Embassy Attacks

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What the IRS did is criminal. Nixon should have been impeached. He chose to resign. That was the right thing to do. If there is a link to the White House and obama, then he should be impeached as well.

It does not matter who is in charge, wrong is wrong and should not go unpunished.

Tell me who has been held accountable and how were they punished for any scandals? Did they lose pay? Were they fired from the federal government. Don't count the whistle blower (Gregory Hicks) who was threatened and then demoted for telling the truth at the last hearing.


You people are clueless. You believe all the chitt you are sold without thinking for yourself. You think youre an informed american, yet you post concepts like this one.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think you are going to find that the IRS was not acting politically, but in reaction to what it perceived as people it thought were trying to take advantage of the "Citizens United" decision.

Exactly. With sooo many republicans calling themselves "TEA PARTY MEMBERS" , tax cheats are rampant. Powerful men like Karl Rove took in over 1 billion dollars in donations to his SUPERPAC and that needs the strictest scrutiny.

Plenty of tea party oganizations attempting to get out of TAX obligations, and the IRS is simply doing their jobs.

Nothing will come of this story either.




Age quod agis
January 22, 2002. Calcutta, India. Gunmen associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami attack the U.S. Consulate. Five people are killed.

June 14, 2002. Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al-Qaida attacks the U.S. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.

October 12, 2002. Denpasar, Indonesia. U.S. diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of “Bali Bombings.” No fatalities.

February 28, 2003. Islamabad, Pakistan. Several gunmen fire upon the U.S. Embassy. Two people are killed.

May 12, 2003. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Armed al-Qaida terrorists storm the diplomatic compound killing 36 people including nine Americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.

July 30, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacks the U.S. Embassy, killing two people.

December 6, 2004. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Al-Qaida terrorists storm the U.S. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. Nine people are killed.

March 2, 2006. Karachi, Pakistan again. Suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Consulate killing four people, including U.S. diplomat David Foy who was directly targeted by the attackers. (This is the third Karachi terrorist attack in four years on what’s considered American soil.)

September 12, 2006. Damascus, Syria. Four armed gunmen shouting “Allahu akbar” storm the U.S. Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. Four people are killed, 13 are wounded.

January 12, 2007. Athens, Greece. Members of a Greek terrorist group called the Revolutionary Struggle fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the U.S. Embassy. No fatalities.

March 18, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Members of the al-Qaida-linked Islamic Jihad of Yemen fire a mortar at the U.S. Embassy. The shot misses the embassy, but hits nearby school killing two.

July 9, 2008. Istanbul, Turkey. Four armed terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate. Six people are killed.

September 17, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the U.S. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including RPGs and detonate two car bombs. Sixteen people are killed, including an American student and her husband (they had been married for three weeks when the attack occurred). This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.

All the events listed occurred prior to joining BC.
I have been a student of occurrences since Kevin was the youngest Marine held hostage in Iran when I was in Junior High School. I knew girls with crushes on him and a girl that dated him (if you call roller-skating dating).
Kevin grew up in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

And bbsam, I was aware of the list prior to Jones posting.


Staff member
Then Aj, I have to ask, how is the Benghazi attack so much different? In addition, why is being killed at a consulate with a secret CIA base nearby different than a grunt marine shot dead in the Iraqi streets?


Age quod agis
Then Aj, I have to ask, how is the Benghazi attack so much different? In addition, why is being killed at a consulate with a secret CIA base nearby different than a grunt marine shot dead in the Iraqi streets?

I said I was aware of all the events Jones listed. I said I have been aware of "events" since Kevin J. Hermening was a hostage in Iran. I became a BC member after the LAST occurrence listed.
And no, you don't have to ask. I am a GD American and I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone else on this thread.


Staff member
Hmmmm. I don't recall questioning you being an American. I guess we all can conclude whatever we want. I just find it odd this furor over four dead Americans...four out of thousands in the last decade plus. I don't see how this is anything but political when all the facts and all the history is put forth.


Staff member
All the events listed occurred prior to joining BC.
I have been a student of occurrences since Kevin was the youngest Marine held hostage in Iran when I was in Junior High School. I knew girls with crushes on him and a girl that dated him (if you call roller-skating dating).
Kevin grew up in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

And bbsam, I was aware of the list prior to Jones posting.
I grew up overseas, my folks were state department and knew or had worked with some of the hostages. We watched Argo a few weeks ago and it brought back a lot of memories, excellent film.


Age quod agis
I grew up overseas, my folks were state department and knew or had worked with some of the hostages. We watched Argo a few weeks ago and it brought back a lot of memories, excellent film.

I'll never forget when Kevin was hostage and his mom traveled to Iran to see Kevin. I recall how the community was divided on how this could mess things up and the when his parents were in Iran; Carter launched the failed rescue. Everyone thought Kevin's parents would be captured and held. They traveled in defiance of the State Department and President Carter.

Where did you live?


Staff member
I'll never forget when Kevin was hostage and his mom traveled to Iran to see Kevin. I recall how the community was divided on how this could mess things up and the when his parents were in Iran; Carter launched the failed rescue. Everyone thought Kevin's parents would be captured and held. They traveled in defiance of the State Department and President Carter.

Where did you live?
All over the world, but the most memorable were probably Russia (3 years) and Afghanistan(4 1/2 years). Didn't come back to the US til I was 13.


Well-Known Member
One small emphasis. The federal government is funded by us - the taxpayer. As a tax payer - I don't want my money going to NPR. By your own admission, they don't need my money anyway.

If you want to fund them - contribute as a listener!

I actually wish they would go to 100% listener funding.

Of course they won't - if any organization can get money from the government they will.

(Sesame Street, anyone?)

