Embassy Attacks

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Much like the Pat Tillman fictions?

I would take that story with a big grain of salt.

WOW! 3 quotes one after the other! - disparaging the name of heroes who died in the service of their country. They are heroes in every sense of the word.

Let's say it is not true and it is all a bunch of hype. Are these disparaging remarks really worth it? And you wonder why some of us have little or no respect for your words.

As always, the leftist elite intelligencia are the final word. After all, you were all there to document what happened right?

This is disgusting!


Well-Known Member
Cover Up - Oliver North - Page 1We all know about the notorious Obama “Kill List.” CIA Director John Brennan proudly told us about that last year when he described how the O-Team decides which Americans should be executed by Hellfire Missile fired from remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs). Why hasn’t the White House used this capability to “take out” those who killed our diplomats in Benghazi, Libya last year?


Well-Known Member
North is an American hero in every sense of the word. A brilliant Marine as well. 1000 times more worthy of that chair in the Oval Office than the current terror apologist.


Staff member
WOW! 3 quotes one after the other! - disparaging the name of heroes who died in the service of their country. They are heroes in every sense of the word.

Let's say it is not true and it is all a bunch of hype. Are these disparaging remarks really worth it? And you wonder why some of us have little or no respect for your words.

As always, the leftist elite intelligencia are the final word. After all, you were all there to document what happened right?

This is disgusting!
Nobody is disparaging these guys, just pointing out that there is zero evidence that they killed 60 insurgents in some Hollywood style gun battle. They died doing their jobs, and that should be enough to earn everyone's respect. Making up wild stories about it isn't being respectful, it's really kind of disrespectful.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
WOW! 3 quotes one after the other! - disparaging the name of heroes who died in the service of their country. They are heroes in every sense of the word.

Let's say it is not true and it is all a bunch of hype. Are these disparaging remarks really worth it? And you wonder why some of us have little or no respect for your words.

As always, the leftist elite intelligencia are the final word. After all, you were all there to document what happened right?

This is disgusting!


Do heros ignore direct orders and get themselves killed in todays military? Do heroes ignore direct orders and give away a position full of top secret personnel and jeopardize their lives as well?

Unfortunately, those are not heroes. They were stupid. They were derelict in their duties.

Those two men lost their lives because they couldnt follow orders. Orders that would have save their lives. Instead, they ignored the chain of command and got themselves blown up by mortar fire. No matter what they thought or what their intentions were, the chain of command already calculated that the ambassador and staff would not survive and WHO were these men who thought otherwise?

There unilateral decision got them killed.

They had no knowledge of the people that were attacking or what kind of firepower they had. To call them Heroes is foolish at best. Once they engaged the enemy, without proper information, they found out the hard way what a mortar blast felt like. Something I am sure they regreted at the moment just before they lost their lives.

This is a classic example of WHY soldiers need to follow orders.

Had these two men known the attackers had mortars and grenade launchers, maybe they would have rethought the idea of breaking command and ignoring orders.

A hero is somebody that fights the good fight and saves lives. NOT somebody who commits a direct disregard for the chain of command.

Counseling examples, Article 92 Failure to obey a lawful order or regulation: Any member of the armed forces who, (1) violates or fails to
obey any lawful order or regulation; (2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by any member of the armed forces, which it is
hi/her duty to obey ; (3) is derelict in the performance of his/her duties; may be punished under article 92.

What if, by the actions of these two "heroes", they got all the CIA agents and staff from the CIA black site killed as well, would you still call them heroes?

They got "lucky" nobody else was killed. For that reason, they are not heroes.

Try to look at the issue objectively.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Issa's big investigation is only about talking points, nothing else. There was no wrong doing in Bengazi, only tragedy. Happens everyday in this always at war world.


golden ticket member
Benghazi is only one of the crap stains on Obama's shoe....he keeps wiping his shoes and the sh^$ won't come off........Soon to be 4th piece stuck to his shoe is HHS....Sebellius.......her solicitation for donations is not kosher!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The White House wouldn't know the truth if the definition was written on a tele-prompter!

Same with you. You wouldnt know the truth even if it hit you on the side of the face. You merely watch a tv channel, accept the talking points as truth and then convince yourself you are informed.




Well-Known Member
Issa's big investigation is only about talking points, nothing else. There was no wrong doing in Bengazi, only tragedy. Happens everyday in this always at war world.

Hardly. This administration is a terrorist appeasing one. So they lied about a video to cover up their pathetic inconsistencies merely weeks before a crucial election to remain in power. Like the good Marxists they are. You and your ilk can be content with that. No change there either. No surprise as well. :/


Well-Known Member
Hardly. This administration is a terrorist appeasing one...

To be fair, that's incorrect.

This administration, if anything, has been tougher on terrorists than the Bush administration.

That's just facts.

Hate Obama all you want, but he's a terrorist-drone-strike-killing-(mother-fornicator)-machine.

He learned from the best, and he's continued Bush's agenda, as far as killing terrorists is concerned.

You simply cannot make the case that the current administration is 'appeasing terrorists'.

