Embassy Attacks


Strength through joy
Let's see from the first postings that I made about this story , which a mod changed , were from a foreign news source . Which clearly stated that the local residents tried to break up the first group of men who showed up in their neighborhood until they were forced to retreated into their homes when weapons were shown , that was at 8pm local time. The first attack started at 10pm when more attackers arrived . The local employees of the embassy were told the day before not to report for work by unknown persons .
These facts strongly suggest that it was a well planned incident , not something that just appeared.

As for missle strikes the navy seals that died were laser pointing targets all night , or have you forgotten that fact .
There is always a carrier group in the Med.
Now where did that drone come from ?
Where are the 33 people that those volunteering seals saved ?
Why are they still a mystery ?

You must recall that in the Arab culture doing nothing is a sign of weakness .
Dropping a GPS guided bomb onto the compound would have send the right message regardless of who was nearby.
Remember this ... there are no innocent bystanders in a combat zone .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Let's see from the first postings that I made about this story , which a mod changed , were from a foreign news source . Which clearly stated that the local residents tried to break up the first group of men who showed up in their neighborhood until they were forced to retreated into their homes when weapons were shown , that was at 8pm local time. The first attack started at 10pm when more attackers arrived . The local employees of the embassy were told the day before not to report for work by unknown persons .
These facts strongly suggest that it was a well planned incident , not something that just appeared.

As for missle strikes the navy seals that died were laser pointing targets all night , or have you forgotten that fact .
There is always a carrier group in the Med.
Now where did that drone come from ?
Where are the 33 people that those volunteering seals saved ?
Why are they still a mystery ?

You must recall that in the Arab culture doing nothing is a sign of weakness .
Dropping a GPS guided bomb onto the compound would have send the right message regardless of who was nearby.
Remember this ... there are no innocent bystanders in a combat zone .

More "armchair" military strategies i see. First of all, lets address the cruise missile idea. You suggest, that the military, fire a guided weapon into a burning building that housed the ambassador and staff to somehow deter the terrorists, without actual confirmation that they were dead? Or are you suggesting that a guided missile be fired into the building after the attack had ended?

As for the civilians nearby who you say are not "innocent", were we at war with Libya at the time in order to have the designation "COMBAT ZONE" inacted?

We do not know who anybody was on that day. IN 12 other US EMBASSYS in the middle east, there were riots and protesters attacking those complexes over the Christian video mocking the prophet mohammed, this is UNDISPUTED. The "LOCALS" who you say tried to break up a gathering of unknown men, were in fact the LOCAL SECURITY personnel that were hired to protect the embassy.

The State Department Hired locals instead of placing marines on the ground because the situation in libya was still UNSETTLED and having boots on the ground posed more of a problem than protection.

We do not know who was responsible for the attack, who planned it or where they came from. In actuality, NOTHING that could be said about the attack would be accurate. "WE" as thinking people can put 2 plus 2 together to figure out that it was a terror attack and only a maroon would consider it anything else.

Those two "HEROS" that YOU claim were aiming lasers at the enemy, cost themselves their lives. They were told to "stand down" because it was inevitable that the ambassador and staff were not in a position to be protected. The reality was , that those two marines GAVE UP the CIA position and ENDANGERED the CIA agents and staff at the black site.

This is why the stand down order was given. They did not want to lose anymore personnel by giving away a secret position. The last thing the US goverment wanted, was to have CIA agents captured in libya when they werent suppose to be there in the first place.

Instead, these two marines disregarded the order, engaged the enemy, got themselves killed and jeopardized other americans.

You call them heros, and I call them idiots.

There is a reason we have a chain of command in the military. There is a reason officers give orders and soldiers carry out those orders. There is a reason soldiers cant make unilateral decisions after being given a directive.

These two marines demonstrated that failure to follow a direct order will cost you your life. Had they obeyed orders, they would be alive today. Instead, they donated thier lives to a useless cause.

