Embassy Attacks


Well-Known Member
As a parent of a Benghazi victim, how would you feel about this bs? How would you feel about your vote for a POS that flat out lied to your face about it as well? This house of cards is crumbling all around you....and you still make excuses for them. Willful cluelessness for the sake of a special interest or two. God help us all.


golden ticket member
I still question......how would Benghazi have been handled if Chelsea Clinton had been the ambassador ??? I think it would have made a huge difference !!!


Well-Known Member
As a parent of a Benghazi victim, how would you feel about this bs? How would you feel about your vote for a POS that flat out lied to your face about it as well? This house of cards is crumbling all around you....and you still make excuses for them. Willful cluelessness for the sake of a special interest or two. God help us all.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ crickets }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}


Staff member
If facts are old, they have no relevance? I am new, so no significant rep points.

You have been posting since 2009 and only have 43,645 compared to others.

Must be a vast right wing conspiracy sir.

Hillary will back you as she did her husband, who was slandered for no reason, other than he was from the left.
Hillary Clinton: Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy - YouTube

If you really must know, I was playing with post #1045. And furthermore, if you hang around for a while, you will soon notice how very little"rep" points really mean.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
That's not a scandal. That's casualties in a war zone. We should all be used to it now after a decade of war. Maybe we (except for McCain) are ready to be done with war for a while.
While you could be right, it was not our war zone, it was yes a war zone. I have no clue why we are there at all. And from listening to the few people who have talked about it, they had a certain amount of expectation to be somewhat protected. And it would probably not be such a big deal, if they, the administration down had not lied about it from the beginning.


All Trash No Trailer
While you could be right, it was not our war zone, it was yes a war zone. I have no clue why we are there at all. And from listening to the few people who have talked about it, they had a certain amount of expectation to be somewhat protected. And it would probably not be such a big deal, if they, the administration down had not lied about it from the beginning.
with all due respect : where was the outrage when the War In Iraq was started over lies and bullspit. 4500 american and untold thousands of Iraqi's died for nothing but to line the pockets of the very wealthy as well as taking out a former ally that was no longer useful to the US Government.
Not to diminish in any way the deaths of the the Four Americans that died in Bengahzi,but they KNEW going in it was a hostile zone


Staff member
Tooner--That smacks a bit of either self righteous indignation or willful naiveté. That's nothing new and both political sides play it up. Then the other side claims we are supposed to leave politics aside in matters affecting security. Fact is, there is nothing more political than war. Mistakes happen, people die and we, sitting in our armchair quarterback seats are "outraged" and "dismayed".


golden ticket member
The outrage & dismay might be from referring to deaths as phony scandals.....and phrases like "what differenc does it make". If mistakes happen.....where's the apology to the families of these 4 men ??


Staff member
The outrage & dismay might be from referring to deaths as phony scandals.....and phrases like "what differenc does it make". If mistakes happen.....where's the apology to the families of these 4 men ??

Apology? I imagine they received from he same condolences we give whenever we lose men and women overseas in war zones.


All Trash No Trailer
The outrage & dismay might be from referring to deaths as phony scandals.....and phrases like "what differenc does it make". If mistakes happen.....where's the apology to the families of these 4 men ??
that phrase was taken out of context,it had nothing to do with the attitude towards the deaths of the men. I know I know,those danged pesky facts again


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
It was not Iraq, and yes I am sad, but those guys and girls were brave and knew they were going to a war zone. They knew the chances and voluntarily took it for love of country. And they deserve our utmost respect and have mine.
Bureaucrats, and state officials, such as our president, get protection, those who "volunteered" do not. They are not armed, they are diplomats. Which I dont think they should be there, that aside. A war zone cannot be protected. A government facility can be. The fact that they call it phony, is why it is so bad. War zone or not, it should be recognized and humble us, not thrown aside, as phony.


golden ticket member