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Exactly. With sooo many republicans calling themselves "TEA PARTY MEMBERS" , tax cheats are rampant. Powerful men like Karl Rove took in over 1 billion dollars in donations to his SUPERPAC and that needs the strictest scrutiny.

Plenty of tea party oganizations attempting to get out of TAX obligations, and the IRS is simply doing their jobs.

Nothing will come of this story either.



I hope they looked into the Acorn break off groups also just saying...............


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I do not recall the president lying about those embassy attacks. If Obama would just say, "it is a high security thing, we could not send troops and risk their lives, we have info you do not"" It was a military decision, and as much as I would like to share it now is not the time, we are fighting a war on terror and this is one of the battles" I could maybe shut my mouth. But the fact, fact, he made up a lie to cover his ass, reeks of incompetency. Maybe he should hire me for his speech writer.


Staff member
I think they got caught with their pants down not knowing how much information they could divulge about a certain secret CIA installation in the area.


Well-Known Member
I do not recall the president lying about those embassy attacks. If Obama would just say, "it is a high security thing, we could not send troops and risk their lives, we have info you do not"" It was a military decision, and as much as I would like to share it now is not the time, we are fighting a war on terror and this is one of the battles" I could maybe shut my mouth. But the fact, fact, he made up a lie to cover his ass, reeks of incompetency. Maybe he should hire me for his speech writer.

Scandal 101:

Get the information out there ASAP.

Admit everything immediately.

Don't try to cover sh8t up, it's going to bite you in the :censored2:.

This administration is just like all the others...haven't learned from history.

So, now, the scandal is what happened after the Benghazi killings.

The incident itself, as Jones pointed out, happened many, many similar times during the last administration.

Watergate? No.

Iran-Contra? No.

Keystone Kops? ABSOLUTELY.


Staff member
Scandal 101 would suggest there are advanced classes. Like maybe Scandal 201 saying ignore Scandal 101 if it will get more people killed, blow cover for field agents or create an international fire storm. Domestic turmoil and clashes are easier to handle.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
And if they had said that, they would have avoided all this media blitz. And I could respect it. Having a bunch of people running round making up stories. Good Lord, anyone is smarter than that. If they had just told the truth, or at least made it sound like the truth, how would I ever know, Ive always found it easier than lying. That is what makes us, who don't like him anyway, like him even less. You cannot hold a position like this successfully, when 48% of the population of those paying attention, think you are a liar. And the stuff keeps piling on. Its a little hard to believe he is this gullible, and ignorant. But he is proving it daily.


Staff member
It's easy if it's true. We know about the clandestine CIA site. We don't know what it takes to close it down, tie up loose ends and move put. What is that time frame? As wk would say, keep them talking about the BS talking points and not about what the CIA was doing there. And as time goes on, 52% of the people will continue to like him and buy the story that the other 48% are being petty partisans still intent on making Obama a "one term president".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I am still confused over the "lie" part? Does it really matter if the President said at the time that it was Al Qaeda, Al Jazzera or Al Capone, all would have been wrong. INSTANT gratification is what the GOP faithful believe is the case with bengazi.

There is NOTHING that could have been done to save those 4 americans. This has been stated OVER and OVER in the hearings on Bengazi. All this ridiculous "arm chair" military expertise coming from people who watch a single news channel and believe they have it all figured out.

Despite the FACTS, despite the testimony, despite the reality, DOPEY things keep being thrown out there for the public consumption by the GOP talking heads. Just today, It was floated out by a Republican Congressman, that if OBAMA had just sent ONE fighter jet to fly over the embassy, the "terrorists" would have "scattered" and lives would have been saved.

Just how ridiculous is that?

First of all, it was midnight, DARK, and in the desert. Assembled in a residential neighborhood with poor lighting, How exactly was a fighter pilot suppose to navigate to the scene, fly around in the pitch black and scare off the "terrorists?" How would the "terrorists" know who the fighter jet belonged too? Can you see markings on a jet flying in the pitch black sky at over 500MPH? Why would we risk an aircraft costing millions of dollars and a trained pilot to do a stunt show in the middle of the night?

These are the kinds of stupid, yet repeated stories that keep getting floated out there as possibilities, and those "inclined" to watch fox news will believe.

Face facts people. Whether it was a video that sparked the violence, or armed rebels freeing captured rebels at the CIA black site or little green men from mars, it makes NO difference. Those americans were going to be killed NO MATTER what ANYONE said or thought at that moment.

Leon Panetta said he was NOT going to RISK further american lives without actual live information from people on the ground, and the goverment just didnt have that information.

You all can cry till you are blue in the face, but the circumstances could NOT have been different.

As for the 48% who believe this chitt, well, they also voted for Romney, how right did that turn out to be?




Well-Known Member
The whole thing is a play, a theatrical performance par excellence. The deeper question is why were Stevens and the rest even there to begin with? When one understands this as a CIA op to move Libyan SA-7 surface to air missiles from Libyan hands and into the hands of Al Qaeda jihadists otherwise known as Syrian rebels, then the "theater of the stars" performance becomes more understandable.

When the so-called good guys are in reality playing both sides of the street, I dare say the republican flag wavers will only grandstand this thing so far until they get the mileage out of it and then like a fart, it will disappear into the wind.

Here's a real intrigue for you. The democrat party power players (the unseen ones) don't want Hillary in 2016' so she gets sliced and diced to save Obama's legacy while tarnishing her own towards un-electibility and the next favorite son moves up the food chain. Who knows, maybe it's the GOP's turn at the helm.

You really think the treachery of Rome died with the Julio/Claudian and Flavian Dynasties?

Benghazi: CIA Terrorist Hub | Weapons of Mass Distraction - YouTube