They had no chance of saving the ambassador or his aide. NOBODY on that night knew the size of the force they were dealing with. The defense department watching in real time with a drone knew that nothing could be done for the ambassador, and sending in troops in a panic would only end up with more americans being killed.

If the defense department sent in 20 marines in two choppers, and the they ran into a sizeable armed force of lets say 50, the results could be catastrophic. Without LIVE intelligence on the ground, they could not place any more americans in jeopardy.

AS to the CIA black site that was there, weapons were being transferred to turkey via libya, and the turkish ambassador met with stevens earlier that day. Those weapons were finding their way to Syria where the rebels ultimately were using them against President Assad.

If you want the truth exposed about the US goverment, then keep pressing for this to make it out to the world.

Just like in the Reagan administration, he secretly sold weapons to the israelis, who sold them to the egyptians, who then sold them to the pakistanis who then transferred them to Usama Bin Laden and the Mujahadeen to be used against the Russians.

This time, we were arming the Syrian rebels, and this was taking place secretly in libya through ambassador stevens and the CIA blacksite.

Its quite possible that the "terrorists" who attack us on that night knew of this operation and decided to put an end to it.

Time will tell.




Well-Known Member
More "armchair" military strategies i see. First of all, lets address the cruise missile idea. You suggest, that the military, fire a guided weapon into a burning building that housed the ambassador and staff to somehow deter the terrorists, without actual confirmation that they were dead? Or are you suggesting that a guided missile be fired into the building after the attack had ended?

As for the civilians nearby who you say are not "innocent", were we at war with Libya at the time in order to have the designation "COMBAT ZONE" inacted?

We do not know who anybody was on that day. IN 12 other US EMBASSYS in the middle east, there were riots and protesters attacking those complexes over the Christian video mocking the prophet mohammed, this is UNDISPUTED. The "LOCALS" who you say tried to break up a gathering of unknown men, were in fact the LOCAL SECURITY personnel that were hired to protect the embassy.

The State Department Hired locals instead of placing marines on the ground because the situation in libya was still UNSETTLED and having boots on the ground posed more of a problem than protection.

We do not know who was responsible for the attack, who planned it or where they came from. In actuality, NOTHING that could be said about the attack would be accurate. "WE" as thinking people can put 2 plus 2 together to figure out that it was a terror attack and only a maroon would consider it anything else.

Those two "HEROS" that YOU claim were aiming lasers at the enemy, cost themselves their lives. They were told to "stand down" because it was inevitable that the ambassador and staff were not in a position to be protected. The reality was , that those two marines GAVE UP the CIA position and ENDANGERED the CIA agents and staff at the black site.

This is why the stand down order was given. They did not want to lose anymore personnel by giving away a secret position. The last thing the US goverment wanted, was to have CIA agents captured in libya when they werent suppose to be there in the first place.

Instead, these two marines disregarded the order, engaged the enemy, got themselves killed and jeopardized other americans.

You call them heros, and I call them idiots.

There is a reason we have a chain of command in the military. There is a reason officers give orders and soldiers carry out those orders. There is a reason soldiers cant make unilateral decisions after being given a directive.

These two marines demonstrated that failure to follow a direct order will cost you your life. Had they obeyed orders, they would be alive today. Instead, they donated thier lives to a useless cause.

They had no chance of saving the ambassador or his aide. NOBODY on that night knew the size of the force they were dealing with. The defense department watching in real time with a drone knew that nothing could be done for the ambassador, and sending in troops in a panic would only end up with more americans being killed.

If the defense department sent in 20 marines in two choppers, and the they ran into a sizeable armed force of lets say 50, the results could be catastrophic. Without LIVE intelligence on the ground, they could not place any more americans in jeopardy.

AS to the CIA black site that was there, weapons were being transferred to turkey via libya, and the turkish ambassador met with stevens earlier that day. Those weapons were finding their way to Syria where the rebels ultimately were using them against President Assad.

If you want the truth exposed about the US goverment, then keep pressing for this to make it out to the world.

