Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
Hardly. This administration is a terrorist appeasing one...

To be fair, that's incorrect.

This administration, if anything, has been tougher on terrorists than the Bush administration.

That's just facts.

Hate Obama all you want, but he's a terrorist-drone-strike-killing-(mother-fornicator)-machine.

He learned from the best, and he's continued Bush's agenda, as far as killing terrorists is concerned.

You simply cannot make the case that the current administration is 'appeasing terrorists'.



Good point, but it doesn't change the fact. Hell he can't even call the terrorist act of Fort Hood "Terrorism."

"Senator Lieberman,[3] General McCaffrey,[4] and others have called the event a terrorist attack.[5][6] The Department of Defense and federal law enforcement agencies have classified the shootings as an act of workplace violence. They have declined requests from survivors and family members of the slain to categorize it as act of terrorism, or motivated by militant Islamic religious convictions."

Never mind the fact that he was shouting "Allahu Akbar" the entire time. Anyway.....whatever the reasons, incompetence or naïveté there's no excuse regardless of how this adm wants to spin it period.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Good point, but it doesn't change the fact. Hell he can't even call the terrorist act of Fort Hood "Terrorism."

"Senator Lieberman,[3] General McCaffrey,[4] and others have called the event a terrorist attack.[5][6] The Department of Defense and federal law enforcement agencies have classified the shootings as an act of workplace violence. They have declined requests from survivors and family members of the slain to categorize it as act of terrorism, or motivated by militant Islamic religious convictions."

Never mind the fact that he was shouting "Allahu Akbar" the entire time. Anyway.....whatever the reasons, incompetence or naïveté there's no excuse regardless of how this adm wants to spin it period.

If your point is that the fort hood shooter shouted religious sayings while committing his murders makes it an act of terrorism, then by all means, every right wing kook who goes on a rampage and claims that GOD motivated him should be considered a terrorist act as well. Every abortion bomber, every abortion doctor shooter, every shooting in a church should be considered an act of terror and that would "indict" all christians.

I agree with you 100%.

Right wing fanatics are "terror" groups. They have guns and claim religion to be their motivators. Same as the muslims.

Thanks for clarifying.




Well-Known Member
Holy *****e =O me and the ostrich agree!?

Then why do you continue to apologize for our ostrich in chief?

DOH! Silly me....never mind.


golden ticket member
National Security ??? We have a puppet as our National Security head.......

Payback for her storytelling.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama‘s top national security adviser Tom Donilon is resigning and will be replaced by U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, marking a significant shakeup to the White House foreign policy team.
A White House official confirmed the personnel changes Wednesday morning ahead of a planned announcement by the president later in the day.
Donilon has been a key foreign policy adviser to Obama since he first took office. But the 58-year-old had been expected to depart sometime this year, with Rice seen as the likely candidate to replace him.
Rice, a close Obama confidante, came under withering criticism from Republicans as part of the investigations into the deadly attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. Rice, relying on talking points from the intelligence community, said in television interviews that the attacks were likely spontaneous, which was later proven incorrect


golden ticket member

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Issa's big investigation is only about talking points, nothing else. There was no wrong doing in Bengazi, only tragedy. Happens everyday in this always at war world.

Obviously the liberal interpretation of "wrong doing". This definition changes depending on who is in office.

My definition of "wrong doing"...

- Not providing more security when an Ambassador asks for it
- Not sending troops when American soil is attacked
- Not holding Libya responsible for immediate protection
- Not doing everything possible to save American lives
- Not securing the assassination scene
- Not starting an investigation for 2 weeks
- Lying for political purpose to the American public for weeks about the cause of the attack
- Not doing everything possible to bring the perpetrators to justice
- Continuing to cover-up the truth and hope the American public just forgets about this
- Being a President who "leads" from behind - will not take any personal responsibility for the people HE puts in place and does not hold himself or his people accountable for their actions and does NOTHING to put this sad story to rest for America and the families of those who were wounded and killed.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be too sure about Hillary being screwed.
I hear she may run for POTUS in 2016.
Democrats have real short memories.....she could win.

The original Clinton Administration was surrounded by controversy and scandal. They are experts at spinning the truth or denying it altogether.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
As you well know, we are being stonewalled. Any fair-minded person can figure that out. The confidence of the American public in this government is diminishing faster than I expected it would. Probably because there is one scandal after another and something new exposes it's ugly head every day.

BO will have a catastrophic place in history if he doesn't get out in front of these scandals. Those of us who understand Chicago politics knew that it would surface at some point, even if it was after BO was out of office and didn't have a strangle hold on the evidence anymore. But, because of Benghazi, all the other scandals are coming to a head.

He can only delay the obvious for so long and he is history... pun intended