Embassy Attacks


golden ticket member
Embassy security is ultimately the responsibility of Hillary or Barack........doesn't matter who voted for what .....as a republican his vote didn't count much.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Embassy security is ultimately the responsibility of Hillary or Barack........doesn't matter who voted for what .....as a republican his vote didn't count much.

It would seem your understanding of overseas security for State Dept locations (it wasn't an embassy) ranks just below your understanding of how spending bills in the Congress work.


golden ticket member
Hillary said in her own words when she had her going away party.....oops, I mean her testimony in front of congress......she is ultimately responsible for security to all state dept.employees.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Hillary said in her own words when she had her going away party.....oops, I mean her testimony in front of congress......she is ultimately responsible for security to all state dept.employees.

As I said, your understanding of how things work is fuzzy, and not at all accurate.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I watched her during hours of testifying, did you ? ....that's what she said.........according to you then, she lied??

Former Secretary Clinton never refused to fund security for overseas domiciles under her control. The Congress contrls funds. The Republicans controlled Congress. The Republican controlled congress cut funds for security for overseas State Department installations.

Using your logic, that would make Issa not only a thief & arsonist, but also a murderer. Perhaps a traitor as well.


golden ticket member
Hillary said she, she, she was the one who was responsible for the safety of her people. She wasn't talking about Razor Backs then...........She sucked at her job.....now she has to be responsible........which she won't and she will not be presendential material in 2016!! She's screwed.............


golden ticket member
The talking points for the Sunday appearances of Susan Rice were changed 12 times.........that's 12 lies that were thought up by......according to Carney, the intelligence dept.
It's coming to light more & more, that the lies and versions came from the White House.
Carney is not going to keep up with the lies.

In the meantime, the guy whose video was blamed, is still in jail............yet Mr. Castro in Cleveland has a bail amount !!


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
distorted or manipulated.
Via Politico:

The top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is accusing Republicans of distorting the remarks of a star witness testifying before the panel this week on Benghazi.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), sent letter to Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) on Friday asking that omitted portions of Gregory Hicks’s testimony be added to the record.
“I thank Mr. Hicks for coming forward, for working with our investigators, and for providing his testimony to the Committee,” Cummings said in a statement. “Unfortunately, some have attempted to distort and manipulate what Mr. Hicks actually told the Committee. I believe this additional information will help clarify and complete the official record.”

A Foreign Service officer and the No. 2 on the ground in Libya the night of the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Bengahzi, Hicks added fuel to the Benghazi controversy being pushed by Republicans against the administration and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
ADDITIONALLY, Mitt Romney gave a press conference where he offered his condolences, then turned the conference into a political speech and then took questions.

he ran with scripted answers, and on one question, paused for about 15 seconds trying to figure out what he was going to say, then when he was hit with a tough question, he quickly left the microphone.

Yea, he's a great leader.

What was the question he ducked after all his tough talk?????

"Mr Romney, what would you have done differently than President Obama?""

Mitts answer: EXIT STAGE LEFT.
Snagglepuss Exit Stage Left - YouTube

Peace, out.


He took questions , he didn't hide.