Hey TOS, It would have been very simple to locate the embassy at night by plane .
After all our military have all weather planes loaded with the most up to date equipment . And there was a drone flying over head to relay info.
But the best solution would have been just to fire at the burning building , I hear they are easy to locate in the dark .
......."that it was Al Qaeda, Al Jazzera or Al Capon......" TOS
It matters to the guy who is still in jail for making a film !!
Who is Al Capon......a chicken man?
How much time did Lilo get when she violated her parole ???The guy in JAIL is in JAIL for violating his parole. Thats what the law provides for offenders.
Maybe you missed his guilty plea last november? But wait, thats not what FOX NEWS Told you, so it must NOT be true right? You will believe what FOX NEWS says, that he is being held prisoner by the OBAMA administration for the film.
"""Mark Basseley Youssef, who made the film “Innocence of the Muslims” under the pseudonym Sam Bacile, was sentenced in November after pleading guilty to four violations of a supervised release order, which included lying to his probation officer, using aliases, and using the Internet, according to court records.""""
He was sentenced to ONE YEAR IN JAIL for that GUILTY plea.
He ISNT in jail because the OBAMA administration is holding him there.
Man, do you ever check anything out before you speak on it?
Is fantasy a FDX thing sir? My my.....Condoleezza Rice, according to Fox News has decided to come clean WITH ACTUAL DOCUMENTS about the charges that the Bush administration lied about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.
Condoleeza Rices sound bite from a Sunday talk show — “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud” — now reverberates as one of the most hyperbolic claims of the Bush years.
Fox news is reporting that Rice has constant nightmares about the weapons of mass destruction lie and mushroom clouds appear to her almost daily.
Condoleeza Rice may now ironically in 2013 end up herself as the weapon of mass destruction that Bush and Cheney lied about to go into Iraq.
CNN has obtained whitehouse email documents that prove Bush and Cheney knew that Iraq NEVER tried to buy uranium from Niger.
Rice will be the star witness for the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION INVESTIGATION as she apparently will finally provide a smoking gun.
How much time did Lilo get when she violated her parole ???
The Halabja poison gas attack (Kurdish: کیمیابارانی ھەڵەبجە Kîmyabarana Helebce), also known as Halabja massacre or Bloody Friday,[1] was a genocidal massacre against the Kurdish people that took place on March 16, 1988, during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War, when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces in the Kurdish town of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan.
The attack killed between 3,200 and 5,000 people, and injured around 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians;[1][2] thousands more died of complications, diseases, and birth defects in the years after the attack.[3] The incident, which has been officially defined as an act of genocide against the Kurdish people in Iraq,[4] was and still remains the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history.[5]
File:Chemical weapons Halabja Iraq March 1988.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Halabja poison gas attack (Kurdish: کیمیابارانی ھەڵەبجە Kîmyabarana Helebce), also known as Halabja massacre or Bloody Friday,[1] was a genocidal massacre against the Kurdish people that took place on March 16, 1988, during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War, when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces in the Kurdish town of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan.
The attack killed between 3,200 and 5,000 people, and injured around 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians;[1][2] thousands more died of complications, diseases, and birth defects in the years after the attack.[3] The incident, which has been officially defined as an act of genocide against the Kurdish people in Iraq,[4] was and still remains the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history.[5]
File:Chemical weapons Halabja Iraq March 1988.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
111th Congress and Senate a Democrat majority in both Chambers.
And what occured to finalize "your fun"?
The Halabja poison gas attack (Kurdish: کیمیابارانی ھەڵەبجە Kîmyabarana Helebce), also known as Halabja massacre or Bloody Friday,[1] was a genocidal massacre against the Kurdish people that took place on March 16, 1988, during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War, when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces in the Kurdish town of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan.
The attack killed between 3,200 and 5,000 people, and injured around 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians;[1][2] thousands more died of complications, diseases, and birth defects in the years after the attack.[3] The incident, which has been officially defined as an act of genocide against the Kurdish people in Iraq,[4] was and still remains the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history.[5]
File:Chemical weapons Halabja Iraq March 1988.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By the way, SARIN GAS and MUSTARD GAS has a shelf life of less than ONE YEAR. So, if you are implying that back in 1988 Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons, and somehow, they would be viable weapons in 2002, then you dont know what you are talking about.
Maybe you should research Chemical weapons lifespan.