Just like in the Reagan administration, he secretly sold weapons to the israelis, who sold them to the egyptians, who then sold them to the pakistanis who then transferred them to Usama Bin Laden and the Mujahadeen to be used against the Russians.

This time, we were arming the Syrian rebels, and this was taking place secretly in libya through ambassador stevens and the CIA blacksite.

Its quite possible that the "terrorists" who attack us on that night knew of this operation and decided to put an end to it.

Time will tell.



Wow, this blows me away! Glenn Beck has been saying this from the beginning--It makes sense and is entirely plausible. Yet he is belittled and called a conspiracy theorist.

It is too bad that you have resort to name calling, and then crossing the line when you say that Tony Snow got what he deserved. You turn people off to what could be a meaningful/interesting conversation...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wow, this blows me away! Glenn Beck has been saying this from the beginning--It makes sense and is entirely plausible. Yet he is belittled and called a conspiracy theorist.

It is too bad that you have resort to name calling, and then crossing the line when you say that Tony Snow got what he deserved. You turn people off to what could be a meaningful/interesting conversation...

I deal in realities. Tony Snow was a doof. I can have my opinion on him and you can have yours. It doesnt make me right, but its my opinion.

As for Bengazi, there is alot more involved than just an ambassador sitting at his desk pushing a pencil around and getting attacked. But, do we REALLY want the world to know what we are secretly doing to overthrow another goverment in the middle east? Dont the muslims hate us already for meddling in their countries?




Well-Known Member
TOS can defend the guilty all day --the facts are coming out.
They will start to eat their own.

Obama has figured out to stay in the White House three more years --with released e-mails --He will throw Hillary under the Bus.

Hillary will try to put Obama in the back of the Bus --by ratting that the whole coverup was his idea and he gave the stand-down order so that he could go to bed -to leave early for vegas the next morning.

Kerry who wants to drive the Bus has said that the STATE DEPT--will cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation on the COVERUP !

Joe Biden who has missed the Bus many times is trying to figure out how to sink both Kerry and Hillary before 2016 ---actually believing the he has a real chance of POTUS!!!!!:happy-very:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton

When you have a media that looks the other way, instead of doing their job. These scandals will result.

"There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness." Lord Acton

I don't know if this will bring any high ranking official down but there is attention and scrutiny being placed where it should have been back on September 12th.

The administration/obama is finally being questioned on it's honesty, integrity and credibility.

No administration should be able to roam the fruited plains unchecked and unfettered. (unfettered is the word of the week).


Staff member
When can we expect all of this to happen? I only ask because I think you were one of many around here predicting a Romney landslide. I think your political barometer may be off. Or was that just a political wish list.;)


Staff member
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton

When you have a media that looks the other way, instead of doing their job. These scandals will result.

"There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness." Lord Acton

I don't know if this will bring any high ranking official down but there is attention and scrutiny being placed where it should have been back on September 12th.

The administration/obama is finally being questioned on it's honesty, integrity and credibility.

No administration should be able to roam the fruited plains unchecked and unfettered. (unfettered is the word of the week).

I would say every administration since Jimmy Carter has roamed mostly unfettered.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS can defend the guilty all day --the facts are coming out.
They will start to eat their own.

Obama has figured out to stay in the White House three more years --with released e-mails --He will throw Hillary under the Bus.

Hillary will try to put Obama in the back of the Bus --by ratting that the whole coverup was his idea and he gave the stand-down order so that he could go to bed -to leave early for vegas the next morning.

Kerry who wants to drive the Bus has said that the STATE DEPT--will cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation on the COVERUP !

Joe Biden who has missed the Bus many times is trying to figure out how to sink both Kerry and Hillary before 2016 ---actually believing the he has a real chance of POTUS!!!!!:happy-very:

THis is quite a "WISHLIST" , unfortunately, NONE of it will happen. Talking points from the GOP isnt evidence ISLAND. You can believe in the game all you want, but the outcome will be the same. Fast and Furious is an example of over the top hyperbolic nonsense that was spread for months on end. Charges levied against the president that went NOWHERE. Hearings that accomplished NONE of the goals set out by the GOP.

