Embassy Attacks


Strength through joy
Lies and more lies .
Who told Rice to hype the falsehood about some unknown video sparked a riot that never was , 5 times.
And bhos repeated it several times in a UN speech .
The House could start the impeachment over this mess.
Remember that only 2 presidents have ever been impeached Jackson and Clinton . Nixon resigned before the House started their hearings .


Well-Known Member
Why did the State Department strip the Benghazi facility of security even as threats escalated?

Did the Administration order rescuing forces to "stand down" – leading to the deaths of brave Americans fighting for their lives, outgunned in a hostile land?

Did the Administration lie to cover up its failures and downplay the terrorist threat in the middle of an election season?

And - Why none of this matters to the special interest voting Marxists? Oh silly me, that's a silly question.


Strength through joy
Here's how the MSM is going to handle this......
(1) ridicule the persons involved , the House members and those testifying .
(2) provide as much news coverage as they did for the Murder trial of Dr Gosnell , where the court benches provided for the media were always empty .
(3) sing endless songs of how this wouldn't happen to a white president .


Well-Known Member
Maybe now, if they all attempt to spew their same already known lies, impeachment trials can then begin for lying under oath? :/ It's as ridiculous as it is amazing.


Staff member
Oh, stop with your fantasies. Nobody is going to be impeached. Sadly there's more politics going on and everybody knows it.


Well-Known Member
Oh, stop with your fantasies. Nobody is going to be impeached. Sadly there's more politics going on and everybody knows it.

Aint that the pathetic truth.... The same "politics" that went on before the presidential elections on September 11, 2012.


Well-Known Member
"Bush lied people died! Impeach Bush! Try Bush/ Cheney for war crimes!" Never mind the fact (FACT) that Bush did nothing a liberal controlled congress didn't first vote FOR.

Now....."People died the Obama administration lied two months before a second term election."

"Oh, stop with your silliness."

Serioisly? Your a friend*ing hypocrite pure and simple.


Staff member
Watch your mouth. I never called for Bush's impeachment and history tells us he wasn't impeached. Now if you called for Bush's impeachment, then in this case you are not a hypocrite. If you did not, however, well then you are.


Well-Known Member
If Bush should have been impeached then the entire Congress should have been also. Clinton was impeached for breaking the law....lying under oath. This adm has clearly lied about the deaths of our ambassador and 3 others in order to save their collective political careers.

If your defending that and it appears you are, your a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
All this aside....there are plenty of better reasons why I don't believe we should have a two term Marxist in the White House.


Staff member
When you use the term "Marxist" in speaking of this president, it becomes obvious that I am communicating with somebody who has no idea what he is talking about. Are you moreluck with another screen name?


Well-Known Member
Marx·ism (märkszm)
The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society's allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.

If that doesn't describe our current hypocrite in chief and those who support him, you tell me what he is then... I won't hold my breath.


golden ticket member
[h=2]Flashback: Obama One Week After Benghazi – “Extremely Offensive Video Directed At Mohammed And Islam” Responsible For Attack…[/h]September 18, 2012:

September 18, 2012:
He’s lying his ass off and he knows it. If this was George W. Bush the media would be going ape****.
Via Keith Koffler:
As witnesses today make clear that there was real-time information that the Benghazi attack was terrorism, and as reports circulate that initial talking points were changed to suggest it was an anti-Islamic video that was responsible, it’s important to recall that President Obama was still parroting the video line one week after the attack.


Staff member
Marx·ism (märkszm)
The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society's allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.

If that doesn't describe our current hypocrite in chief and those who support him, you tell me what he is then... I won't hold my breath.
well if you look at Obamacare and its huge giveaways to the insurance industry and couple it width continued record low actual tax on the business community, you find a moderate Democrat in the mold of Bill Clinton.


Well-Known Member
Holy *****...even democrats are beginning to run from obamacare. A bill the majority of Americans did not want but was rammed through congress regardless! Tax breaks? Those "tax breaks" must be why most corporations are cutting man hours as well as employees in order to not be penalized by this debacle of a bill we haven't even begun to see the horrors of. Your in lala land like most government trusters. How in the world can anyone put so much stock in what a politician tells you whether repub or dem is astounding to me? They can't keep the postal service out of the red! Much less social security or Medicaid and now this will fix healthcare? Your insane.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Actually it was mainly due to the work of the police and the FBI, although the media did do their jobs by reporting on it.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Can't dispute your statement, but without the info supplied by Mark Felt (Deep Throat), Assoc. Director of the FBI to Woodward & Bernstein, it is my opinion that Nixon might have skated.

Taken from an article to support my statement.
[FONT=Georgia, serif]Initial investigations of Watergate were heavily influenced by the media, particularly the work of two reporters from the [/FONT]Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, along with their mysterious informant, Deep Throat.
