at the drastically inflated price of $6,600 per device.
How much security could that 16 million buy?

It had $79,000 to spend on Obama’s books and $20,000 on a portrait of Obama. The US Embassy had $150,000 to spend on a book about the ambassador’s residence. The US Embassy in Austria had $150,000+ for a Chevy Volt and its charging station.

And here is what else Hillary’s State Department did have money for…
7.9 billion dollars for Obama’s Global Health Initiative.
1 billion for global climate change.

2.2 billion to strengthen democratic institutions in Pakistan.

And of courseMosque renovations.
In 2011 the State Department provided funds to restore the 15th century Gobarau Minaret in Katsina State in Nigeria’s predominantly Muslim north, an area which has become a virtual killing field for Christians at the hands of Muslim militants, led by the al-Qaeda-linked terror group Boko Haram.


golden ticket member
The admin. probably thought this would all go away........but the lie goes on and on and the questions go unanswered. People want the truth. Is this another "hiding" job......like the birth cert. and the S.S. # ?? No wonder those stories never go away. He never clears things up.


golden ticket member
Benghazi is not going away no matter how much 'O' wishes it would.....or how much Hillary wishes it would. It will dog her 2016 bid!!