Bengazi will be added to that list as well. A political desperation move by a party in trouble with American voters. A lame attempt to be "in charge".

Desperation that is clear on its face, and as transparent as saran wrap.

At the end of the day, the president will walk away from this UNHARMED.

Bet on it.




Strength through joy
And the locals I was referring to were members of the neighborhood , one who was the owner of the compound that the US was leasing.
Not some security force .


Strength through joy
[h=1]What About the Video?[/h]So, what about the video? The White House last week released nearly 100 pages of emails detailing some of the discussions within the Obama administration that resulted in major revisions to talking points about the Benghazi attacks drafted by the Central Intelligence Agency.
The emails fill in at least some of the details about the talking points. They also leave in ruins administration claims that White House and State Department officials were mere bystanders in the process. But how, exactly, the video became so prominent in the administration’s public rhetoric remains something of a mystery.
Hillary Clinton mentioned it in her remarks at the ceremony to receive the caskets of the four dead Americans on September 14, regretting the violence “over an awful Internet video we had nothing to do with.” According to Charles Woods, the father of one of the officials killed in the attack, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, Clinton told him at the same ceremony that the U.S. government would make sure the filmmaker was “arrested and prosecuted.” Pat Smith, the mother of communications specialist Sean Smith, reported that Clinton told her the same thing, “nose to nose.”
Asked about Benghazi on September 20, President Obama referred to “natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video [and] were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.” It was one of several times he would cite the video.

What About the Video? | The Weekly Standard

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What About the Video?

So, what about the video? The White House last week released nearly 100 pages of emails detailing some of the discussions within the Obama administration that resulted in major revisions to talking points about the Benghazi attacks drafted by the Central Intelligence Agency.
The emails fill in at least some of the details about the talking points. They also leave in ruins administration claims that White House and State Department officials were mere bystanders in the process. But how, exactly, the video became so prominent in the administration’s public rhetoric remains something of a mystery.
Hillary Clinton mentioned it in her remarks at the ceremony to receive the caskets of the four dead Americans on September 14, regretting the violence “over an awful Internet video we had nothing to do with.” According to Charles Woods, the father of one of the officials killed in the attack, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, Clinton told him at the same ceremony that the U.S. government would make sure the filmmaker was “arrested and prosecuted.” Pat Smith, the mother of communications specialist Sean Smith, reported that Clinton told her the same thing, “nose to nose.”
Asked about Benghazi on September 20, President Obama referred to “natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video [and] were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.” It was one of several times he would cite the video.

What About the Video? | The Weekly Standard

All those emails and NOTHING IN THEM to back up ANY of the claims of the republicans. Another waste of time. Some of the emails that the republicans LEAKED were "edited" and "changed" when compared to the actual emails that were released.

What does that say about the credibility of the GOP?




Strength through joy
So where did this video info come from ?
Who was the first one to declare that the well planned attack was caused solely by this video.
And can anyone find out just how many "hits" this U Tube Video had prior to the assualt , comparing it to how many "hits" after it was added to the talking points ?


golden ticket member
All those emails and NOTHING IN THEM to back up ANY of the claims of the republicans. Another waste of time. Some of the emails that the republicans LEAKED were "edited" and "changed" when compared to the actual emails that were released.

What does that say about the credibility of the GOP?



Where's all your proof? Where's the site link? Your speculation is just wishful thinking on your part.
Things would have turned out differently if Chelsea was the ambassador to Benghazi!!!


golden ticket member
All those emails and NOTHING IN THEM to back up ANY of the claims of the republicans. Another waste of time. Some of the emails that the republicans LEAKED were "edited" and "changed" when compared to the actual emails that were released.

What does that say about the credibility of the GOP?



You DO know there are 25,000 e-mails ????